Orwell was the man when it came to politics, if he was alive today he would be labelled "nut job conspiracy theorist " and laughed upon by all most all.
Yet everything he says comes to be.. It is human nature that power and greed destroys justice and equality. Every great empire collapsed after reaching its pinnacle of greed and powerRoman, French, British....
Currently the Americans are the empire controlling and raping the world... The only difference now is the media, the Internet... It's a great brain washing tool that they use it to download ideas into our brain.. Keep us busy and conformed
That's why we are more civil now.. Most of us are docile and brainwashed and cannot see injustice ..
Sooner or later I am hoping the human mind wakes up and sees America and its alias for what they truly are and revolts against them.. This revolt HAS TO come internally from within the USA
I am so sad to see canada is no longer canada. We could go anywhere in the world and people would say "you are Canadian you are good"
If you don't look for a fight you won't find one. We went out looking for a fight and still do and yet we lie to our people saying they came looking for us
"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"