Harley Riders

Try HD-ROC on facebook you might have a better chance. Here, great forum not much in terms of HD riders.
Looking for BSA riders, and BSA riders only to ride with

The rest of ya'll are just not on real bikes
I ride Sunday mornings out the Niagara way for coffee and back .
Looking for Kawasaki riders, and only Kawasaki riders only to ride with.

The rest of ya'll are just not on real bikes.
Come now, let's not pick on just Harley riders for wanting to ride with other Harleys.

You just know that these guys only invited Beemers on their ride. And very specific model and year of Beemers at that...

View attachment 44427

And apparently they all dress alike with matching helmets too!
Inquire with the local dealer about area HOG chapter. They can set you up with getting connected with other HD owners.

There is also a couple of HD forums that are US based but with Canadian members that is fairly active.

You can lurk around and get to know some of them, reach out and connect with them.

I’ve found all to be helpful with info related to HD tech, parts and accessories as well as getting together for rides.

Good luck and cheers!

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this forum has way too much hate for hd riders. the op is looking for ppl who are into the same bikes as him theres nothing wrong with that. u guys gotta stop with this childish sht
this forum has way too much hate for hd riders. the op is looking for ppl who are into the same bikes as him theres nothing wrong with that. u guys gotta stop with this childish sht

Maybe its because they dont want to ride with anyone else?
Looking for other similar bikes makes perfect sense.
ie if I’m going riding and you want to ride with me you may not like running down a gravel road on your S1000RR. The Street glide rider might not be able to hang with the 600S/S on a spirited pace.
But looking for a certain brand is being a bike snob.
A touring bike is a touring bike and not all HD are touring bikes.
I wanted my buddy to buy an adventure bike. Ya I tried to sway him into the orange koolaid but he claimed they are not sporty or fast enough. He bought an MT09 but it only has a couple thousand km on it in 2 years anyhow so no big loss.
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