Freedom Rider
Looking for any Harley Riders or Rider Male or Female in Oakville or surrounding area too go for rides to any destination, weeknights and weekends
Try HD-ROC on facebook you might have a better chance. Here, great forum not much in terms of HD riders.
TksTry HD-ROC on facebook you might have a better chance. Here, great forum not much in terms of HD riders.
Why does the second question matter? Bike elitism? Personally, I rarely ride with people but when I choose to, I couldn't give a toss what bike they are on (unless they have straight pipes or a GP exhaust and are bleeping annoying to listen to).What time Sunday Morning and what do you ride ?
What time Sunday Morning and what do you ride ?
Come now, let's not pick on just Harley riders for wanting to ride with other Harleys.
You just know that these guys only invited Beemers on their ride. And very specific model and year of Beemers at that...
View attachment 44427
Isn’t that a spaghetti Harley?![]()
real Harley
Says so right on the tank![]()
this forum has way too much hate for hd riders. the op is looking for ppl who are into the same bikes as him theres nothing wrong with that. u guys gotta stop with this childish sht