Harley Riders

My own father tried to play that card on me.
I made a comment ribbing him about selling his Harley Davidson Ultra Classic and now I have no one to ride with. He said ”you sold yours first and I sold mine because you sold yours”
I sold my Road Glide to buy an 1190 Adventure I can go anywhere, just as far, and twice as fast as he could on his 2 wheel couch.
He bought a pontoon boat FFS.
Probably wants to ride with other Harley riders to avoid the juvenile remarks from envious cheap foreign bike riders.
Probably wants to pretend to be a hells angel
Probably wants to ride with other Harley riders to avoid the juvenile remarks from envious cheap foreign bike riders.
Cheap, foreign bikes?

/checks purchase order on s1kXR.

I see what you did there. ?
Have you ever looked at the Brembo brand brakes that H-D have special made for them when they want to put Brembo on their sales pitch :/ they are not top grade Brembo's, they are low cost under performance components compared to the top shelf Brembo's that are stock on your average Italian sport bike. H-D can claim superior domestic manufacture, design and distribution,
just as soon as they start designing and making a superior bike (y)

BTW Brembo is an Italian company.
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HD buyers spend no time looking at any of that
how many of them know the engine internals look like a steam engine?
they buy the image and lifestyle, the bike is a required accessory
Is this becoming racist?
Bikers Lives Matter. Harley, BSA, Velocette, Vincent, Matchless, Ariel.
LOL. :)
Since this thread is already totally derailed...

12:45pm today I’m in the fast lane going north on the DVP. Traffic is horrendously slow. Bumper to bumper and barely crawling along. Car in front of me decides to move to the lane to our right and edges over as traffic starts to move again. He’s about 2/3rds into the next lane and I figure there’s enough space for me to move left, close to the cement median and squeeze past. Just as I’m about to move left, I’m startled by a Harley Davidson coming through on my left in the narrow space between my SUV and the concrete. Caught something in my side mirror and fortunately hadn’t moved left as he narrowly squeezed through at a decent rate of speed.

This could have ended badly, for the rider and perhaps myself. I can only imagine the carnage that would have happened if I had made a move just one second sooner.

It’s bad enough we have to always watch out for stupidity on our roads and highways on a daily basis...I just didn’t expect the same stupidity from an OPP officer .

Btw, no flashing lights, no sirens, no horn, no warning...just didn’t want to sit stuck in traffic like the rest of us. Has no clue how close he came to a serious and potentially life-changing accident.

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Have you ever looked at the Brembo brand brakes that H-D have special made for them when they want to put Brembo on their sales pitch :/ they are not top grade Brembo's, they are low cost under performance components compared to the top shelf Brembo's that are stock on your average Italian sport bike. H-D can claim superior domestic manufacture, design and distribution,
just as soon as they start designing and making a superior bike (y)

BTW Brembo is an Italian company.

The Brembo on my Vrod were just fine . HD is not putting race brakes for bikes for cruising . The brakes on my new RG are integrated . Not once have I wanted more brakes . They do the job for the application .
Looking for any Harley Riders or Rider Male or Female in Oakville or surrounding area too go for rides to any destination, weeknights and weekends

I'm in G-Town and happy to meet up for a ride or two. I have a HD (see signature)
Not really sure how or why this thread derailed so badly, but I'll typically ride with anyone on anything.
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