I'm also not receiving e-mail notifications for thread replies, but I did get one for a PM.
Same here.
I'm also not receiving e-mail notifications for thread replies, but I did get one for a PM.
just got a PM saying "this site will be gone soon"
Said it was from Smail. What a loser
He might be right.. i know if i was Paul i don't think i would want to go through all this hassle. Good luck Paul man i don't envy you.
Its just a matter of locking him out. Cant be that hard
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Well thats depends on allot of things Vbulletin isn't fort knox and this version isnt the latest.
All you people saying that running a forum is such a hassle and not worth it, you're forgetting the fact this is a real business with quite a large user base, paying sponsors, etc..Paul and/or whoever else owns this is not doing it for free. Even the banhammer has been justified in the past with the fact it's a business and there are norms. As for the troubles, well, any job can be a hassle, that's why people get paid! It's another story why a real business like GTAM is not acting like a real business at all...[still waiting for the notification to all users to change their passwords in all other sites]
Can't he update?
Get a new server start all over? Maybe gtamotorcycle. ca
Sent from my tablet using my paws
maybe we all should not be posting in this thread about ideas on how to fix the problem, where the hackers can read??????
how about sending paul a pm. just an idea.
maybe we all should not be posting in this thread about ideas on how to fix the problem, where the hackers can read??????
how about sending paul a pm. just an idea.
I'm aware they can see pms , but this is Probbly making the guy smile every time we talk about him
- I am still concerned that some of the elements of the page appear to by trying to drop malicious code
Crap, you mean all those PMs I sent to the ladies exposing myself can be viewed by the hacker? :shock: