GTAM Trackday at TMP!! | Page 6 |

GTAM Trackday at TMP!! that I'm reading the comments on photogs, I wonder if I threw anyone off their game today by repositioning... that I'm reading the comments on photogs, I wonder if I threw anyone off their game today by repositioning...

Didn't bother me any, but I've been in this long enough to not change anything I do based on presence or absence of a photographer ...
Even though my Shift knuckle snapped (probably due to me being retarded on a down shift) on the 2nd lap of the Very FIRST session lol (my apologies for holding the next group up ...really...the ride of shame sucks) But after a long search for a spare, couldn't find one....and after a long search for a tig welder... couldn't find one...i had to drive half way home and stop at a local welder shop on the highway. The guy welded it back for $10...made it back for the after lunch sessions. thanks to everyone's help and patience with my NO knowledge of tools, mechanical stuff or anything lol Im a pain in the *** and i know ....especially sorry to Donovan for asking a million questions and getting on his nerves ...sorry. But Great day other wise. Great lunch, great people and always good to socialize with the GTA folk in person lol
this is what i broke by the way... if anyone knows where i can get one ASAP would be great!!!.....

20120825_100327.jpg that I'm reading the comments on photogs, I wonder if I threw anyone off their game today by repositioning...

I know you probably didn't get many shots of my absent *** but if ya did could you point me in the right direction as to where i could view them :) And No you didn't (or does any other photographer throw me off)
Thanks for another great GTAM day. I rode only in the morning due to, most likely failing wheel bearing, but had fun overall. It's good to hang around with people you are comfortable with. I really like the GTAM days more and more ... they also always book a good weather with the guy up there ... LOL
Good riding, good weather, good food, and had a good time hanging our with the GTAM peeps!
Thanks, tafb...I believe I've fixed the link now. :)
Yep, works perfect now :)

Sweet pics! You going to be at TMP Sept 2nd?

-Jamie M.

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