Gsxr 600 Boston pizza guy

f4rascal: i'm still pretty shocked tha it's still alive. I just checked it today and there's tons of ppl still posting here ahahahaha. No wonder why everyone thinks im a big stalker *shrugs*. 2 infinity and BEYOND

anth1414: we're not love birds! we never met cuz i didnt go back to that boston pizza. It would be weird.

lil_red_bird: plz dont sticky this, then i'll be the laughing stock of gtam!

miz_chief: i'm never going back to that boston pizza u guys make me feel bad :( *tear*. Also i'm not making any moves on this boston pizza man fiasco! If you guys are planing a meet at the boston pizza it's the one by scarborough town center.

d00dz: may the force be with u

aneconsulting: lol i hope boston pizza doesn't become the local hang out.
Some threads just never die this looks like one of them.:rolleyes:
.... they're probably making some pottery as we speak.....


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Awww how cute.. Fizzer-4 is really the Boston Pizza guy and wants to do some bumpin' on Aisu :D
lmao i think we all owe aisu a free outing at boston pizza. we should schedule regular weekly meets to a different boston pizza every time, circling outwards in a spiral direction until we track down this Boston Pizza guy. military style.
I'd put in a joke about it being true and you just wanting to keep things on the downlow, but I don't wanna bust a fellow-fizzer rider's chops too much :cool:
On a different note, don't you think poor Aisu's had enough infamy over this fiasco? ;)
Maybe, but I look at it as a service to Aisu- by keeping this thread alive we can keep his hope alive to one day find his Boston Pizza friend. :p
Halway through his thread he probably sent a ninja-assassin death-squad after the BP-guy lol
a year old thread - it needs revival.....cuz this thread is a LAUGH hahahaha
This is like a craigslist <a href="">missed connections</a> posting.
lmao i think we all owe aisu a free outing at boston pizza. we should schedule regular weekly meets to a different boston pizza every time, circling outwards in a spiral direction until we track down this Boston Pizza guy. military style.

I think dwebber7878 is starting this mission to track down thie infamous Boston Pizza guy. On the ride he posted for 10 May he's suggesting people can grab a bite at the BP at the AMC plaza out in Mississauga.
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