Gsxr 600 Boston pizza guy

Aisu can ride biatch since his bike got barbequed on the DVP. Mmmmm romantic.
I think we should arrange a meeting for them. Make sure pizza guy is there, when Aisu is gonna be there. "Oh, what a coincidence..." :D
bump :D

wonder if destiny brought them together yet, on a hot summer night......

Wow, who knew Boston Pizza would be so iconic to bikers! I'll need to ride up to the scarborough town centre to pay my respects...
Bump - for Aisu, I hope you find your long lost little buddy...

Have you tried a handwriting specialist?? Maybe they can decrypt the 'sand scribe'!!
anth1414: we're not love birds! we never met cuz i didnt go back to that boston pizza. It would be weird.

lil_red_bird: plz dont sticky this, then i'll be the laughing stock of gtam!

Best quotes on this site ever.

Thank you.
it is so tempting to sticky this but that would be a abuse of mod privileges.
Being that this happened a while ago chances are the dude probably doesn't even work there anymore. It would then be safe to go back there and 'meet someone else'.......
LRB, you don't have to sticky it.. We'll give it the occasional bump :D
Being that this happened a while ago chances are the dude probably doesn't even work there anymore. It would then be safe to go back there and 'meet someone else'.......
He probably is a stay at home mom for Aisu now.:D
it is so tempting to sticky this but that would be a abuse of mod privileges.

This needs to be a sticky in a new "Hall of Fame" section....

lol, this thread is jokes, thanks for keeping it alive guys!
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