Gsxr 600 Boston pizza guy

oops, um never mind that remark, I'm quiet and shy. I would never pick on such a lovely lady her age, I have been taught to respect my elders. The strange thing is, where does she keep the walker on the bike.:D

Where does she ring out her Depends? db
Where does she ring out her Depends? db
Probably in your drink.
bad_boys_14.gif this thread really still alive??

this "BOSTON PIZZA GUY" mystery is going to go down in history!
did the love birds actually meet again?

this is like a bad movie that i've watched from the start so i need to know how it ends.

did they live happily ever after? :love4:

ride of in the sunset...together??

i must know! lol
this is gonna last longer than that danged civic vs ss thread.
This thread has sticky writen all over it. Interpet that how ever you wish ;)

We'll do the corners if and ONLY if you provide this mysterious gixxer rider
You couldnt ever be Bibo..

ZEEEEENNNNNNNNNN !!!!!!!!!!!!11111
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