Group Ride Ignores ‘Groups of 5+’ and ‘Physical Distancing’

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Update, on page 5 multiple people admit that in their youth they did all kinds of dumb ****, and now just resort to yelling at clouds and telling kids to stay off their lawns.
I did a lot of dumb ****, some I'm pretty sorry for. I'd like others to learn from my mistakes, not repeat them.

Like I used to tell my kids, be part of a story, dont be the story.
I understand the “need to ride” I understand the ”need to be social“ I even understand the ”need” to ride fast or pop a wheelie or two.
But what I don’t get is the need to do all of these things at once. Yes I’ve been riding. Yes I’ve been social (very small groups of 2 or 3 with very large bottle of hand sanitizer). Yes I’ve gone faster than any cager would ever consider “safe”.
but you don’t see me plastered all over the news and inter web for my actions.
This group ride is no better than the dip ***** that still went on spring break in Florida because partying was more important to them than public health.
I guess all I’m trying to say is go ride and if you “need“ your buddies to see you pull a massive wheelie then just catch in on the go pro and send them a video.
Try to do controversial things in smaller groups it brings less heat.
Doing rides like this is selfish and irresponsible.
This group could have chosen to set a good example and chose not to.
I was invited to go to Dover this wkd and passed but still managed to get in 700km.
Sat at a bridge eating a packed lunch watching guys fly fish...great day indeed.
The only obstacle I encountered was searching for a washroom.
There's a few porta poti's out there if you know where to look.
Update, on page 5 multiple people admit that in their youth they did all kinds of dumb ****, and now just resort to yelling at clouds and telling kids to stay off their lawns.

Key word being "in their youth". I did some stupid stuff on my crotch rocket when I was 16 (and on my dirt bikes as a kid before that), but I was young and stupid. But by todays standards of hooliganism I was an angel in comparison.

BUT...the overwhelming majority of people I see in those photos are grown ass adults.

And I'm fairly confident that even in my "young and stupid" youth if something like Covid19 happened I'd have been wise enough to act accordingly. I'm actually surprised by the percentage of young people I see out and about who are taking this seriously by wearing masks in crowded public places, IE, grocery stores. I'm also surprised by the percentage of middle agers who aren't. And I'm disappointed by the large percentage of people who apparently are woefully clueless (STILL, to this day) about how Covid even works and spreads.

Today, "doing something stupid" on my bike would be considered laughably tame by what some may envision I was suggesting...and again, we don't all have our phones out to snap photos and video endlessly to share with strangers online. Even my riding buddies who have ran a GoPro in past rides are sensible enough to post the video privately (or not at all, just giving people copies on a USB stick or something if they want it) versus posting it for all to see.

I have gigs of photos of buddies from past rides, lunches, drone photos, lots of video etc etc etc....but I don't get the mentality that some have that makes them feel it's essential they rush home after a ride and post it all on Instagram and Twitter for the world to see even when a lot of people in those photos and video are almost certainly not cool with that.
I think my first phone was an LG with those fancy slide out keyboards. Camera had all of 1.3 megapixels. The very definition of potato quality :p
I've still got a razr, but use a rugby now. looking at the LG and a blackberry bold on my desk right now.
Doing rides like this is selfish and irresponsible.
This group could have chosen to set a good example and chose not to.
Anyone who chose to participate in this ride after seeing how people were hanging out is a moron.
Rode most of the afternoon yesterday, kept it at a group of 5 max with people joining and leaving.

When we were getting off my bike i was keeping my distance, we had a good time. It's not that hard to do.
And honestly after being part of 2-3 bigger group rides, i don't really see the point. I find that 5 is the sweet spot. 12 starts being too many. Above that become kinda messy.
My personal preference is 4-5 riders all of which I know and we are familiar with each others riding style; that's the majority of the riding I do. Once in a while it is fun to have a bigger ride but ~20 people is way too many in my opinion. It becomes a real pain in the neck to try to keep everyone together. At that point it's more of a "parade" then a ride which can still be enjoyable depending on the individual. Never thought the group I started with 3 other riders would grow to the size it is today but pretty neat to see I guess.

I could also never see the appeal of the 100+ rider rides or any of the 400 series rides. I hate highway riding. But we all have our preferences ?‍♂️
Anyone who chose to participate in this ride after seeing how people were hanging out is a moron.
Yup, slow roll up to meeting point, then a quick hell no and off on your own ride. You could instantly see exactly what this was and what was going to happen.

100% this. As soon as this sort of mess of a congregation started, I'd be history.

Hahahaha the passive aggressive group of emoticon-ers is too much

Found a participant.

Tell us again how Covid spreads, would you?
Found a participant.

Tell us again how Covid spreads, would you?

Didn't we already go over this? I wasn't at the ride. I would say if I was, I don't care, riding motorcycles IS social distancing. Tell me otherwise. Also wouldn't have stood next to anyone if I was there.
Didn't we already go over this? I wasn't at the ride.


So tell us again how Covid spreads then, since presumably you are condoning rides like this?

Or are you in one of the "it's just the flu/this is all a big overreaction/it only effects the boomers/I don't have any symptoms so I'm ok/some other conspiracy theory" camps?
Didn't we already go over this? I wasn't at the ride. I would say if I was, I don't care, riding motorcycles IS social distancing. Tell me otherwise. Also wouldn't have stood next to anyone if I was there.
The vast majority of pictures weren't riding. There was a circle jerk at the meeting point, followed by a circle jerk at a gas station, followed by a circle jerk at the destination . . . Pretty much the definition of how to spread it.
Didn't we already go over this? I wasn't at the ride. I would say if I was, I don't care, riding motorcycles IS social distancing. Tell me otherwise. Also wouldn't have stood next to anyone if I was there.
The riding part is not the problem. I cannot imagine this is beyond anyone's comprehension.

Oy Vey.
I had some folks in my group join the ride for frontline workers, and the pictures had lots of people standing a foot or two from each other hanging out. Some of the hospitals they went by had happy looking workers who came out to watch.

When I initially heard about it, I said in the group chat it sounded like an incredibly stupid idea, but one guy said he was a frontline worker and thought it was great. One of the guys who went has a wife who is a nurse as well. So, I don't think there was no support for this.

That said, it was still a painfully stupid idea. My issue wasn't/isn't the ride itself, it's the hangout on either end of the ride that is inevitable. People will believe what they want to believe and do what they want to do. It's amazing that people are able to convince themselves that they're not part of the problem sometimes, but hopefully nothing bad comes of it. I don't believe in complete restriction of fun for the sake of safety (which would be no riding at all), but organizing an event where you know many people are going to congregate in an unsafe manner like this is irresponsible.
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