Great.... Pegassus' Plan To Lead A Group Ride Is Snuffed By Rain

When did you get rid of the bike?! I thought you were on an old interceptor, not a 599

I had the interceptor for 2.5 seasons, sold it to get a bike that didn't break down every week. Highsided the 599 at the end of the season, complete write off.
What are the on ramp posts refrencing? Has anyone actually met peggy or is it safe to assume it's just a troll account at this point?
What are the on ramp posts refrencing? Has anyone actually met peggy or is it safe to assume it's just a troll account at this point?

Unfortunately he's not intentionally's far, far worse than that.. :-)
Haha I didn't want to ride with him to begin with, hell I'm still on the fence about whether or not he's just a very elaborate troll. If he isn't he's got some serious issues he needs to deal with.

While you're being awesome and showing me threads ofninterest do you think you could point me in the direction of the thread where there was a crash in the scarborough group ride. This weather sucks and I need something to keep me occupied.
Dunno where to look other than rides and meet ups - I didn't read that one. There was a Rogo crash thread - that's the only one I'm aware as I was the next rider in group.

The weather does indeed suck and the Perseid Meteor shower is peaking this weekend...:(
Haha I didn't want to ride with him to begin with, hell I'm still on the fence about whether or not he's just a very elaborate troll. If he isn't he's got some serious issues he needs to deal with.

While you're being awesome and showing me threads ofninterest do you think you could point me in the direction of the thread where there was a crash in the scarborough group ride. This weather sucks and I need something to keep me occupied.

I think that's a reference to TAFB's crash (the latest one), who lead some Eastend group rides.

The story as I understand it is he was leading his GF through the Rouge River when he crashed into a van and she crashed into the ditch trying to avoid him. They had video so he was deemed at fault, she was deemed not at fault, and they lived happily ever after. Ish.

And TAFB is rational next to Peggy.
Ya, I'm hoping to catch it monday night if it's clear. I think I read somewhere that theres someplace in Hamilton where you can go to get a decent view. Someone should set up a ride for that.

Thanks for the info, it's always cool to hear the gossip about various board members. Makes it much more personal which isn't a bad thing.

Anyways enough offtopic. I would still love to go on a ride with peggy, if only to get him on the gopro to see if he's as good as he claims he is. Has anyone actually ridden with him before? I mean the main reason I joined this board was to be able to meet up with likeminded people and actually RIDE.
I think that's a reference to TAFB's crash (the latest one), who lead some Eastend group rides.

The story as I understand it is he was leading his GF through the Rouge River when he crashed into a van and she crashed into the ditch trying to avoid him. They had video so he was deemed at fault, she was deemed not at fault, and they lived happily ever after. Ish.

And TAFB is rational next to Peggy.

Yeah he has a website dedicated to that crash with lots of pics:
Thanks for the link, checking it out now. Right now I'm in buckhorn and it looks like it will be cloudy all night. Sunday night may be a no go due to work on Monday, but I took Tuesday off so monday night would be the best chance I get.
Can you link me to the bike crash thread of ToysAreForBoys and his girlfriend? I want to see it (and the video).

There is no thread. I had to piece the story together from tidbits here and there. My guess is the GF wasn't shameless like TAFB, so she probably didn't want everything broadcast online.
When I read this thread I thought ya'll are going to 'dis' him a lot....

but whatever.... I'm still a newb so no coming in this group ride....but...

Added 1 one more penny to this thread fountain to bump it to top.....
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