Great.... Pegassus' Plan To Lead A Group Ride Is Snuffed By Rain

Okay am I missing something here, what's a tafb ride and why are Scarborough group rides horrid? What do you mean "ran into a van"?
There was no van, not sure where people keep getting this info from.

I think that's a reference to TAFB's crash (the latest one), who lead some Eastend group rides.

The story as I understand it is he was leading his GF through the Rouge River when he crashed into a van and she crashed into the ditch trying to avoid him. They had video so he was deemed at fault, she was deemed not at fault, and they lived happily ever after. Ish.
So much misinformation!

My GF was leading, on Twyn Rivers, heading east around the 130 degree blind right hand corner. As she was exiting the corner she saw an SUV in her lane and swerved to the left (his passenger side) to avoid it and hit a telephone pole. Either because the SUV swerved more to avoid my GF, or it was his initial trajectory from the start, he was fully in my lane as I came around the apex of the blind corner and he hit me head on. Both bikes were a write off, I shattered my femur and broke my arm. My GF only dislocated her shoulder.


My GF was found at fault for her "single vehicle accident" because she didn't come into contact with the SUV at all, and "left the road of her own free will" (the SUV driver said "he swerved to miss her and hit me" and that's what they went with). She was charged with "failure to remain in marked lane". It didn't make sense because that was the third time we had driven twyn rivers in a row and she had a great line through the corner until she went out of view.

I had onboard video and was found NOT GUILTY at court (mostly because the SUV driver said "he swerved to miss her and hit me"), and NOT AT FAULT by my insurance company. The police initially charged me with careless driving "because my vehicle came to rest in the SUV drivers/oncoming lane" lol.

As I found out, they do absolutely NO type of accident reconstruction at all, unless a fatality is involved!! Totally sucks having to prove them wrong, when they charged you and NOT the SUV driver!

The thing that sucks is even though I was found not guilty, the SUV driver doesn't get charged with anything!

-Jamie M.
Ah OK. Thanks for clearing that up TAFB, and sorry for spreading misinformation.

Sounds pretty ridiculous, they both "failed to remain in marked lane" but your GF gets the charge? Sounds like motorcycle descrimination to me now.
Total time: 9 mins 8 seconds
Average speed: 274kph

Fun times :)

-Jamie M.

How did you get an average speed 10 kph faster than your top speed on an 09 R6?
Ah OK. Thanks for clearing that up TAFB, and sorry for spreading misinformation.

Sounds pretty ridiculous, they both "failed to remain in marked lane" but your GF gets the charge? Sounds like motorcycle descrimination to me now.
No probs man, I was in the hospital for a while and had my court date coming up so I couldn't really tell my side of the story at the time.

The police have a tough job. If there's no brake/skid marks, and no witnesses, they have to go by what they think happened. I'm on morphine so can't give a statement, my GF is too out of it to give a statement, and the SUV driver says to the cop on scene "I was stopped, in my lane, and he hit me!" I guess the cop has no choice but to write us tickets, and not him.

It all got straightened out in court.

That's stupid wtf.

So your girl should have stayed in the lane and got hit.. to avoid her charge and not be at fault?
That's how it works unfortunatly. If you deviate from your lane to avoid an accident, and it ends up happening anyway, you're at fault. The only "safe" course of action in their eyes is to continue on in your lane and if applying the brakes didn't avoid the accident, it wasn't your fault. Swerve to avoid?? nope! lol.

How did you get an average speed 10 kph faster than your top speed on an 09 R6?
Have you ridden an R6? Who made you think the top speed is 264??? LOL! You can blow past 264 EASY on any 08+ R6!!! The physically limited top speed on an 08+ R6 is 283km/h. Other 600 bikes might have higher top speeds (be it theoretical or actual) because they have different gearing, and also because they may not limit the throttle to 75% near the top of the RPM range like the R6 does (really murders the R6 up high, that's why it's so hard to get to 283km/h)!

ALL bikes, be it 600 or 1000, busa, etc. are electronically limited to 298km/h.

That 507 trip was done on my 07 R1, GPS verified top speed of 329km/h (hits the custom rev limiter of 14250 at that speed, flashed ECU).

I once rode with a guy who hit 295 on his 600RR. For serious! He tucked in really tight!
295 on his speedo? That's about 275 in real life if that's the case, assuming his bike is totally stock (tires/gearing). No doubt a 600 could get to 295 though, the right tail wind, and lots of room, flashed ECU, correct gearing, no problem.

-Jamie M.
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Have you ridden an R6? Who made you think the top speed is 264??? LOL! You can blow past 264 EASY on any 08+ R6!!! The physically limited top speed on an 08+ R6 is 283km/h. Other 600 bikes might have higher top speeds (be it theoretical or actual) because they have different gearing, and also because they may not limit the throttle to 75% near the top of the RPM range like the R6 does (really murders the R6 up high, that's why it's so hard to get to 283km/h)!
-Jamie M.

I've ridden pretty much everything. What I quoted was an actual top speed radar test of the 2009 R6. The only way to blow past this top speed is to throw it off a really tall cliff, have a sweet dream, or substantial engine work.

What you are doing is either the classic young guy wishful thinking add-on of more speed (gets taller in the telling) when describing to laymen, or you actually believe your 10% optomistic speedo and it's false reading (which is understandable). Or you may be basing your speed claims on the factory estimated top speed based on gearing.

But if you are trying to argue a black and white FACT which is radar gun PROVEN you may want to consider that:

1) Your audience here is likely to be knowledgeable about easily searched motorcycle facts.
2) When arguing against literal facts consider how that makes your IQ seem to others.
3) Understand what an "average" means. It includes starting and stopping and everything in between.
4) 600's don't need an electronic speed limiter becasue they cannot reach the self imposed limit of 300 kph. At most they will have ignition retardation in the lower gears to soften the initial hit.

Typical mods will not, ever, allow you to push so far past aerodynamic limitations like the speed increase you are describing.

The R1 is a different story of course. The fastest top speed (radar gun verified FACT) for a late model R1 that I have ever seen posted is 182 mph (293 kph). Again, even the R1 has no need for a top speed limitation.

What I have posted here are proven facts, not faith based teachings and legend, or wishful thinking.
I once rode with a guy who hit 295 on his 600RR. For serious! He tucked in really tight!

Trolling . . . trolling . . . and what does he snag?

That 507 trip was done on my 07 R1, GPS verified top speed of 329km/h (hits the custom rev limiter of 14250 at that speed, flashed ECU).

295 on his speedo? That's about 275 in real life if that's the case, assuming his bike is totally stock (tires/gearing). No doubt a 600 could get to 295 though, the right tail wind, and lots of room, flashed ECU, correct gearing, no problem.

The laws of physics are repealed in the imaginations of small children.
I've ridden pretty much everything. What I quoted was an actual top speed radar test of the 2009 R6. The only way to blow past this top speed is to throw it off a really tall cliff, have a sweet dream, or substantial engine work.
We're talking apples and oranges here. You are quoting what speed they can reach at 75%/76% (08 R6/07 R1) throttle, I'm quoting what they can reach at 100% throttle, slight difference ;)

How fast do you think an R6 can go at 75% throttle? 264kph? Yep, you're probably right! That's what the bike is limited to from the factory! That's why the top speed sucks ***!!

How fast can an R1 go at 76% throttle? 293kph? Yep, you're probably right! That's what they are limited to from the factory! That's why the top speed sucks ***!

I run a GPS on every bike I own, even had one tested for accuracy recently (because of a court case). When travelling in a straight line at a near constant speed for 2 seconds or more at a speed of 100kph they are 99.5% accurate, and as the speed increases it becomes more accurate down to 99.9% at 300kph.

08 R6:

07 R1:

ALL of the speeds I quoted are GPS speeds. The factory speedo is off from the factory, and once you change the tires or gearing becomes totally useless unless properly calibrated (with a speedo healer, etc.).

If you think my R1 doesn't break 300 get the test set up and if it doesn't, I'll cover the costs for the set up and throw in $100 for yourself. I can run it in absolutely stock form, right down to the air filter, the only change being a flashed ECU so you can run 100% throttle (instead of 76%) at the high RPM's :)

-Jamie M.
TAFB, you sure can take a licking and keep on on the last of those 9 lives yet, or still got a few more to go??
TAFB, you sure can take a licking and keep on on the last of those 9 lives yet, or still got a few more to go??
After my car accident (linked previously in this thread) my neurosurgeon said "If I had 9 lives, that used up 8!".

After I got out of the hospital I bought my first motorcycle, 2000 CBR 929!


When I went to a follow up appointment he saw the motorcycle and said "Is that yours? Remember what I said about those 9 lives? Well, that'll use up the last one!" lol.

I've been trying to use the last one up ever since!

I guess after this most recent accident you can say I have 0.5 lives left, my femoral artery was pinched between the two pieces of my broken bones, if it had have been cut, I probably wouldn't be here. And during the surgery to insert the rod in my leg my lungs filled with fluid and they had to emergency wake me up so I could try and breathe on my own while they fixed the machine. That was the most scariest moment in my entire life, waking up on the operating table with them yelling at you to breathe, and you can't because if feels like you're drowning, with every breath pink foam came out of my mouth and nose.


-Jamie M.
I agree with you here, I have seen a guy on 250cc engine with a 2up riding at 140 on 507, keeping up with 600cc and 675cc... rider skill mostly, but hey if peggy thinks 250s are slow to ride with I respect his opinion and will show up with a bigger bike... like a 1300cc or something..
507 at 140 is a pretty boring ride
And during the surgery to insert the rod in my leg my lungs filled with fluid and they had to emergency wake me up so I could try and breathe on my own while they fixed the machine. That was the most scariest moment in my entire life, waking up on the operating table with them yelling at you to breathe, and you can't because if feels like you're drowning, with every breath pink foam came out of my mouth and nose.


-Jamie M.

What hospital was this at :S??..

Why wouldn't they have intubated you, trach you, and or stick u on a vent?! They woke you up from sedation to make you breathe?!?!

WHERE DID THIS HAPPEN?! That is ridiculous!
What hospital was this at :S??..

Why wouldn't they have intubated you, trach you, and or stick u on a vent?! They woke you up from sedation to make you breathe?!?!

WHERE DID THIS HAPPEN?! That is ridiculous!
I had a tube down my throat and was on a breathing machine. I believe the machine broke or clogged because it filled with foam/fluid from my lungs. They woke me up to breathe while they swapped out the machine, at least that's about what I can remember. The surgeon didn't want to talk about it afterwards.

At Rouge Valley/Centenary Scarborough.

-Jamie M.
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