Good revenge stories

that is why i said in the original post that sometimes its good to wait a year or so.. Personal satisfaction is great ( and demented a bit lol )

Edited: The op did share a story, so I withdraw my comment/accusation
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pleaswe dont come into this thread with name calling. or you will be reported.

I think you're doing fine work. Some people have very serious opinions. Because of that they don't consider themselves trolls.
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Please contribute a meaningful personal experience on the topic of the discussion that you started and I'll gladly retract my comment :) Until then, it's not "name calling", it's "stating a fact" <-- big difference between the 2

Please contribute your own, or dont bother posting.
I'd tell you to re-read this thread, then remove your comment.
but i dont care at the moment. Ive already shared, and you've
attacked anyways.

maybe You should start your own thread.

maybe call it----- how stupid people look when they always wear camouflage.
Maybe the two of you guys should take your differences to the track and quit babbling on and on wasting bandwidth before Paul locks this silly thread for good.
Maybe the two of you guys should take your differences to the track and quit babbling on and on wasting bandwidth before Paul locks this silly thread for good.

Agreed.. The post was very vague bit it's there.. I'm editing out my comments and extending my apologies to the OP in gratitude for finally joining in. In the spirit of reconciliation, here's a story from a distant childhood of one GTAMer..

In another country there were 2 brothers who prided themselves on their new Mercedes. One time, they beat up on a couple of kids for the crime of walking too close to it as they were passing through. That happened in a country where the cops wouldn't have done much in case of such an incident. Well those guys were outsiders, new to the neighborhood, while the kids in question were from well established families in the neighborhood. So some neighborhood kids gathered in a group of 15-20, picked up some sticks and bricks.. And.. Well... That Mercedes probably wasn't cheap to fix after what happened to it the same afternoon those neighborhood kids got together :cool:
Finally joining in ? I joined when i felt like it. and also, I joined Before you asked, btw. LOL

dont think i did because YOU asked.
A small sub-contractor once used by our company ran into issues... he wasn't paying the peeps who he was sub-bing out the work to.

He went MIA for a while after being beaten to a pulp by one of those sub's he didn't pay..
Long ago, in university times. Firestart hired me to help him dig up his back yard to build a shed ... no, not the shed of doom.

He gave me some poison coffee which messed up my stomach and made me barely able to work. Digging in pain and not stopping, I decided to get revenge and threw up on his yard. I was more productive after.
Long ago, in university times. Firestart hired me to help him dig up his back yard to build a shed ... no, not the shed of doom.

He gave me some poison coffee which messed up my stomach and made me barely able to work. Digging in pain and not stopping, I decided to get revenge and threw up on his yard. I was more productive after.

Lol... I think the story was more along these lines... A long time ago, you were given some real coffee but your stomach wussed out and couldn't hold it down.. You took your revenge on it by pulling through and finishing the job :D
Turska kafa?
dzezva ? that's what he had you digging up in the yard, turska kava is the black loam soil from swampland near the Black Sea.

I could get a demitasse down, but I wouldn't have thrown up in his yard , I'd have been burying things back there. Indeed a suitable revenge for anybody that claims to like strong American coffee is a mug of that stuff.
A fair bit of time ago a fellow flew into a rage and kicked over a motorcycle whose owner had nothing to do with the issue at hand. Some time later the kicker brought his car (BMW) in for service at the motorcycle owner's place of work. At that time the motorcycle owner dumped several bottles of gatorade instead of vehicle coolant into the car. It was a slow but fruitful endeavour.
A fair bit of time ago a fellow flew into a rage and kicked over a motorcycle whose owner had nothing to do with the issue at hand. Some time later the kicker brought his car (BMW) in for service at the motorcycle owner's place of work. At that time the motorcycle owner dumped several bottles of gatorade instead of vehicle coolant into the car. It was a slow but fruitful endeavour.

LOL what a fool... im guessing the car owner forgot about the MC owner ? LOL
LOL what a fool... im guessing the car owner forgot about the MC owner ? LOL

It's a small "city" ;) the beauty of it is it took so long for the process to happen the guy had NO idea whodunnit.
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