...no, the majority are very happy without weapons. .
Yeah right. Tell that to the policemen who's trying to negotiate with armed murderers with just a baton. How much UK police is shot every year?
...no, the majority are very happy without weapons. .
Yeah right. Tell that to the policemen who's trying to negotiate with armed murderers with just a baton. How much UK police is shot every year?
Yep, feel good laws are rarely if ever reverted. The stupidity of the leftards.....
Now don't be letting facts get in the way of a good emotional argument......
Facts? Like a year on year decrease in gun related crime? Lol.
Tell me about total crime.
And what say you about the stats posted here already which were:
UK rate of gun homicides per 100k
1992: 0.07
1997 (major set of gun bans): 0.05
2011: 0.06
How about a little education instead? Hint: Look at trends...recent trends. Isolated stats are for bagels.![]()
no, the majority are very happy without weapons.
Why do all the leftards never grasp the idea of dealing with the criminals not the guns if they want to curb the crime?
P.S. Thanks for making the distinction between "leftist" and "leftard".. I swing a bit left of the NDP (more in line with the Norwegian model), but am still highly in favor of a high degree of personal freedoms.
Somebody should ask Lee Rigby for his opinion. Oh wait........
I didn't know you were communist
Sent from my tablet using my paws
Lee Rigby made the news precisely because it was such a rare event. Next?
Even rarer in Switzerland where every household is legally required to have an assault rifle (something most Americans can't have, believe it or not)
The reasons why this made the news are as follows:
-Gruesome act of terrorism
-Helpless victim
-Unarmed police services unable to assist the victim
On the flip side, look what happened to Alton Nolen. Ok, he got one victim, but would have got a lot more had the on-site manager not been allowed to carry a gun to work. That's the contrast between a society that actively turns its members into victims and a society that values the basic human right to defend yourself.
Question: if a large proportion of the population are bagels (which I agree with btw) does it make sense to give them the freedom to do whatever they like with anything they like? Or is this freedom only open to a select group of armed non bagels seemingly decided upon by a board of self described non bagels?
Alton Nolan killed one....Lee Rigby was killed, a number of 1. So? Gruesome acts of terrorism both neither prevented by armed or unarmed populace.
Question: if a large proportion of the population are bagels (which I agree with btw) does it make sense to give them the freedom to do whatever they like with anything they like? Or is this freedom only open to a select group of armed non bagels seemingly decided upon by a board of self described non bagels?
You did miss out a teensie weensie slightly important detail about Switzerland and Norway.........compulsory military service.
I'd have no problem with the same gun laws here if that was the case.....would you have a problem with your freedom to do whatever you want....as long as you also had to do military service?