maybe one of you smart computer people could make an App for quick hookups. the app would supply everything needed for a good legal ****.
There is already one...
maybe one of you smart computer people could make an App for quick hookups. the app would supply everything needed for a good legal ****.
What? Are you posting in the wrong thread again?![]()
Good idea for an app.
That app is useless on the bases that consent can not only be given at the beginning and then everything goes. Consent has to be given as the sexual act progressesThere was an app called "Good2Go", that came out in September, and got killed by Apple.
So, more like every now and then at minimum 5 times a session??
Really an interesting world we live in these days ....
it is never that black and white, some couples like to play forced sex, it is part of what turns them on, she likes to be restrained and he likes to be the aggressor, in some cases is backwards, that is why there are 'safe words', but that requires communication and rules and it is hard for new couples to navigate through that, specially if the girl thought she was up for it and started playing and in the middle realized 'I am not up for this', it is shared responsibility.I never last that long anyway..but no the idea is that consent is always ongoing so I someone decides half way through they arn't enjoying it or something and they stay stop it stops. Its a simple concept that you honestly already knew and probably follow.
Some girls have asked to be slapped, some girls have asked to be spit at, what if after it happened they didn't like it and claimed sexual abuse?
Never is black and white!
I think I failed in communicating my point properly, oh well.Its not black and white but consent is simple is like you already said safe words and communication define the act in scenario based play. If someone try's something that they don't like they either stop or say don't want try it again. Now i'm not going to say that its never happened that someone has regretted a sex act and claimed rape/abuse it has although it account for only ~3% of reported rapes cases its not an endemic issue.
We are all(mostly) functioning human adults the concept of consent easy to grasp.
Lol, Some people just don't know what they don't know!A respectful, loving partner can easily tell the difference between the playful "No, no, no," that really means "Yes, that feels good," and the real "No!" That means "Stop, that's going too far." There's body language involved as well as intonation and facial expression.
I am just trying to say that not everyone is vanilla and none of us really know what happened.
Some girls have asked to be slapped and chocked, some girls have asked to be spat at, what if after it happened they didn't like it and claimed sexual abuse?
Never is black and white!
Some pretty big assumptions in here! I confess I haven't read everything related to the victims but how can any of the bold sections be proven? or are just assuming?We don't know what happened but its a pretty clear picture.
In the example you gave the girl asks for the kink. In the case of all of these women it is JG that brings the kink it is not requested by the ladies. Now I know you will say but how do I know they didn't ask for it. Its pretty clear that being punched for kink is not something that is for beginners or even the faint of heart. No one does BDSM punching on the first date. It does not happen by seasoned participants and it most certainly doesn't happen by those just venturing out. Unless you believe these girls with no history of BDSM got together with JG and will fully discussed and consented to some of most advanced forms of BDSM for pleasure. This isn't 50 shades of grey this is abuse. I fail to believe that 9 women and 1 man consented to being abused for sexual pleasure. 10 people with no history of interest in BDSM saying it wasn't consensual against 1 guy who admits he gets off on sexual violence and showed CBC tape of what gets him off. Is it so hard to believe that maybe just maybe JG steps over the bounds from times to times in what he does and to who. I bet its hard to find lots of women who want to be punched and abused for fun. A guy who brings in lots of ladies is it really hard to believe he gets a little too excited from time to time and acts without consent?
Some pretty big assumptions in here! I confess I haven't read everything related to the victims but how can any of the bold sections be proven? or are just assuming?
And to answer your question, No it isn't hard to believe.
Some pretty big assumptions in here! I confess I haven't read everything related to the victims but how can any of the bold sections be proven? or are just assuming?
And to answer your question, No it isn't hard to believe.
When all is said and done, you're calling someone a liar without any real evidence. How would that make you feel? Let's wait and see what happens, rather than voicing unproven opinions of witnesses/complainants. The same thing goes with regards to the ex-employee/defendant. All I can say is what I'd do if the situation was nearer to me than it is. I'd be wanting a private chat with the fellow, and I imagine that others would as well, which might be why it was reported that he left town.Ive been saying this since the whole thing started. its my belief that these victims have been talked into believing they were assaulted. I think they tried their own 50 shades and found out it wasnt for them, no harm,no foul ( *********** at the time of the incident ************* ) this next part is speculation on my part. i think a journalist who heard some gossip or rumours or whatever hunted down the story to maybe get a huge break/story. I think that "someone" convinced them that even though they went in on their own accord, that the law doesnt see eye to eye with BDSM and its techically against the law. what a great way to **** the dude that treated you like a dog, without doing anything wrong, just telling the truth. the guy that used you and threw you away. No-one going to stick up for that ******* anyways. maybe that sounds a little far fetched, but i bet theres a little truth in there somewhere. and what proof do i have ? I'd say Lack of Proof from the witnesses. no rape kits, no complaints the next day, no police calls, hospital visits. If someone was beaten or assaulted they would require medical attention ? where is all this proof of assault ??
When all is said and done, you're calling someone a liar without any real evidence. How would that make you feel? Let's wait and see what happens, rather than voicing unproven opinions of witnesses/complainants.
I think they tried their own 50 shades and found out it wasnt for them, no harm,no foul ( *********** at the time of the incident ************* )
I think that "someone" convinced them that even though they went in on their own accord, that the law doesn't see eye to eye with BDSM and
its technically against the law.
what a great way to **** the dude that treated you like a dog, without doing anything wrong, just telling the truth.
the guy that used you and threw you away. No-one going to stick up for that ******* anyways.
and what proof do i have ? I'd say Lack of Proof from the witnesses. no rape kits, no complaints the next day, no police calls, hospital visits.
If someone was beaten or assaulted they would require medical attention ?
I guess we'll wait and see.where is all this proof of assault ??
he's hiding out in LAwhich might be why it was reported that he left town.
Great theory except some of these allegations date back 10 + years and 50 Shades came out in 2011
Also, none, i mean NONE of my friends have read 50 shades....actually 1 did, she's more of an acquaintance and she also loved the Twilight series. Her and all her married friends LOVE 50 shades and Twilight
Oh yes, women can't thinks for themselves, that must be it!!! Holy sh*t!! I din't think of that, maybe beacuse i am woman. Some reporter looking for a story told all these women including A LAWYER and A ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE CAPTAIN what to think, yeah, that must be it.
I can assure you,women don't care as much as you like to think about people they have casual sex with. I don't know ANY ONE who is pining away for someone they hooked up with casually.
I have yet to see one rape allegation. Sexual assault doesn't always mean INTERCOURSE
No not always, a slap doesn't require medical attention, neither does hair pulling or a punch. He didn't break anyone's bones. And do you run to the hospital every time you get a bruise?
Oh and did the guy who had his balls juggled by JG 20+ years ago go to the hospital to see if his balls were actually juggled?
What proof is there that JG juggled his balls in the elevator. Must of been that pesky reporter convincing him that it was assault just to "get the story"
I guess we'll wait and see.