Fundamentals of math are back! And more.

I'm 0% on my F150, but everybody knows somewhere, somebody is paying for that . Free money doesn't actually exist (so i'm told lol) . But buddy the car dealer loves me, I hand them back every 3-5 yrs and do something else mostly because I'm bored with the car. I am the poster child for poor accumen when it comes to cars.
20 pcs until you realize you made the rookie mistake of thinking a nominal 5/4" x 6" has the same true dimension. Then your making that 6:00PM Saturday walk of shame Home Depot trip for the other 2 deck boards you need to wrap up the job ;)

I swear NA's lumber industry finds the most confusing way of selling their product just to mess with the DIYers. WTF is a 5/4ths anyway?? just call it a 1-1/4!!!

oh I get it, somedays I sell Trex decking which is 5.5" , or the solid which is 6" , and 1 1/4 or 2" . And when I sell sheet stock mdf and particle we sell it
XXX/m sq ft , and when I buy it , its XXX/m , but the mill output is measured in cubic meters of board. Unless I'm billing out hardwood which has a 10% loss calculated in green over dry. And sold by board measure ( board foot) , try and explain board foot to most DIY fellas.
Russian birch plywood (baltic birch) is purchased by the cubic meter regardless of how many sheets you need and you have to figure out how much fits into a shipping container, but then equate that down to the number of lifts you need of a given thickness. And to keep the lifts all the same size you get nonsense like 33 sheets of 15mm and 22 sheets of 19mm.

actually the 5/4 8/4 nonsense makes sense if you work in the industry looking up 20ft at a pile of wood and seeing 5/4 in crayon is a lot easier than 1 1/4 to see, and when gap tooth billy sees 1 1/4 he can think , thats eleven/4 and then things are messed up .

I suck at math, I have people for that
Celebrating 30yrs in the industrial wood business next month!

I don't know why some are suggesting it here. I learned programming on C and C++ then moved onto low level game engines. ...
Hello world, You basically just said it worked for you, so don't do it ?
Learning C gave you the basic knowledge to build on.
Hello world, You basically just said it worked for you, so don't do it ?
Learning C gave you the basic knowledge to build on.

75% of the class I was in failed and this is way after grade 2. I don't use myself as the average anymore and have stopped believing everyone is equal with regards to innate skills and abilities.

You want to create a course that works for the average intelligence. Plus based on this thread, the morons who wrote the school curriculum don't actually code, or forgot that many teachers don't code. Using C or C++ raises the skill floor for no good reason aside from "hurhurderpderpy old Skool lez write in assemblyz instead."

This is gatekeeping, especially because there are better options now.
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... the morons who wrote the school curriculum don't actually code, ...
Correct! But they do know all the right the buzz words.
They are aiming at C programming, just like in the book, Teach yourself C in 21 days

I took C in night class, it was impossible to fail the course, there was a teacher standing right there to help you if you couldn't understand the book. Oh and btw it was a lot of fun and very helpful.
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Correct! But they do know all the right the buzz words.
They are aiming at C programming, just like in the book, Teach yourself C in 21 days

I took C in night class, it was impossible to fail the course, there was a teacher standing right there to help you if you couldn't understand the book. Oh and btw it was a lot of fun and very helpful.

What have you programmed in C?
@Trials and how old were you when you did these courses?...I'm guessing you weren't 6 or 7...
Ok, hold on now, you know I'm 65 years old :| How long ago do you think computers were invented?

I learned it so that I could develop computer programs for eye test facilities, you know like in Patient Health Records and Professional Medical Billing. One of my first C functions was a Mod10 check which is the formula to mathematically verify your health card number.
Ok, hold on now, you know I'm 65 years old :| How long ago do you think computers were invented?

I learned it so that I could develop computer programs for eye test facilities, you know like in Patient Health Records and Professional Medical Billing. One of my first C functions was a Mod10 check which is the formula to mathematically verify your health card number.
Big difference between between trying to learn C at 17+ vs 7.
@Baggsy truthfully, yes. My wife could save up the money for the payments and the mortgage.
She is amazing like that.

I think it would have actually been a good move. But she ended up wanting to just pay cash for a vehicle and not worry about payments.
We ended up with a killer deal on a Ford Escape.
10 years later it's still going strong. Soon it will hit 70,000 kms lol

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

It all depends on the loan / mortgage rates. At 0% someone is paying the interest and a cash purchase might get a discount. Right now with very low rates we aren't talking about a lot of money.

Then there's the risk factor. Paying cash you don't have to carry collision and that would save you a lot more than the interest. Just don't have an at-fault. Check out the cost / benefit of collision on a 10 year old car. At some point old Betsy isn't worth her keep.

Going deeper, carrying extra debt while having cash on hand has some advantages when a deal comes up. Cash talks. It depends on your lifestyle.

Years back I put a line of credit on the house and basically got a cheque book with a lot of spending potential. Then we paid any extra cash on hand into our 13% mortgage. Why pay a non-deductible 13% on a mortgage while making a much lower taxed income from a just-in-case savings account?

If a deal or emergency came up we could fall back on the line of credit.

Beware of the 0% interest / no payments for a couple of years deals, usually from furniture companies. READ THE FINE PRINT.

Often the pay up date is the anniversary of the day the sale was written up. People too often assume it's when they took delivery a month later. They miss the due date and the 0% interest is null and void. Instead they get hit with double digit interest rates and end up paying thousands to clear the loan. That's one reason I think like Mrs. Bass. Pay it, forget it and sleep at night.
Big difference between between trying to learn C at 17+ vs 7.
I was much older then that, I did the course in Kingston, that makes it the 1986 so I learned C age 31, does that make it harder or easier?
I was much older then that, I did the course in Kingston, that makes it the 1986 so I learned C age 31, does that make it harder or easier?
Easier. You already had logic and learning figured out. Young brains need guidance and will be bogged down in heavy syntax.
75% of the class I was in failed and this is way after grade 2. I don't use myself as the average anymore and have stopped believing everyone is equal with regards to innate skills and abilities.

You want to create a course that works for the average intelligence. Plus based on this thread, the morons who wrote the school curriculum don't actually code, or forgot that many teachers don't code. Using C or C++ raises the skill floor for no good reason aside from "hurhurderpderpy old Skool lez write in assemblyz instead."

This is gatekeeping, especially because there are better options now.
C, C+, C++ are not code, they are coding languages. Kids are going to be taught coding - not the same thing -- I would think a coder gets that.

As I mentioned earlier, a basic recipe for making bread is a piece of code. Instructions for assembling a BBQ is a piece of code. In it's simplest form code is simply a set of instructions organized in an order to make something happen. In the case of bread recipe and BBQ assembly instructions, the programming language is English, the processor is a person.

This is the level of simplicity kids will learn in grade 2. They might use computer tools that let them drag and drop simple inputs and routines into a sequence and manipulate variables -- they will not use a high level programming language like the one used to create PC software.
I read manuals.
" (unless someone wants to teach me virtually) "
If I had the time, I would start a new thread dedicate to learning C and teach the lot of you, but it's riding season not computer season, so that won't be happening until the next time I hurt myself ;)
" (unless someone wants to teach me virtually) "
If I had the time, I would start a new thread dedicate to learning C and teach the lot of you, but it's riding season not computer season, so that won't be happening until the next time I hurt myself ;)
I’d enjoy that. My programming days ended way back, the last program I wrote was in Z80 assembler, it was to run a keyboard using an rs232 serial interface for the CP/M operating system. C was gaining popularity as 16 and 32 bit processors came along, just around the time I discovered a salesmen made double that of a coder, ate, golfed and travelled free, only worked 30 serious hours a week. Bye bye compilers and free pizza, hello cheap suits and an Audi.

I also wrote a pile of business utility stuff using the original interpreter Basic. If anyone remembers the 2 player version of Pong that came with Osborne and Sinclair computers — that was me!
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salesmen made double that of a coder, ate, golfed and travelled free, only worked 30 serious hours a week. Bye bye compilers and free pizza, hello cheap suits and an Audi.

I never wear cheap suits. LOL. the rest is so true
I’d enjoy that. My programming days ended way back, the last program I wrote was in Z80 assembler, it was to run a keyboard using an rs232 serial interface for the CP/M operating system. C was gaining popularity as 16 and 32 bit processors came along, just around the time I discovered a salesmen made double that of a coder, ate, golfed and travelled free, only worked 30 serious hours a week. Bye bye compilers and free pizza, hello cheap suits and an Audi.

I also wrote a pile of business utility stuff using the original interpreter Basic. If anyone remembers the 2 player version of Pong that came with Osborne and Sinclair computers — that was me!

The company I worked for got started with computers using a Sinclair. I vaguely remember memory modules plugging into the thing and a cassette deck for something else.

They eventually got real stuff and had some hack write a program that took care of the whole company from inventory to shipping. A couple of months later they were in a cash bind. It never invoiced anything.
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