Nope...same way as we didn't have temporary restrictions on all Irish people coming to the UK when the IRA were setting bombs off. Like I said, most people realized the people trying to commit those atrocities were not representative of the majority of the people from that country. It's a dumb policy that would have the opposite intended effect and just acts as a recruiting tool for even more psychotic dumbasses. "Look how much they hate you...have you ever considered being a suicide bomber?".
Once again you revert back to the distant past.
The US did not define terrorism back then. The world has evolved.
You just wrote you agree with Australia's approach but you disagree with Trump's temporary approach.
Aren't they really the same basic thing. We need to assess who is coming into the country.
Again your position sounds hypocritical. Australia has created a clear path for deportation which you agree with but if Trump said he is deporting people for the same reasons then you would object.
It appears you are engaged in having an EMOTIONAL conversation that fits your narrative.
Let's simplify this, you own a house with a large amount of land which you employ people to farm on it.
There is 1 specific group that are decent and hard working but within that group is a subsection (let's say 10%) that comes into your house and tells you what to do and how you will conform to their rules. And every once in a while they will go out in the fields and plow down your friends/family/workers. Then the once in a while becomes monthly and then weekly.
Also, your friend has the same problem with his farm and house.
So tell us, do you keep letting everyone from that group in and then figure out which is of the 10%.
Oh and the 90% of that group remaining, does not really protest against what the other 10% are doing.
When secretly polled, let's say 50% (of the 90%) say they are okay with what the 10% are doing. So in reality you are down to 50% that are sincere.
Here is a loaded gun that holds 6 bullets, we will put 3 bullets in and 3 chambers will be empty.
We will spin the the revolver and you put the gun to your head and pull the trigger for a total of 3 times.
The bullets are not placed in consecutive order. According to your demonstrated position here, you should pull the trigger 3 times without hesitation, right.
No, why not...isn't that what you are telling others to do...import strangers into their homes/farms and let them put a loaded gun to your head.
Hey, that will be the new way of life for you and your family/friends, live with it and accept it (sentiments of French guy running for leadership and the Mayor of London).
So these people know they are not wanted and "hated" according to you...then why the hell are they choosing to move to a country that does not like them...hmmm