French Election 2017

Isn't is great we can sit on the couch and be critical of political candidates from another country when our own back yard is a god damn mess.

France? Who gives two daisies?

We have Amuricah and Canaduh to worry about.

And for all the worry about Trump, I still fuel up my bike and take a spin and BBQ just the same as last year.

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they say if France goes then so does the rest of Europe and damnit I would like to go to France sooner than later but not if it turns into a crap fest.

they haven't started bombing, raping, and crushing us with cars/trucks....yet
easier to deal with the problem over there...prevention
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uhm, deflection and hurling insults when someone questions you on your words
penalty box for you
at least you are consistent with your false equivalencies
carry on

No, you're the one who seems to be insinuating that you're at danger from Muslims on the street here in Canada every second of every day. My use of the word "dim" wasn't an insult, it was restrained.
Dont be dim. I worked with a bunch of Muslim students a week ago and went home at the end of every day unscathed and strangely not once did I worry. Not all Muslims are trying to kill you, a few psychopaths might want to. Luckily most of those own camels and live a long way away. If all Muslims wanted you'd be dead. You should probably worry about evangelical Christians more, those are the ones with a hard on for the apocalypse and the second coming. They scare the bejesus out of me...pun intended.

Ok Im not gonna address the part about Christians because you're reaching pretty hard with that statement... but I gotta ask, do you think Islamic terrorism is an issue that will resolve itself? Are things getting better or worse? Were the previous recent instances of terror in North America and Europe done by the guys with camels?
Ok Im not gonna address the part about Christians because you're reaching pretty hard with that statement... but I gotta ask, do you think Islamic terrorism is an issue that will resolve itself? Are things getting better or worse? Were the previous recent instances of terror in North America and Europe done by the guys with camels?

Will it resolve itself? No. Will it be resolved militarily? No. Will it be resolved by deporting as many people as possible? No. The solution would be multi-pronged and probably involves a little of each approach. Sensible immigration policies, sensible military action where needed, sensible and fair foreign policy that involves countries around the Middle East including Israel. That last one is a biggie. This isn't "giving in to terrorism" it's recognizing that you can't solve this problem with a hammer. I have my own thoughts about this and I think you might be seeing the last gasp of serious terrorism in the next few years as there's a generational change. The old guard are worried that the youth are not radical enough and they won't be able to carry out their "struggle" and they won't have the fervour going forward. Increase education and give the youth an alternative to getting all their teaching from bitter radical old asshats. That would be a start. Cut off their supply of "soldiers".

Yes...the recent terrorists have not been camel farmers. But my response about that was to the "x billion Muslims therefore x thousand jihadis" claim. Luckily the number of psychos that are always going to try to cause harm to others is very low.

I'm not reaching hard about the Christian statement. Go have a look at extreme Christian literature and websites. Even today in the news the governor of Arkansas is claiming he had to kill those on death row due to his faith in scripture, missing the "thou shalt not kill" irony completely. Some of these people are the most fervent, vengeful ******** you'd ever meet and they love punishing "the sinners", they are the Christian Taliban and they see that some of their desires may be fulfilled by president Cheeto. There's a bunch of loony tunes nutbars actively celebrating the approaching end of the world and are quite happy to see anything that accelerates us towards that event. They aren't as widely publicized in the media though because they don't fit the current narrative and the thing is, they have always been there and their beliefs have never changed.
No, you're the one who seems to be insinuating that you're at danger from Muslims on the street here in Canada every second of every day. My use of the word "dim" wasn't an insult, it was restrained.

Where did I say they are a danger on the streets here in Canada.
This entire thread is dedicated to France and by extension Europe and what is occurring there.
Glad to know that you can restrain yourself...go share that ability with some others.
Dont be dim. I worked with a bunch of Muslim students a week ago and went home at the end of every day unscathed and strangely not once did I worry. Not all Muslims are trying to kill you, a few psychopaths might want to. Luckily most of those own camels and live a long way away. If all Muslims wanted you'd be dead. You should probably worry about evangelical Christians more, those are the ones with a hard on for the apocalypse and the second coming. They scare the bejesus out of me...pun intended.

I've rented to many foreign students including Muslim. Not one problem. (cooking smells don't count) Any problem I might have had, although minor in nature, would have been with a white kid. And, lol, the one Indian fellow who had a real beef...pun intended.. with our decadent western culture. I couldn't have agreed with him more. Anyway, forget about the effects of western interference in the middle east and other Muslim areas. Set that aside and just look at what Muslims do to each other on their own. Do we do that in the west? Do we want that in the west? Ya, we have our problems but would a Protestant suicide bomber attack a Catholic church or Sinigog(sp?) you know, a Heim joint? What ever is happening in Muslim countries now will happen in western countries when they are overwhelmingly populated by Muslims but worse due to additional dynamics. "Far right" people don't want this to happen. Surely you must understand such basic sentiments, they've been repeated many times already. Your positive classroom experiences with Muslim students and my positive experiences with Muslim students will be just a fond faded memory at some point. Certainly nothing to use for a convincing argument after it's to late to put the lid back on.

edit, to keep -D- at bay I should note my comment above relates to France in that as France goes Canada goes. Ya that's right, it's all about how it affects ME.
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Will it resolve itself? No. Will it be resolved militarily? No. Will it be resolved by deporting as many people as possible? No. The solution would be multi-pronged and probably involves a little of each approach. Sensible immigration policies, sensible military action where needed, sensible and fair foreign policy that involves countries around the Middle East including Israel. That last one is a biggie. This isn't "giving in to terrorism" it's recognizing that you can't solve this problem with a hammer. I have my own thoughts about this and I think you might be seeing the last gasp of serious terrorism in the next few years as there's a generational change. The old guard are worried that the youth are not radical enough and they won't be able to carry out their "struggle" and they won't have the fervour going forward. Increase education and give the youth an alternative to getting all their teaching from bitter radical old asshats. That would be a start. Cut off their supply of "soldiers".

Yes...the recent terrorists have not been camel farmers. But my response about that was to the "x billion Muslims therefore x thousand jihadis" claim. Luckily the number of psychos that are always going to try to cause harm to others is very low.

I'm not reaching hard about the Christian statement. Go have a look at extreme Christian literature and websites. Even today in the news the governor of Arkansas is claiming he had to kill those on death row due to his faith in scripture, missing the "thou shalt not kill" irony completely. Some of these people are the most fervent, vengeful ******** you'd ever meet and they love punishing "the sinners", they are the Christian Taliban and they see that some of their desires may be fulfilled by president Cheeto. There's a bunch of loony tunes nutbars actively celebrating the approaching end of the world and are quite happy to see anything that accelerates us towards that event. They aren't as widely publicized in the media though because they don't fit the current narrative and the thing is, they have always been there and their beliefs have never changed.

where is a picture of all over the map
Riceburner, how to I insert the photo...the site link thingy doesn't seem to work for me anymore.

In the 70's a lot of Islamic states e.g. Iran were very modern, open society almost. Women worked, wore bikinis at the beach, women drove cars...
You are drinking some serious Kool-aid if you think they will change due to "educating them"...yeah, let's walk in there and show them some videos....of wait...they already have access to the internet and Youtube.

Dude, you come across as out of touch an ineffective. Hey look, the boat has a 3 ft hole, here is a 1 ft patch. (thanks captain useless and obvious).

Now stick to the topic of what is occurring in Europe.
You make it sound like Le Pen has no platform or concern for the safety of France.
When you target and hunt the police then nobody is safe in a society...imo
Not to be overly puritanical but this young upstart had an affair with a married woman. Leading to a divorce. He must think that's ok. Odds are he'll toss her aside down the road. I wonder if he'll also betray the citizens? Dr. Phil would say yes.
Not to be overly puritanical but this young upstart had an affair with a married woman. Leading to a divorce. He must think that's ok. Odds are he'll toss her aside down the road. I wonder if he'll also betray the citizens? Dr. Phil would say yes.

Or he has mommy issues and needed the old lady to guide him and change his diaper and snuggle with him.
sounds like a great leader there
same guy that said accept and live with terrorism as part of a daily life now
Will it resolve itself? No. Will it be resolved militarily? No. Will it be resolved by deporting as many people as possible? No. The solution would be multi-pronged and probably involves a little of each approach. Sensible immigration policies, sensible military action where needed, sensible and fair foreign policy that involves countries around the Middle East including Israel. That last one is a biggie. This isn't "giving in to terrorism" it's recognizing that you can't solve this problem with a hammer. I have my own thoughts about this and I think you might be seeing the last gasp of serious terrorism in the next few years as there's a generational change. The old guard are worried that the youth are not radical enough and they won't be able to carry out their "struggle" and they won't have the fervour going forward. Increase education and give the youth an alternative to getting all their teaching from bitter radical old asshats. That would be a start. Cut off their supply of "soldiers".

Yes...the recent terrorists have not been camel farmers. But my response about that was to the "x billion Muslims therefore x thousand jihadis" claim. Luckily the number of psychos that are always going to try to cause harm to others is very low.

I'm not reaching hard about the Christian statement. Go have a look at extreme Christian literature and websites. Even today in the news the governor of Arkansas is claiming he had to kill those on death row due to his faith in scripture, missing the "thou shalt not kill" irony completely. Some of these people are the most fervent, vengeful ******** you'd ever meet and they love punishing "the sinners", they are the Christian Taliban and they see that some of their desires may be fulfilled by president Cheeto. There's a bunch of loony tunes nutbars actively celebrating the approaching end of the world and are quite happy to see anything that accelerates us towards that event. They aren't as widely publicized in the media though because they don't fit the current narrative and the thing is, they have always been there and their beliefs have never changed.
I understand your position now. It's based on 2 things... your belief that the issue will resolve itself, and that the number of willing radicals is not big enough to be a bother.

My position is that the number of radicals is growing, and that keeping the hole in the boat open will eventually sink it. I don't see any positives to open borders, not for security and not for maintaining culture and traditions. It's lose lose.
Good article about the Hebdo attackers

And a frightening excerpt:

The government said some 1,400 people living in France had joined the jihadi cause in Syria or Iraq or were planning to. About 70 French citizens or residents had died in terrorist ranks in Syria and Iraq.

1400 joined the cause. And that's just the ones they knew about. How many more on the fence? How many more willing to fight in France as opposed to leaving? Worth a thought.
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I'm not reaching hard about the Christian statement. Go have a look at extreme Christian literature and websites. Even today in the news the governor of Arkansas is claiming he had to kill those on death row due to his faith in scripture, missing the "thou shalt not kill" irony completely. Some of these people are the most fervent, vengeful ******** you'd ever meet and they love punishing "the sinners", they are the Christian Taliban and they see that some of their desires may be fulfilled by president Cheeto. There's a bunch of loony tunes nutbars actively celebrating the approaching end of the world and are quite happy to see anything that accelerates us towards that event. They aren't as widely publicized in the media though because they don't fit the current narrative and the thing is, they have always been there and their beliefs have never changed.

You're telling me a Muslim is more peaceful than a Christian?

You want to piss on my head & call it rain, don't yah?
1400 joined the cause. And that's just the ones they knew about. How many more on the fence? How many more willing to fight in France as opposed to leaving? Worth a thought.

Don't worry, JC100 has assured us that it can never ever ever ever happen here so nothing needs to be done. And of course even discussing the topic is hate speech in this country, or very soon will be.
Don't worry, JC100 has assured us that it can never ever ever ever happen here so nothing needs to be done. And of course even discussing the topic is hate speech in this country, or very soon will be.
Well, he mentioned a Christian seeking capital punishment for serious crimes.... which is basically terrorism right
Any form of Patriotism is considered fascism or Alt right

Yup. I see left wing loonies throwing bricks at people who stand and take off their hat when the anthem is sung at Leafs games all the time.
come to think of it...Who is funding them...Where are these poor migrants getting money from to build these large mosques?
Pretty sure land around London ain't cheap...not sure about land in other Euro city's.
Yup. I see left wing loonies throwing bricks at people who stand and take off their hat when the anthem is sung at Leafs games all the time.

I think he reached a little too far with his statement, but certainly when nationalist ideas start being discussed everyone is suddenly a racist or alt-right. It's okay to be proud of who you are and where you're from, but apparently its not ok at all to want your country to maintain its traditions and culture. I agree it's kind of hard to stomach that sort of talk in Canada, considering how young and diverse our country is, but in European nations with rich cultural history? Nothing wrong with wanting to curb immigration, especially when the migrants come with so much baggage.
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