Will it resolve itself? No. Will it be resolved militarily? No. Will it be resolved by deporting as many people as possible? No. The solution would be multi-pronged and probably involves a little of each approach. Sensible immigration policies, sensible military action where needed, sensible and fair foreign policy that involves countries around the Middle East including Israel. That last one is a biggie. This isn't "giving in to terrorism" it's recognizing that you can't solve this problem with a hammer. I have my own thoughts about this and I think you might be seeing the last gasp of serious terrorism in the next few years as there's a generational change. The old guard are worried that the youth are not radical enough and they won't be able to carry out their "struggle" and they won't have the fervour going forward. Increase education and give the youth an alternative to getting all their teaching from bitter radical old asshats. That would be a start. Cut off their supply of "soldiers".
Yes...the recent terrorists have not been camel farmers. But my response about that was to the "x billion Muslims therefore x thousand jihadis" claim. Luckily the number of psychos that are always going to try to cause harm to others is very low.
I'm not reaching hard about the Christian statement. Go have a look at extreme Christian literature and websites. Even today in the news the governor of Arkansas is claiming he had to kill those on death row due to his faith in scripture, missing the "thou shalt not kill" irony completely. Some of these people are the most fervent, vengeful ******** you'd ever meet and they love punishing "the sinners", they are the Christian Taliban and they see that some of their desires may be fulfilled by president Cheeto. There's a bunch of loony tunes nutbars actively celebrating the approaching end of the world and are quite happy to see anything that accelerates us towards that event. They aren't as widely publicized in the media though because they don't fit the current narrative and the thing is, they have always been there and their beliefs have never changed.