French Election 2017

You LIEberal! Questions are not statements just because you have a hard time answering them without feeling like an idiot.

Ok, I see why you're confused again. I'd explain it to you but then I'd have to explain the explanation. I don't know if you feel like an idiot.
Because killing someone for their shoes affects the dead person and maybe some friends and family. Flying a 757 into a building or shooting 100 club goers with AK47s spreads fear and uncertainty through half the world. You're being laughably dismissive of this, dumbing down your argument to "a dead person is a dead person" is why your remarks are idiotic.

Were they remarks or questions? This is an actual question.
Because killing someone for their shoes affects the dead person and maybe some friends and family. Flying a 757 into a building or shooting 100 club goers with AK47s spreads fear and uncertainty through half the world. You're being laughably dismissive of this, dumbing down your argument to "a dead person is a dead person" is why your remarks are idiotic.

Yes, I know terrorism spreads fear and uncertainty. That's how it's earned it's own category. The questions is WHY. There are sooooo many more things that can and do kill people in the US, even including 9-11 in the stats. In Canada, it's hard to imagine anything less likely to hurt you than terrorism. Maybe a failed parachute deployment? I'd guess that's happened once or twice in Canada.

We're supposed to be a cynical, media-savvy group here but lay out an explosion or vehicular carnage from across the ocean on the news and all of a sudden it's "OMG we need to do everything we can to stop this mayhem regardless of any other considerations!" WTF!?!

Until there's a rationale for the massive overreaction to terrorism, the only difference between it and other forms of killing is in the name it earns.
Yes, I know terrorism spreads fear and uncertainty. That's how it's earned it's own category. The questions is WHY. There are sooooo many more things that can and do kill people in the US, even including 9-11 in the stats. In Canada, it's hard to imagine anything less likely to hurt you than terrorism. Maybe a failed parachute deployment? I'd guess that's happened once or twice in Canada.

We're supposed to be a cynical, media-savvy group here but lay out an explosion or vehicular carnage from across the ocean on the news and all of a sudden it's "OMG we need to do everything we can to stop this mayhem regardless of any other considerations!" WTF!?!

Until there's a rationale for the massive overreaction to terrorism, the only difference between it and other forms of killing is in the name it earns.

I don't fear for my safety here in Canada, and this thread is about France. And for that matter, if I were French, terrorism wouldn't be at the top of the list of reasons to limit or stop Muslim immigration.
I don't fear for my safety here in Canada, and this thread is about France. And for that matter, if I were French, terrorism wouldn't be at the top of the list of reasons to limit or stop Muslim immigration.
Fair enough. Same question arises anywhere there's fear of terrorism though, even where there's a lot of it (relatively speaking).

Terrorphobia, basically.
I don't fear for my safety here in Canada, and this thread is about France. And for that matter, if I were French, terrorism wouldn't be at the top of the list of reasons to limit or stop Muslim immigration.

I dont fear for my safety here in Canada either. But France didn't become what it is today over night. Its the wrong policies of the PC left over a decade that in the name of inclusion let everyone in and now look at them. Not a month goes by without innocent people dying.

Canada is nothing like France today but give Trudeau and the liberals a few more years or brigning in refugees in droves with no checksand we will have to fight against Sharia law here. They literally passed the M103 motion. What message do you think that sends to anyone who is planning to spread radical Islam here.

I wanna add that most refugees are not the problem since most of them are running away from Islamic barbarism. But its the few bad apples that ruin the whole batch. It takes one Islamic terrorist to drive a truck into a crowed not 10,000,

Our government is not only letting them in, but its encouraging the spread of Islam in Canada and is even trying to silence anyone who has an opinion otherwise.

We are not like France now but we are following the same footsteps.
I dont fear for my safety here in Canada either. But France didn't become what it is today over night. Its the wrong policies of the PC left over a decade that in the name of inclusion let everyone in and now look at them. Not a month goes by without innocent people dying.

Canada is nothing like France today but give Trudeau and the liberals a few more years or brigning in refugees in droves with no checksand we will have to fight against Sharia law here. They literally passed the M103 motion. What message do you think that sends to anyone who is planning to spread radical Islam here.

I wanna add that most refugees are not the problem since most of them are running away from Islamic barbarism. But its the few bad apples that ruin the whole batch. It takes one Islamic terrorist to drive a truck into a crowed not 10,000,

Our government is not only letting them in, but its encouraging the spread of Islam in Canada and is even trying to silence anyone who has an opinion otherwise.

We are not like France now but we are following the same footsteps.

These types of posts should be a sticky or something? Variation on this theme have been floated again and again but some knuckle heads want to ask about regular good old fashioned murder? It's retarded?
These types of posts should be a sticky or something? Variation on this theme have been floated again and again but some knuckle heads want to ask about regular good old fashioned murder? It's retarded?
LOL! The only value of that post is giving my eyes a good eye rolling exercise. Wow, you drank the coolaid man.
Because killing someone for their shoes affects the dead person and maybe some friends and family. Flying a 757 into a building or shooting 100 club goers with AK47s spreads fear and uncertainty through half the world. You're being laughably dismissive of this, dumbing down your argument to "a dead person is a dead person" is why your remarks are idiotic.

Boiling a complex issue down to a 1 bit query and demanding its validation. Standard practice these days. Is it actually idiotic, or deliberate obfuscation?*

*not actually a question, as the tactic is incredibly effective, in certain circles.

BTW, where are all those feminist?*

*actually a question, see what I did there?
The lefty freaks are an odd bunch, no other ways about it. How can you reconcile wanting more Muslims in your country while at the same time championing women's rights and gay/transgender rights? What a bizarre world. These groups have been condemning the religious right for decades... it's mind boggling why they're now in such a rush to import an even more intolerant religious group. Brutal. It's down right traitorous.
Don't forget the blind eye being turned to the obvious misogyny in a strong women's defeat by a *gasp* man.
How can you reconcile wanting more Muslims in your country while at the same time championing women's rights and gay/transgender rights?
What 2nd generation Muslim immigrant isn't more liberated than they were or would still be if they had remained in their homeland?

Not sure how that makes lefties freaks or odd, or what's so mind boggling about it. Perfectly consistent with the defense of human rights actually.

Any more questions? (That was a question).
Don't forget the blind eye being turned to the obvious misogyny in a strong women's defeat by a *gasp* man.

Can you provide a reference to anyone on the planet who seriously believes that? cough*strawman*cough

I'm sure you were being sarcastic, but not everybody will realize that.
What 2nd generation Muslim immigrant isn't more liberated than they were or would still be if they had remained in their homeland?

Not sure how that makes lefties freaks or odd, or what's so mind boggling about it. Perfectly consistent with the defense of human rights actually.

Any more questions? (That was a question).

So the reconciliation is that.....human rights of refugees are more important than human rights of gays and women and so on. That's some solid Libtard logic.
So the reconciliation is that.....human rights of refugees are more important than human rights of gays and women and so on. That's some solid Libtard logic.

I guess it is because it's retarded. Who said that?
So the reconciliation is that.....human rights of refugees are more important than human rights of gays and women and so on. That's some solid Libtard logic.

Don't you see...some people and politicians have accepted terrorism as a regular part of daily life.
Bomb us, burn us, riot, come and plunder...sure go ahead gang rape our children and's ok we will understand that is part of your culture and we are wrong for not being tolerant of your culture/religion in our country that you chose to move to.

That's showing the terrorists.
When you guys are done with the straw man arguments / sarcasm / misquotes, let me know.

Until then enjoy your fresh new right wing nutbar echo chamber.
Not sure what's so right wing nutbar about pointing out the ridiculousness of being pro women's and gay rights while simultaneously advocating for immigration of a bunch of people whose religion is directly (and in many cases violently) opposed to those very values.
Not sure what's so right wing nutbar about pointing out the ridiculousness of being pro women's and gay rights while simultaneously advocating for immigration of a bunch of people whose religion is directly (and in many cases violently) opposed to those very values.

Ad hominem.

Its the logical fallacy SJW PC types love to abuse. Whenever their arguments fail and can't argue based on facts and stats, they start labelling you right wing/Nazi/misogynist/Islamophobic/transphobic/racist.... Its their way of shutting down a real argument with buzzwords and noise.

It's like saying look, Quran says you can beat your wife if she doesnt listen to you, therefore you cant be a Muslim(believe Quran is the direct word of Allah) and believe in equality of women at the same time. Makes sense to a logical person. But when they cant have a logical argument to refute yours, they brand you a racist islamophobe and scream a little louder to discredit and drown your argument by attacking your (newly attributed by their own selves) character

Definition of ad hominem

  • 1 : appealing to feelings or prejudices rather than intellect an ad hominem argument
  • 2 : marked by or being an attack on an opponent's character rather than by an answer to the contentions made made an ad hominem personal attack on his rival
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Macron's documents has been leaked. He evades taxes, same thing they accuse trump of. The hypocrisy is deafening!

The first lady is a child molester & the President has a mommy complex.

A career politician who was a Rothschild banker. What can go wrong?
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