French Election 2017

Age of consent in France is 15 and their difference in age is the same as Cheetoman and that ones out.

Your buddy Trump hasn't shown his tax filings so that ones out.
Not sure what's so right wing nutbar about pointing out the ridiculousness of being pro women's and gay rights while simultaneously advocating for immigration of a bunch of people whose religion is directly (and in many cases violently) opposed to those very values.

Do you mean evangelical Christians?
Do you mean evangelical Christians?

Links to violence related to your view on women's rights by evangelical Christians?

And a little on honour killings while we're at it:

Survey Shows Muslim Men By and Large Approve of Honor Killing Wives

By Geller Report Staff - on May 8, 2017

A new survey of Muslims in Egypt, Lebanon and Morocco — the last, a country of so-called moderate Islamic beliefs — shows that by and large, men are OK with killing wives for honor.

Muslim men, by and large, are OK with beating their wives, raping their wives, and even killing their wives — when perceived as necessary, according to a new survey.

They’re also, by and large, OK with raping their wives and beating them, when perceived necessary.

From the National Secular Society (thanks to Jihad Watch):

“A large-scale survey of views in Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco and Palestine has reported extensive anti-women views and widespread tolerance of domestic violence.

“The three countries and Palestine were selected to be broadly representative and ‘to reflect the diversity of the region.’ …

“The report, produced by International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES) found that “The majority of Egyptian men consider it their duty to protect the honour of women and girls in their family, and nearly three-fifths agree with honour killing in some circumstances. More than 90 per cent of men saw male honour as directly contingent on their female relatives’ dress and behaviour”.

“Just 45% of Egyptian men believed there should be laws “criminalizing domestic violence, including marital rape.” And only 70% of Egyptian women agreed with this statement.

“43% of Egyptian Muslim men said they would approve of their son having multiple wives, though just 9.5% said they would approve of their daughter marrying a man who already had other wives.

“Only 6.6% of unmarried men said they “have no problem with marrying someone of a different religion”, and a tiny 2.3% of unmarried Egyptian women said the same.

“Just 39% of Egyptian men approved of women serving as leaders of political parties, though 93% said they should be able to vote.

“60% of Moroccan men said “if a woman is raped, she should marry her rapist.”

“62% of Moroccan men said “a woman should tolerate violence to keep the family together”, and 38% agreed “there are times when a woman deserves to be beaten”. Shockingly, 20% of Moroccan women agreed with this.

“The report collected anecdotes and accounts from men and women across the four countries surveyed, including many accounts of domestic violence.”
Not sure what's so right wing nutbar about pointing out the ridiculousness of being pro women's and gay rights while simultaneously advocating for immigration of a bunch of people whose religion is directly (and in many cases violently) opposed to those very values.

What's this got to do with a Syrian toddler washing up on shore? Jeez no wonder faster1 went cukoo, this makes no sense at all.
When you guys are done with the straw man arguments / sarcasm / misquotes, let me know.

Until then enjoy your fresh new right wing nutbar echo chamber.

Do you mean evangelical Christians?

Thats these people right?


Jokes aside, yes many christians (especially the loonie-toon fundies) have some bass-ackwards views too but as far as I know they're not stoning women for adultery or throwing gays off rooftops to cheering crowds. Not that I know of, anyway. And even if they were doing all that stuff, why would that be a good excuse to allow more of such people into a given country?
Thats these people right?

I think he means these Christians......wait......what?

'What goes around comes around'


Mohamed Elibiary is at it again.

The Egyptian-born Muslim Brotherhood operative and former senior adviser to President Obama on Homeland Security matters is no stranger to controversy.

He resigned from Obama’s Homeland Security Advisory Council in September 2014 after catching heat for his controversial tweets and alleged leakage of classified information to reporters.

He once said the return of the Islamic caliphate is “inevitable” and that the United States was an “Islamic country.”

In 2014, he tweeted:

“As I’ve said b4, inevitable that ‘Caliphate’ returns,” while also remarking that he considered the U.S. to be an “Islamic country with an Islamically compliant Constitution.”

On Sunday, he stepped back up to the plate and delivered a stinging tweet against the Middle East’s largest Christian community – the Coptic Christians of Egypt.

In its latest magazine, ISIS threatened more attacks on Egypt’s Christians.

So what was the reaction from Elibiary?

He says Egypt’s Copts have it coming:

“Subhanallah” is Arabic for “Glory to Allah.” So, Elibiary was offering praise to Allah for the fact that ISIS is killing Egyptian Christians, trying to claim that it amounts to retribution for Coptic leaders doing the same to members of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

The tweet distorts both current events and the broad sweep of history. Egypt’s Coptic Christian community is an entirely peaceful lot that has absorbed heinous attack after heinous attack from its Muslim neighbors.

In December, Islamic terrorists bombed the St. Peter and Paul Chapel, killing 29, all but one of whom were women and girls. Then, on Palm Sunday, two separate suicide bombings killed nearly 50 worshipers at another Coptic church.

ISIS claimed responsibility for both attacks, but there’s a good chance the Muslim Brotherhood played a role, or at least signed off on the attacks. The Brotherhood, headquartered in Cairo, still holds enormous sway over Egyptian society even though it no longer controls the government.

But the outlandish claim by Elibiary follows a long history of anti-Christian comments going back years, as reported by Patrick Poole at PJ Media:

“What has Elibiary so upset? Many in the Coptic Christian community backed the removal of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Mohamed Morsi in 2013. In his tweet, he references MB Egyptians’ – Muslim Brotherhood Egyptians,” Poole writes.

“He is drawing an analogy between being anti-Muslim Brotherhood, and mass murder.”

Elibiary was appointed by Obama to the Homeland Security Advisory Council in 2010 but has also been an official in the Texas Republican Party, having served as a delegate for Republican Sen. John McCain during his 2008 presidential race.

“Elibiary had always been brazen in his support for Islamists and the Muslim Brotherhood in particular, including featuring the Muslim Brotherhood ‘R4Bia’ symbol on his Twitter page, and publicly lauding Muslim Brotherhood ideologue Sayyid Qutb,” noted Frank Gaffney in a report for the Center for Security Policy, a nonprofit that tracks Islamists in American politics.

Elibiary was later appointed to Obama’s Countering Violent Extremism Working Group.

The CVE program, with initial test pilots in Minneapolis, Boston and Los Angeles, was designed as a “new approach” to fighting terrorism, focusing not on Islam as the major catalyst but rather broadening the parameters to “extremism in all its forms.” It turned the focus of law enforcement away from the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Islamic groups and onto “right wing” extremists.

The CVE program, still in effect at the U.S. Justice Department, also sought to rehabilitate convicted terrorists and has an ongoing test case involving a Somali refugee in Minneapolis.

Through his position on the Homeland Security Advisory Board and then the CVE steering committee, Elibiary had access to intelligence information through the DHS fusion center in Texas.

He was suspected of leaking this information in 2011 to a news outlet in an effort to damage the presidential campaign of former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, whom he tried to characterize as an “Islamophobe.” He had his access to the confidential database revoked but says he was cleared in an “investigation” that his critics say never amounted to a serious inquest.

“He was trying to shop it around and implying the [Perry] administration’s policies were Islamophobic,” Philip Haney, a former DHS subject matter expert on Islam, told WND.

“That takes a lot of audacity to create the policies and then call it ineffective, which it was, but they’re the ones who pushed the administration to adopt it. It’s like a guy who makes all kinds of promises to a girl, and then dumps her.”

Elibiary was a board member of the Dallas/Fort Worth chapter of the Council on American Islamic Relations, an unindicted co-conspirator in the 2008 terror-financing trial of the Holy Land Foundation in Dallas. CAIR has sued a WND author who exposed the group’s radical ties in a case that will soon go to trial.

He worked under Janet Napolitano during her tenure as secretary of DHS. Before that he had a group in Texas called Lonestar Intelligence LLC, a security consulting firm, and the Freedom and Justice Foundation, which consisted of a consortium of Muslim Brotherhood front groups based out of Richardson, Texas.

“He’s one of these slick operators who you saw in photo ops at the White House, working in national security while trying to undermine it at the same time,” Haney said. “There’s a lot of derogatory information on him and he should have never gotten within 100 yards of Homeland Security but, like so many others, he did.”

Honoring Khomeini

Elibiary is a strong supporter of the radical Islamic theologian, Qutb, who calls for “war” with the non-Muslim world and whose teachings inspired and continue to govern al-Qaida and Islamic terrorist organizations worldwide.

As WND reported, Elibiary spoke at a conference in 2004 that honored the anti-U.S. founder of the Iranian Islamic revolution, Ayatollah Khomeini.

Elibiary criticized the U.S. government’s prosecution and conviction of the Texas-based Holy Land Foundation and five former officials for providing more than $12 million to Hamas, depicting the case as a defeat for the United States.

He wrote an op-ed in the Dallas Morning News contending the convictions were part of a U.S. government policy of “denying our civil liberties and privacy at home” while pursuing anti-terror policies that have “left thousands of Americans dead, tens of thousands maimed, trillions of taxpayer dollars squandered and our homeland more vulnerable than ever.”
Originally Posted by mmmnaked

How can you reconcile wanting more Muslims in your country while at the same time championing women's rights and gay/transgender rights?

What 2nd generation Muslim immigrant isn't more liberated than they were or would still be if they had remained in their homeland?

Not sure how that makes lefties freaks or odd, or what's so mind boggling about it. Perfectly consistent with the defense of human rights actually.

Any more questions? (That was a question).
An Army shrink who specialized in combat stress snapped yesterday and launched a bloody rampage at Fort Hood Army Base in Texas that killed 12 people and wounded31, officials said.
Not sure what's so right wing nutbar about pointing out the ridiculousness of being pro women's and gay rights while simultaneously advocating for immigration of a bunch of people whose religion is directly (and in many cases violently) opposed to those very values.
You can point out the ridiculousness of your d*** if you want, it makes no difference.

I'll repeat myself, because well, you seem to have a tough time with comprehension (that's the polite version before you start snowflaking).

This place is turning into right-wing nutbar acho chamber number 5 (or is it 6, you can never have enough echo) because of the regular suspects...

Strawman arguments
Don't forget the blind eye being turned to the obvious misogyny in a strong women's defeat by a *gasp* man.

Don't you see...some people and politicians have accepted terrorism as a regular part of daily life.
Bomb us, burn us, riot, come and plunder...sure go ahead gang rape our children and's ok we will understand that is part of your culture and we are wrong for not being tolerant of your culture/religion in our country that you chose to move to.

That's showing the terrorists.

So the reconciliation is that.....human rights of refugees are more important than human rights of gays and women and so on. That's some solid Libtard logic.

I know it's impossible for you guys to even consider the possibility that you might learn something, never mind that you might have to abandon some of your fixed sets of beilefs in order to awaken to reality but c'mon, you guys are just shutting everyone and everything out because... I dunno, anger? I mean I get some of you are paranoid evangelicals but that can't be everyone's excuse, can it?
You can point out the ridiculousness of your d*** if you want, it makes no difference.

I'll repeat myself, because well, you seem to have a tough time with comprehension (that's the polite version before you start snowflaking).

This place is turning into right-wing nutbar acho chamber number 5 (or is it 6, you can never have enough echo) because of the regular suspects...

Strawman arguments



I know it's impossible for you guys to even consider the possibility that you might learn something, never mind that you might have to abandon some of your fixed sets of beilefs in order to awaken to reality but c'mon, you guys are just shutting everyone and everything out because... I dunno, anger? I mean I get some of you are paranoid evangelicals but that can't be everyone's excuse, can it?
"you guys are dumb so I'm not gonna respond"

Why even bother coming here to post then? You still haven't told me why my opinion that a feminist or a gay person stands to benefit absolutely nothing from a growing Muslim population, and it's actually against their best interest to fight for allowing refugees into the country.
uhmm, sure straw man
You can point out the ridiculousness of your d*** if you want, it makes no difference.

I'll repeat myself, because well, you seem to have a tough time with comprehension (that's the polite version before you start snowflaking).

This place is turning into right-wing nutbar acho chamber number 5 (or is it 6, you can never have enough echo) because of the regular suspects...

Strawman arguments



I know it's impossible for you guys to even consider the possibility that you might learn something, never mind that you might have to abandon some of your fixed sets of beilefs in order to awaken to reality but c'mon, you guys are just shutting everyone and everything out because... I dunno, anger? I mean I get some of you are paranoid evangelicals but that can't be everyone's excuse, can it?
[/B]Boiling a complex issue down to a 1 bit query and demanding its validation. Standard practice these days. Is it actually idiotic, or deliberate obfuscation?*

*not actually a question, as the tactic is incredibly effective, in certain circles.

BTW, where are all those feminist?*

*actually a question, see what I did there?

this fiasco went down, bigtime speech backfired
You can point out the ridiculousness of your d*** if you want, it makes no difference.

I'll repeat myself, because well, you seem to have a tough time with comprehension (that's the polite version before you start snowflaking).

This place is turning into right-wing nutbar acho chamber number 5 (or is it 6, you can never have enough echo) because of the regular suspects...

Strawman arguments



I know it's impossible for you guys to even consider the possibility that you might learn something, never mind that you might have to abandon some of your fixed sets of beilefs in order to awaken to reality but c'mon, you guys are just shutting everyone and everything out because... I dunno, anger? I mean I get some of you are paranoid evangelicals but that can't be everyone's excuse, can it?

Giant steps are what you take walking on the moon.
uhm...Mr. got spellin mestakes.
What 2nd generation Muslim immigrant isn't more liberated than they were or would still be if they had remained in their homeland?

Not sure how that makes lefties freaks or odd, or what's so mind boggling about it. Perfectly consistent with the defense of human rights actually.

Any more questions? (That was a question).

You ever dated a second gen Muslim. I can check that box. She wouldn't let me meet her parents, or even drop her off out front. SO liberated. But hey, this is the interweb so clearly I'm making that up...

Can you provide a reference to anyone on the planet who seriously believes that? cough*strawman*cough

I'm sure you were being sarcastic, but not everybody will realize that.

Stawman? lol...

Yes, it was indeed a sarcastic, slightly comedic commentary, designed to point out the ridiculousness of the argument made post US election (also the ridiculousness of your debate strategy) .. Fawk, even youdude got it no problem... but your response is predictable from someone who clearly thinks he's smarter (or virtuous) than everyone in the room.
You can point out the ridiculousness of your d*** if you want, it makes no difference.

I'll repeat myself, because well, you seem to have a tough time with comprehension (that's the polite version before you start snowflaking).

This place is turning into right-wing nutbar acho chamber number 5 (or is it 6, you can never have enough echo) because of the regular suspects...

First, polite version or not, I've received a warning for exactly the same comment.. Just sayin'

Second, I got a full infraction for "Leftiefin"... Just sayin' X2

It's funny how the most virtuous of GTAM members (not just you) view their own penchant for insult as justified, while the other side are just "full of anger". Us usual suspects are not actually that thin skinned, and I'd have no problemo going toe to toe in insult olympics.. Unfortunately, political view has, imho, an effect on the threshold for what gets a slap on the wrist around here.

Am I snowflaking? Don't care. I personally think it's fine, but only if it's fine for everyone... See, I'm all for equality.
It's funny how the most virtuous of GTAM members (not just you) view their own penchant for insult as justified, while the other side are just "full of anger".

That is of course the modus operandi of the left. And of course burning Berkeley and calling for killing trumpsters and the "right" is all logical and justified in their eyes.
That is of course the modus operandi of the left. And of course burning Berkeley and calling for killing trumpsters and the "right" is all logical and justified in their eyes.
You gotta ask yourself if those people are really representative of the common Democrat voter. I'm guessing no, not by a long shot.

They're young and stupid. And their fire is fuelled by marxist intellectual professors at these universities. They'll grow out of it, and hopefully the universities will change.
You gotta ask yourself if those people are really representative of the common Democrat voter. I'm guessing no, not by a long shot.

They're young and stupid. And their fire is fuelled by marxist intellectual professors at these universities. They'll grow out of it, and hopefully the universities will change.

And that's the bit that really gets me, particularly when they're attacking someone like Peterson. When they shut him down (at least inside) here in Hamilton, some of these protesters were actually hold banners with the hammer and sickle screaming down the his "hateful propaganda".

Do they even truly understand what that symbol represents? I'm guessing no...Also of interest is how this element of the protest did NOT appear in the local paper,

Two weeks later(ish), the paper makes mention of the one old guy who yelled something about muslims at another free speech rally outside of city hall, and made certain it was conflated with Nazi ideology.... I mean one group is literally holding up the actual symbols representing murderous tyranny, nothing; and the other guy yelled go home, yeah make sure that gets in :rolleyes:.

.... Nevermind the fact that the Nazi's were not even a human rights drop in the bucket compared to Soviet numbers of atrocity
You gotta ask yourself if those people are really representative of the common Democrat voter. I'm guessing no, not by a long shot.

They're young and stupid. And their fire is fuelled by marxist intellectual professors at these universities. They'll grow out of it, and hopefully the universities will change.

Why or how would it change when the same types will go back into the system?
Garbage in garbage out.
They are teaching SJW classes in high school so they are prepared for uni, lol
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