Ferguson Missouri

A distance away from what? The patrol car? Of course, because he ran away and was pursued by the officer on foot, at which point he turned around and charged him twice; finally being put down by a bullet which entered the TOP of his head.
Ted Nugent nails it:

Ted Nugent
Musician/Band · 2,302,139 Likes · November 24 at 7:07pm ·
Here's the lessons from Ferguson America- Don't let your kids grow up to be thugs who think they can steal, assault & attack cops as a way of life & badge of black (dis)honor. Don't preach your racist ******** "no justice no peace" as blabbered by Obama's racist Czar Al Not So Sharpton & their black klansmen. When a cop tells you to get out of the middle of the street, obey him & don't attack him as brainwashed by the gangsta ******** you hang with & look up to. It's that simple unless you have no brains, no soul, no sense of decency whatsoever. And dont claim that "black lives matter" when you ignore the millions you abort & slaughter each & every day by other blacks. Those of us with a soul do indeed believe black lives matter, as all lives matter. So quit killin each other you ****in idiots. Drive safely.
finally being put down by a bullet which entered the TOP of his head.

I bet he didn't see that coming. The way the "evidence" shows he acted one might conclude suicide by cop. Always give cop benefit of the doubt because they just looking for a reason to ventilate you. That's what I'm getting from this.
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What I get from all this is that lower forms of human life will toss out reason and logic in order to riot, loot and pillage their own communities.

Other lower forms of human life will capitalize on this by making it prime-time television.

The circle of life.
Ted Nugent nails it:

Ted Nugent
Musician/Band · 2,302,139 Likes · November 24 at 7:07pm ·
Here's the lessons from Ferguson America- Don't let your kids grow up to be thugs who think they can steal, assault & attack cops as a way of life & badge of black (dis)honor. Don't preach your racist ******** "no justice no peace" as blabbered by Obama's racist Czar Al Not So Sharpton & their black klansmen. When a cop tells you to get out of the middle of the street, obey him & don't attack him as brainwashed by the gangsta ******** you hang with & look up to. It's that simple unless you have no brains, no soul, no sense of decency whatsoever. And dont claim that "black lives matter" when you ignore the millions you abort & slaughter each & every day by other blacks. Those of us with a soul do indeed believe black lives matter, as all lives matter. So quit killin each other you ****in idiots. Drive safely.

Ted Nugent is a moron. However he makes a decent point here
Ted Nugent is a moron. However he makes a decent point here

Yeah, I was going to comment on Ted but you've done that.
Ted Nugent nails it:

Ted Nugent
Musician/Band · 2,302,139 Likes · November 24 at 7:07pm ·
Here's the lessons from Ferguson America- Don't let your kids grow up to be thugs who think they can steal, assault & attack cops as a way of life & badge of black (dis)honor. Don't preach your racist ******** "no justice no peace" as blabbered by Obama's racist Czar Al Not So Sharpton & their black klansmen. When a cop tells you to get out of the middle of the street, obey him & don't attack him as brainwashed by the gangsta ******** you hang with & look up to. It's that simple unless you have no brains, no soul, no sense of decency whatsoever. And dont claim that "black lives matter" when you ignore the millions you abort & slaughter each & every day by other blacks. Those of us with a soul do indeed believe black lives matter, as all lives matter. So quit killin each other you ****in idiots. Drive safely.
He's not wrong.
If you have a issue of substance with anything I say or do, I welcome any fair criticism.

If on the other hand you just feel bad about your life and confused about things in general, and you're looking for someone to rag on to help ease your suffering, then you won't find a willing target in me. Either lay out the basis of your problem with me, or lay off.

relax dude. you are saying that she's not at fault for what happened to her ?

being poor is not an excuse to break the law... she had multiple speeding tickets unpaind. who made her speed ?
she had seatbelt tickets.. if she cant afford the ticket, dont do it.

you seem to think that she is the victim, but what you fail to realize is that these deadbeats cause more harm. She got into an accident that was her fault. no insurance, nothing.. the victim in that accident will now suffer because the poor lady cant pay for the accident.

if she is that poor, sell the friggin car and pay up. next time i get a ticket can i just say.. **** you, i am poor. ?

give your head a shake man. lol on this certain issue, you are just plain wrong. but lets get back to Missouri... ok ?
I agree with this. Even though i think MB was a thug, he still deserved some due process unless of course Wilson's testimony holds true and he brown actually grabbed his gun, at that point youre pushing it.

I dont understand how these police forces dont force their officers to carry tazers. theyd rather just go straight to lethal force rather than an incapacitating force and that makes no sense to me.
IMO they shouldn't be allowed to pull out the tazer in any situation that didn't justify the use of deadly force anyways. Except the tazer isn't viewed as a deadly weapon yet, so the threshold for justified use is much lower and more people are harmed/killed as a result.
IMO they shouldn't be allowed to pull out the tazer in any situation that didn't justify the use of deadly force anyways. Except the tazer isn't viewed as a deadly weapon yet, so the threshold for justified use is much lower and more people are harmed/killed as a result.

If this were the case, then why would a cop even bother with a taser?
relax dude. you are saying that she's not at fault for what happened to her ?

being poor is not an excuse to break the law... she had multiple speeding tickets unpaind. who made her speed ?
she had seatbelt tickets.. if she cant afford the ticket, dont do it.

you seem to think that she is the victim, but what you fail to realize is that these deadbeats cause more harm. She got into an accident that was her fault. no insurance, nothing.. the victim in that accident will now suffer because the poor lady cant pay for the accident.

if she is that poor, sell the friggin car and pay up. next time i get a ticket can i just say.. **** you, i am poor. ?

give your head a shake man. lol on this certain issue, you are just plain wrong. but lets get back to Missouri... ok ?

I've seen a guy get out of at least $5k in charges in traffic court for essentially being too poor and such a screw up the judge just sent him home.
Cops and judges are just people like everyone else, trying to get by in the system they are given to work with. It's the system that's the problem. Killing those who work in law and order won't fix it, it'll just bring on Marshall law which is an even worse system to live under.

I understand that it's comforting to believe that any problem can be fixed with a few choice killings, but they can't. It takes effort and time and suffering. Mostly it takes understanding.

I don't understand it all, of course, but at least I listen and try an learn from those who are living it. I'm not sitting here a thousand miles away passing judgement on people whose situation is completely foreign to me. And I'm not looking for the first flimsy excuse to vent my pre-existing anger or fear.

The only assumptions I start with is that people on the whole are fundamentally good, and fundamentally smart enough to make the right decisions for themselves. One of the lessons I've learned based on those premises is that fear and anger are our greatest motivators, and motivated people are the ones who get s*** done. So our system ends up shaped by fearful and angry people, and I refuse to be one of them. I hope you do to.

obviously im taking things to the extreme by laying waste to certain judges/lawmakers

you always hear stories of the justice system allowing the most insane outcomes possible.
theres obvious corruption in the law/justice system.
its time people fought back. rioting is useless. the people that own the stuff they destroy didnt do anything wrong.

the people should be attacking the courthouse/police station/ cruisers... thats how you riot !
I read it in its entireity. Then I read it again just now, to make sure I hadn't missed something crucial.

From the tone of your post, I don't think you're interested in anyone's opinion, just having your own opinion validated. And based on my interpretation of what I read, I can't do that.
I welcome any informed opinion, you just didn't express any. You said...

The woman crying racism and poverty had multiple warrants for her arrest. She admits to speeding, a lot, and also has driven without insurance. Hardly a sympathetic character.Imagine her in a different context: multiple convictions for driving related offenses, no insurance and she hits a motorcycle while speeding. Still feel sorry for her, that she's a "victim"?
Driving has lots of costs associated. If you can't afford it, don't drive. And don't try to turn it into a race thing. Lots of white ******** who should be arrested for the same thing.
She never cried racism or poverty in that article. In fact she took very honourably took responsibility for her condition despite the overwhelming weight of the nitpicking government administration on her shoulders. All the other charges snowballed from those fines for speeding (which we all do), which tiny derelict municipalities along the highway depend on for their survival. Sixteen towns along one ten-mile stretch. But you read about that.

Are you going to say that speeding fines are justified for safety purposes? That would be a first for GTAM. But I guess you read the part where a guy was charged with child endangerment even though he left his kids with a friend (because kids aren't allowed in court and of course anybody can afford a babysitter/nanny/daycare and the time to drive them back and forth)? You read about the woman who was unjustly pulled over because the cop didn't like the way she was driving? You read about the part where they outright fabricate crimes to issue more tickets? And setting up manually operated red lights to trap people into infractions?

Yes, of course I have sympathy for the woman who got caught up by all this and still doesn't complain.

In that different context you offer, I would not have sympathy for her. But then I wouldn't have sympathy for her if she hit a motorcyclist (or anyone) even if she was insured. Are you saying you would be sympathetic if she were a driving menace with insurance, rather than a safe driver without? Please explain.

Finally, driving is indispensable in those areas. They are entirely car-dependent neighbourhoods and that was very clearly described at great length in the article that you methodically read (twice). The towns were founded in the 50s and 60s, and that particular detail regarding the era they're from is at the heart of the institutionalized poverty problem they're faced with now. If you didn't catch on to that then you missed (twice) pretty much everything the article explains.
relax dude. you are saying that she's not at fault for what happened to her ?

being poor is not an excuse to break the law... she had multiple speeding tickets unpaind. who made her speed ?
she had seatbelt tickets.. if she cant afford the ticket, dont do it.

you seem to think that she is the victim, but what you fail to realize is that these deadbeats cause more harm. She got into an accident that was her fault. no insurance, nothing.. the victim in that accident will now suffer because the poor lady cant pay for the accident.

if she is that poor, sell the friggin car and pay up. next time i get a ticket can i just say.. **** you, i am poor. ?

give your head a shake man. lol on this certain issue, you are just plain wrong. but lets get back to Missouri... ok ?
*sigh* The accident was not her fault. Second f ****** sentence in the article. The at-fault driver insisted on calling the cops, probably because it was a goody-two-shoes wealthy person who was completely clueless to the problems faced by all the poor people he lives amongst.

Poverty made her speed. That's not her claim, that's mine. She had to keep up with a rigid work schedule, classes, kids, and a self-serving bureaucracy that is set up to entrap her. But hey, don't read the article. You've figured it out already.
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i dont get your point ? are you suggesting that the police should only give tickets to those that can afford it ?

or should just that stretch of road be off limits for cops, cause poor people need to drive

in this instance for this woman, whats YOUR solution ? laws only count for people that can afford it ?

dont ticket poor people ?
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