Female riders waving


Okay, another thread about waving.
I find that 95% of female riders I pass don't even wave back. What's up with that? I'm a female too, so why don't you wave to me? :(
Has anyone else noticed this, or is it just me?
Nobody ever waves at me... In fact, I once saw you on a divided highway going the other way and gave you a big wave and got nothing back :(
Aww I'm sorry. If you see my other thread about divided highway waving you'll know why. :(
I hate it when people don't wave back to me, and I hate it even more when I miss waving back to someone.
This is just a theory but just before the moment they wave back, they see just how more attractive you are compared to themselves, and rudely ignore you because bitches just can`t help being catty to pretty girls. It would seem only 5% of women out there are as hot as you.
Probably has something to do with all the times the guy will turn around and follow the girl after she waves back.

Guilty as charged. =p
a Harley dude gave me the finger and i never even waved at him..was kinda funny. but intimidating at the same time.
a Harley dude gave me the finger and i never even waved at him..was kinda funny. but intimidating at the same time.

Which finger? The Thumb or the middle? Lets not argue about how the thumb is not a finger -_-'...
Okay, another thread about waving.
I find that 95% of female riders I pass don't even wave back. What's up with that? I'm a female too, so why don't you wave to me? :(
Has anyone else noticed this, or is it just me?

They dont want you in their riders group
Don't know... Can't say I've had/have an issue with it. However, I also wear a mirrored visor in the hopes it's not immediately apparent that I'm female...I don't need people leaking their stupid judgmental crap all over me :D I ride. N'uff said.

People wave at me, I wave at them...if they don't, I laugh and go on my way. Whatever.
im a fan of waving and almost always wave and even ig i cant, i nod my head. I had the problem with Harley because some wave and some dont so couldnt decide but i have a solution.I wave at Harleys from a distance to give myself enough time, if they dont wave back, they get the middle finger in a very obvious fashion lol
Everyone's nodded or waved at me when i waved so far this season. i even got a "Hello Kitty" wave back from a passenger this season too. Must be a M13 fan...
Multi-tasking doesn't work on a motorcycle.
im a fan of waving and almost always wave and even ig i cant, i nod my head. I had the problem with Harley because some wave and some dont so couldnt decide but i have a solution.I wave at Harleys from a distance to give myself enough time, if they dont wave back, they get the middle finger in a very obvious fashion lol

hahahaa I'm betting that makes you popular. Like the idea though I may have to borrow it for a test run.

The only riders that don't wave back are almost always on a HD. Must be their unwritten code about not waving back unless you also ride a HD. :(
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