Female riders waving

Okay, another thread about waving.
I find that 95% of female riders I pass don't even wave back. What's up with that? I'm a female too, so why don't you wave to me? :(
Has anyone else noticed this, or is it just me?

b/c women have a hard time multi - tasking...........

outside of the kitchen! BAM! lol. zinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnger! lol :P

how do you know that 95% are women? what if they are just really small men?

i like waves from the girls not on the bikes. i am a lot cooler to them. lol
Because since they aren't as good riders as men they are to concentrated on not crashing.....'insert popcorn icon here'

Don't know... Can't say I've had/have an issue with it. However, I also wear a mirrored visor in the hopes it's not immediately apparent that I'm female...I don't need people leaking their stupid judgmental crap all over me :D I ride. N'uff said.

People wave at me, I wave at them...if they don't, I laugh and go on my way. Whatever.
The long ponytail out the back kind of cancels out the mirrored visor...no?
The long ponytail out the back kind of cancels out the mirrored visor...no?

Yeah...but that could also just mean it's a dirty hippy.
Everyone's nodded or waved at me when i waved so far this season. i even got a "Hello Kitty" wave back from a passenger this season too. Must be a M13 fan...

sorry but the heck is a 'hello kitty' wave?
sorry but the heck is a 'hello kitty' wave?

You could be told...but then you have to paint your bike pink.
The worst is riding beside the ocean, cuz you gotta wave back soooo often.
Never seemed to be an issue with me...I'll wave to girl/guy/sometimes even a scooter when I think it's a bike *facepalm* only when it's safe...otherwise you get the nod..

Heck I even stopped to talk to the chick that was screaming out her cage window at me...
hahahaa I'm betting that makes you popular. Like the idea though I may have to borrow it for a test run.

The only riders that don't wave back are almost always on a HD. Must be their unwritten code about not waving back unless you also ride a HD. :(

I ride a Harley and wave at everyone on two wheels and I find about 50% of Harley riders don't wave at me either. In saying that I’ve had multiple sport bike riders either not wave or give me “the finger” after waving at them? Ultimately I wave because the person who waves back is having a great time just like myself.
My question is why does anyone care if someone waves or not? Really.. who cares!
I ride a Harley and wave at everyone on two wheels and I find about 50% of Harley riders don't wave at me either. In saying that I’ve had multiple sport bike riders either not wave or give me “the finger” after waving at them? Ultimately I wave because the person who waves back is having a great time just like myself.
My question is why does anyone care if someone waves or not? Really.. who cares!

I also love that most people just assume a cruiser is a Harley. Get way more waves from guys on Harley's than I do on metrics.

Oh and Sport bike riders in the city almost never wave back...I just get the "nod".

But seriously though...WHO CARES? Whenever I see these threads I strongly suspect the OP wasn't hugged enough as a child.
on my 125 im usually to busy shifting to bother waving the hand. I have had plenty of girls waving at me at red lights from their cars and when they walk across with a big smile though. I think they expect me to speed off into the sun, but I just putter away haha
No we don't!! I have no problems masturbating and moaning on the phone....

that is true. i will agree.
you do that very well.

why stop there? i know there are a few more things you are able to multi task in this area of expertise.

lets call you "special" and work under the assumption that "other than you"...multi tasking for women outside the kitchen hard to do. lol
Okay, another thread about waving.
I find that 95% of female riders I pass don't even wave back. What's up with that? I'm a female too, so why don't you wave to me? :(
Has anyone else noticed this, or is it just me?

How many women riders are you coming across on a daily basis? Enough that you can post accurate waving stats?? I gotta head to where you're riding and get me something better to look at.

Oh, and I don't really wave at anyone. It's not a Harley or chick-thing, I'm just lazy.
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