Feds plan to melt ICE

- Insurance companies will probably have extremely high premiums on ICE vehicles, because they can't connect to them. Hence not knowing their driving behaviour. With EV's, it will be connected to a server where Insurance companies can track you, and your behaviour.
That has very little to do with ev's. It happens that most ev's are connected as manufacturers roll out crap and fix it after it is delivered. Many ice vehicles have very similar connections now (f150 is an obvious example with two way connection).
It's two and a half years later and the Feds have neither built, not encouraged the building of infrastructure to do this. They seem to expect that they simply set a deadline, and all of the minions and citizens will get to work making it so. When it doesn't happen, they hire more minions. Where are the nuclear plants outside of Quebec, which may have enough hydro. Where are the charging stations? Where is the plan?
Where are the nuclear plants outside of Quebec, which may have enough hydro. Where are the charging stations?
On July 7, 2023, the Ontario government announced it will work with Ontario Power Generation (OPG) to commence planning and licensing for three additional small modular reactors (SMRs), for a total of four SMRs at the Darlington new nuclear site.

But electricity system planners surveyed for the study said they weren't worried about that growth. Instead, they saw EVs as "a business opportunity instead of a risk or a vulnerability."

That's because EVs store large amounts of electricity and tend to be flexible about when they charge, as they're parked most of the time.
Lisa DeMarco, CEO and senior partner of Resilient LLP, a Canadian law firm focused on providing advice on climate change and energy, pointed out "many of the peak grid hours are not the peak traffic hours."

An animated diagram shows arrows representing power going from the grid to a car and back.

(Photo illustration by Scott Galley/CBC)
More new vehicle models are also coming out with bidirectional charging, which could potentially allow them to feed power back into the grid when it's needed — something utilities say could be a "game-changing resource."
Norway is a model for charging adoption
But I agree with you that there is not enough actual builds of charging....that said...it's much more cost effective to charge at home.
Ranges are getting longer, charging getting faster....not a wise move to lock into something this early in the transition.

Businesses wanting to attract EV drivers will play a role in expansion.
Norway is a model for charging adoption

Norway is 1/26 the size of Canada with 5.5M people and outside of a few roads into the interior, is all centralized along the coastline. What Norway has done would be like our federal government electrifying Windsor to Ottawa along the lake, Golden Horseshoe, up the 400 series corridors.

And IIRC, Norway's government is running a surplus.
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Climate change has existed for millions of years , ice age existed , we know that . Massive floods , we know that . However it’s the acceleration of change , which is pretty much on us . Massive factories , heated homes with billions of humans , world wide shipping, not using wind. All in the last 200yrs not 2,000,000. Anyone missing that is in a bit of denial.

Sent from my iPhone using GTAMotorcycle.com
Climate change has existed for millions of years , ice age existed , we know that . Massive floods , we know that . However it’s the acceleration of change , which is pretty much on us . Massive factories , heated homes with billions of humans , world wide shipping, not using wind. All in the last 200yrs not 2,000,000. Anyone missing that is in a bit of denial.

Sent from my iPhone using GTAMotorcycle.com

I don't see democratic governments being able to convince people to give up mass produced stuff, go back to chopping wood, de-populate and stop global trade. Essentially "take the world back into caves" as the COP28 host put it.

I get that it's not as virtuous as trying to save the world but I'm putting my resources into making my home more resistant to floods, wind, power outages rather than focusing on it's carbon footprint.
Some blatant partisan attacks and some thoughtful points. Everybody else is doing it? Really? Action is being taken, but is it the right action in the right timeline? Do we take the time to thoughtfully respond, or do we jump into action like chickens with their heads cut off? The just stop oil people are just as wrong as the don't do anything people. I can post the article from years ago announcing the same phase out. There doesn't seem to have been much planning done in the meantime. Anyway, heres the rubbish clickbait article from the CBC owned by the Canadian government. They're left-leaning.
Are their sub species of Oil Stoppers?

I can't get over the hypocrisy of fossil fueling yourself to an oil protest wearing plastic clothes. All to cause a fuel wasting traffic jam. However I saw one where the shirts said "Stop Oil Subsidies". Those I could talk to.
Quite correct, im not likely giving up flying on holidays or using AC at home .

While the Uber greenies have Greta as a spokesperson, who sailed across the Atlantic in a carbon fiber boat to ‘be green’ also does not get it. The carbon footprint of that yacht is worse than a Boeing 777. At end of life there is 0 to recycle .

The governments spin recycle/ reduce and yet the waste by our leadership off the charts . Lead by example maybe …

Sent from my iPhone using GTAMotorcycle.com
While the Uber greenies have Greta as a spokesperson, who sailed across the Atlantic in a carbon fiber boat to ‘be green’ also does not get it. The carbon footprint of that yacht is worse than a Boeing 777. At end of life there is 0 to recycle .
Not that it matters -
I don't see democratic governments being able to convince people to give up mass produced stuff, go back to chopping wood, de-populate and stop global trade. Essentially "take the world back into caves" as the COP28 host put it.
I don't see that is being requested by any sensible organization.
We have the existing technology to get to net zero....and maintain a modern industrial society.
Having the political/group sensibility to get there before we get too far beyond the Holocene maximum is very questionable.

Loss of biodiversity not just due to AGW is a huge challenge and certainly already is a regrettable sacrifice made :(
Thought i read somewhere Tesla is having many problems with steering and suspension issues
There was a report released recently. Tesla was blaming suspension collapses on abuse by the owners. Tbh, I think most manufacturers would have followed that playbook. Saves money now, limits liability and you can gaslight future complainants by saying every previous case was abuse so this one is too. Someone linked to the report in a GTAM thread. I think it was related mostly to the first year or so of Model 3 and Y. As for "many", I don't track auto stats enough to know if the numbers reported were significantly different than numbers for other manufacturers.
My sources also say that we actually need more co2 in the atmosphere, and that we are coming out of an ice age.
My research also tells me we can no longer trust UN and the WHO.

And what are these 'mysterious ''sources''? ''Research''? Cite them. Post links. I can waltz in here, beat my chest, and claim that your aunt wears pants so she must be your uncle. That doesn't make it true.
We have the existing technology to get to net zero....and maintain a modern industrial society.
Having the political/group sensibility to get there before we get too far beyond the Holocene maximum is very questionable.

I disagree. We don't have the minerals to build the batteries and motors if everyone decided to switch every gas engine on planet earth to net zero using existing technology. We also don't have net zero ways of mining or manufacturing the existing technology because we don't actually have existing technology to replace all fossil fuel burning.
I disagree. We don't have the minerals to build the batteries and motors if everyone decided to switch every gas engine on planet earth to net zero using existing technology. We also don't have net zero ways of mining or manufacturing the existing technology because we don't actually have existing technology to replace all fossil fuel burning.

1. Existing tech isn't what we're going to be using 50, or even 20, years from now.
2. Maybe mankind, as a whole, needs to be thinking about USING LESS. In general. Of everything. Not saying to crawl back into caves, but when there's a choice between doing something efficiently or not, pick the efficient one. (This is not necessarily complicated. In spring and fall during moderate temperature outside, my windows are open, my neighbor's A/C is on.)
3. "We don't have enough" ... of resource X, perhaps, but meanwhile, we have enough of resource Y to destroy ourselves. Can we, mankind, make the responsible choice? We are addicted to fossil fuels.
1. Existing tech isn't what we're going to be using 50, or even 20, years from now.
2. Maybe mankind, as a whole, needs to be thinking about USING LESS. In general. Of everything. Not saying to crawl back into caves, but when there's a choice between doing something efficiently or not, pick the efficient one. (This is not necessarily complicated. In spring and fall during moderate temperature outside, my windows are open, my neighbor's A/C is on.)
3. "We don't have enough" ... of resource X, perhaps, but meanwhile, we have enough of resource Y to destroy ourselves. Can we, mankind, make the responsible choice? We are addicted to fossil fuels.
It's kinda hard when the powers that be push capitalistic agendas and (over)consumerism is the way of life.

Heck with the new generations (zoomers and alpha) they impulses are even less controlled. They're a generation that doesn't get to be bored.
There's always a device within reach, a constant flow of dopamine, delayed gratification isn't ingrained and stoicism certainly isn't much of a thing.

Heck south park made an episode about it as they can get away with anything, still , how handymen will be the next billionaires as nobody knows how to fix anything anymore. And while it's humour, there's always a layer of truth to it... Things are made to break, theyre not easy to repair or cost more to repair so we consume more new items while the old ones will sit in the landfill.

In order to reverse that we need a whole culture shift and EV won't address any of that, it's a band aid on a symptom of a much much much deeper issue that's being programmed and enabled generation after generation into the very fiber of our culture.
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