federal election - who are you voting for

I agree Boots. These are issues that need to be resolved. Im not a pot user but i personally think it should be legalized. Im also not someone who would pay for sex but i think its the two adults personal choices what they want to do with their bodies. Same thing for niqab. Im an atheist and not a fan but democracy is democracy. I think there should be situations where niwab should be removed but in general, leave them be. Dont intrude in my life and i wont intrude in yours kinda deal. These are of course my opinions and everyone has theirs.

What i was trying to highlight is that there are far more dundamental issues (as you also mentioned) that we as Canadians need to be focused on. These politicians use smoke screens to distract us from more important issues and use wedge issued to divide us. This worked great for cons last time around too.

But yes we are in agreement sir!

Nah I know what you were saying I'm sorry for using your quote as that rant it wasn't directed to you. Just general thoughts of what I've been noticing around me.
And for the cries of recession... there was a big one in the early 90s that the Liberals steered us through, getting us to surpluses quickly. There was also one in the early 2000s that the Liberals steered us through with very little impact to Canada. The CPC dogma is just not supported with data.

On top of that everyone forgets that Harper wanted to deregulate our banks (so they could "compete" with the US banks) prior to the 2008 banking crisis but he did not have the majority he needed. IF he did we would have crashed just like the USA in 2008! Then he takes credit for our banks not crashing which was in-spite of him not because of him...

One surplus and the Harperistas think he is an economic god. Ten Liberal surpluses during two recessions and they think it is some sort coincident.

Oh, you mean the mess that Mulroney inherited from Trudeau?

That got us into the short term thinking mode of how can I next get elected or leave the opposition a bigger mess. We need some long term thinking in government.

We did deregulate. Where do you think that ING direct "anti bank" guy came from? Certainly, not a big bank from the Netherlands? How about HSBC?
Why do you think the banks started using their initials, or that we have branches down in the States, and over in Europe. Or Banks started insurance companies?
Ha, Ha.

I love watching Harper and the CBC. They hate each other. Its the best Television.

When harper got in initially he had the CRTC look at CBC Revenue.

A 30 second national spot during prime time on the CBC costs around $135,000. CBC have 16 minutes of ad avails every hour so in theory they can generate over $2 million per hour and over $13million in that 6 hour prime time window. Multiply that by 365 days and that’s over ¾ of a billion dollars for 6 hours on one channel. They have 6 national channels running 24x7x365 so to air on the side of caution they probably do around $6Bn in ad revenue per year. Special events like the Olympics brought in another billion in ad revenue.

BTW, every network publishes their spot pricing on line so it’s publically available if you search.

They also get over $5 from your cable or satellite bill so 7MM subscribers in Canada x$5x12 months is another $420 mm per year
The also get another $1.2 billion of tax payers money + one off payments for Digital and Equipment Upgrades + funding for producing Canadian Content

So conservatively their budget is probably around $10 billion Their peak viewership is around 750k so they spend about $13,000 per viewer on an annual basis

BTW, they don’t pay tax on any of this, even ad revenue.

If you consider Fox in the US, their gross revenue is around $13Bn and their operating revenue is around $5bn and their mean number of subscribers in the US is around 12mm at any time.

That means that they spend $416 per subscriber.

Harper cut government funding back to $1.2Bn and as a result high paid, non-unionized workers at the CBC were asked to take a pay cut.

Mansbridge’s total package including bonuses dropped from $2.2mm to $1.8mm – still not bad for 5 hours work a week. Most of the other senior reports followed suit so Mansbridge now has this complete hate on for Harper, (probably the same on Harpers side) and it shows.

The CBC is just another great government boondoggle where Canadians are pissing away money and no party wants to address it. I don’t know about you, but being able to watch Canadian content like “Wind at my Back” isn’t just that important to me. Give me Family Guy on Fox any day.

I wonder how Mansbridge will feed about Trudeau when he starts taxing the wealthiest 1%

I say this knowing that the CBC were a good customer of mine. They always paid over and above the going rate and I sure do miss those $2000 lunches at Harbour 60:)

Having said all that, the average CBC employee probably makes less that their counterpart at CTV.
Thanks for the detailed review.

I once watch Rosemarie or whatever her name, was chatting with the Conservatives. She throw a tantrum like a 5 yr old . It was quite a sight lolz
The other thing that Justin seems to be confused about is that he's going to tax the wealthiest 1%. How's he going to do it? The wealthiest 1% legally pay less tax than you or I do as they can afford to hide it. Is he going top revamp the CRA and all the tax rules? Anyone earning more than $50k will be hammered.

As if the 50k mark is even remotely close to the top 1% :lmao:

Not a die hard NDP fan but Mulcair was the ONLY one who opposed harper on C-51 and actually stood up to him while Trudead sucked his thumb like a scared little bay and bowed down to Harper (and yes Liberals voted to take away your right to privacy hand in hand with Harper)

This and the TPP issue are the two biggest reasons for my going NDP
I discussed the TPP, or rather had it discussed to me, with bike types over the weekend. Having nothing to bring to the table I was left to contribute moaning sounds. I should read up on the TPP and surrounding issues some day because it seems to me that a total and complete global economy is inevitable. Being top dogs of course we're going to suffer in the shortish term but eventually all people will rise. That's kind of an NDP sentiment innit?
I discussed the TPP, or rather had it discussed to me, with bike types over the weekend. Having nothing to bring to the table I was left to contribute moaning sounds. I should read up on the TPP and surrounding issues some day because it seems to me that a total and complete global economy is inevitable. Being top dogs of course we're going to suffer in the shortish term but eventually all people will rise. That's kind of an NDP sentiment innit?
Well TPP is a secret deal which in itself is the biggest red flag. WIkileaks recenlty got their hand on one of the chapters of the TPP and they were talking about how much this will hurt our civil rights.
This is the bottom line of the TPP. transnational corporations will benefit enormously. Polititians who will be doing their bidding will get the crumbs and me and you will loose our jobs, benefit and ability to purchase some of the most essential things like drugs.
I agree Boots. These are issues that need to be resolved. Im not a pot user but i personally think it should be legalized. Im also not someone who would pay for sex but i think its the two adults personal choices what they want to do with their bodies. Same thing for niqab. Im an atheist and not a fan but democracy is democracy. I think there should be situations where niwab should be removed but in general, leave them be. Dont intrude in my life and i wont intrude in yours kinda deal. These are of course my opinions and everyone has theirs.

What i was trying to highlight is that there are far more dundamental issues (as you also mentioned) that we as Canadians need to be focused on. These politicians use smoke screens to distract us from more important issues and use wedge issued to divide us. This worked great for cons last time around too.

But yes we are in agreement sir!

Well wrote.
Sexist comment?
When will be get a non white prime minister?

42 years, gotta be.

Be colour blind and proud. Who cares of skin colour anymore, we need a leader who can lead. I hope they have pink with purple polka dots on...

I kid, but don't.
I discussed the TPP, or rather had it discussed to me, with bike types over the weekend. Having nothing to bring to the table I was left to contribute moaning sounds. I should read up on the TPP and surrounding issues some day because it seems to me that a total and complete global economy is inevitable. Being top dogs of course we're going to suffer in the shortish term but eventually all people will rise. That's kind of an NDP sentiment innit?

Here's an interview with Dr. Michael Geist, a law professor and the Canada Research Chair in Internet and E-commerce Law at the University of Ottawa.... no reading required.

If it's so bloody secret, then just how do so many people know about it in such detail?

If it isn't then why are so many people making such a big deal about how secret it is?

So, in other words, "I didn't listen to the interview, or look into Dr. Geist's work or credentials in relation to TPP in any way, shape, or form, But hears what I think?
Here's an interview with Dr. Michael Geist, a law professor and the Canada Research Chair in Internet and E-commerce Law at the University of Ottawa.... no reading required.


The first bits of the podcast were unlistenable so I googled tpp and read Bernie Sanders pdf on it. It sounds dire, not so much that global trade is inevitable and that were going to take a hit for a good long while but that, as usual, it's all driven by big business who we know only has one motive in mind no matter what it destroys. I've said it before regarding Alberta oil and I think it probably applies here as well. Imho there is a strong case for treason against one Mr. Steven Harper.
One could also make a strong case for a Stockholm Syndrome like affliction within the conservative base

Imho there is a strong case for treason against one Mr. Steven Harper.
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