Ha, Ha.
I love watching Harper and the CBC. They hate each other. Its the best Television.
When harper got in initially he had the CRTC look at CBC Revenue.
A 30 second national spot during prime time on the CBC costs around $135,000. CBC have 16 minutes of ad avails every hour so in theory they can generate over $2 million per hour and over $13million in that 6 hour prime time window. Multiply that by 365 days and that’s over ¾ of a billion dollars for 6 hours on one channel. They have 6 national channels running 24x7x365 so to air on the side of caution they probably do around $6Bn in ad revenue per year. Special events like the Olympics brought in another billion in ad revenue.
BTW, every network publishes their spot pricing on line so it’s publically available if you search.
They also get over $5 from your cable or satellite bill so 7MM subscribers in Canada x$5x12 months is another $420 mm per year
The also get another $1.2 billion of tax payers money + one off payments for Digital and Equipment Upgrades + funding for producing Canadian Content
So conservatively their budget is probably around $10 billion Their peak viewership is around 750k so they spend about $13,000 per viewer on an annual basis
BTW, they don’t pay tax on any of this, even ad revenue.
If you consider Fox in the US, their gross revenue is around $13Bn and their operating revenue is around $5bn and their mean number of subscribers in the US is around 12mm at any time.
That means that they spend $416 per subscriber.
Harper cut government funding back to $1.2Bn and as a result high paid, non-unionized workers at the CBC were asked to take a pay cut.
Mansbridge’s total package including bonuses dropped from $2.2mm to $1.8mm – still not bad for 5 hours work a week. Most of the other senior reports followed suit so Mansbridge now has this complete hate on for Harper, (probably the same on Harpers side) and it shows.
The CBC is just another great government boondoggle where Canadians are pissing away money and no party wants to address it. I don’t know about you, but being able to watch Canadian content like “Wind at my Back” isn’t just that important to me. Give me Family Guy on Fox any day.
I wonder how Mansbridge will feed about Trudeau when he starts taxing the wealthiest 1%
I say this knowing that the CBC were a good customer of mine. They always paid over and above the going rate and I sure do miss those $2000 lunches at Harbour 60
Having said all that, the average CBC employee probably makes less that their counterpart at CTV.