All of the surrounding nations (all predominantly Muslim) tried several times to annihilate Israel.
Every time despite inferior numbers Israel kicked their ***** and made major gains in territory.
Of course they gave most of it back except for the defensively strategic areas.
They area of Judea and Samaria commonly called the West Bank was Israel's to begin with until Rome banned the Jews from entering their homeland for 19 centuries.
So if they were overwhelmingly attacked and made gains of what was originally their's why is it not their land?
Especially considering it was a wasteland that they worked hard to make fertile.
Care to point out which rivers were diverted to make them fertile? I can help you here....they were not Israel's downstream.
Also as an aside...using a book of fairy stories as a legally binding land document is a little absurd isn't it?
Also...who was in that land before Judaism even existed? Surely it's their land isn't it?
Giving a religion a country is a totally nutbar idea and the decades of war and resistance is what you get for it. Let's give Vatican City to all the catholics...any catholic can go and live there. Any Mormon has the right to live in Utah at the expense of anyone else that may have lived there before. Screw it...I'm writing the "Book of Me" and in it it says that I am the one true holy one who should be given Bermuda...and everyone already there has to **** off. Zionism is a bad idea...but the problem is, it's happened, you can't "unhappen" it but what certainly shouldn't be done is prop up a vile undemocratic, apartheid government at the expense of everyone else who has to live in refugee camps without the same status or rights. Jews and Arabs lived together peacefully for ages before when each was treated equally. It can happen again but settlements need to stop, land stolen needs to be returned, people need to be treated absolutely equally and refugees in other countries need to be allowed to return to their homes.