safari 5
Safari 5 also features a number of performance enhancements, including the new Nitro JavaScript engine, which Apple claims improves JavaScript performance by 30 percent over Safari 4 and 3 percent over Google Chrome, as well as making it twice as fast as Firefox 3.6. They’ve also built in additional speed features such as DNS prefetching and improved caching of previously viewed pages. In addition, the Windows version of Safari can now take advantage of hardware acceleration for graphics and interactive features.
Apple’s spent a lot of time talking about HTML5 recently, and Safari appears to put the company’s money where its mouth is. Included in the update are a handful of new HTML5-related features, like the addition of full screen video playback and closed captions, as well as HTML5 Geolocation and several other capabilities that should allow Web developers to take even more advantage of the features that HTML5 can offer.
The new Safari Reader feature seems akin to Web-based services like Readability, giving you the option of viewing a Web page in a slimmed-down, scrollable view that eliminates many of the distracting elements. Safari 5 can detect both single and multipage articles and allows you to toggle the Reader mode to display the article, print it, or share it via e-mail. (for those of you that dont know about reader, its in the address bar at the right, try it, when visiting a site with a lot of distractions)