Every Thursday night - Lakeshore and Leslie???

Well, there are at least 10 bikes here. The hardcore!
You guys are a buncha pussies..... There used to be a crew of us that would ride down all winter..... was a competition to see who would be last one on a bike... I usually won. Most would stick it out till the snow started... some a little later.... even fewer into January.... then I would show up in late Jan early Feb riding My Fighter wearing shorts.... Game over... LOL
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There used to be a crew of us that would ride down all winter.....

So why don't you do it now?

If I had a bike I'd be there...
I'll be heading down tonight along with a few friends. Hope to see lots of riders out while the nice weather holds.
Still no bike...
Will be showing up again when I get my hands on one.
Dang, just put some seafoam in my gas! lol. I hope she isn't too smokey!! :(

-Jamie M.
I'll bite. This might be the last time I ride before I call it a season.
greetings all,

First time I went down there and it was October 25 and by 8 30 pm there must have been close to 100- 150 bikes. Not bad for October, wonder what it was like in the summer...
Was a great night! Probably my last ride for the season... (although I have said this before) was nice seeing everyone one last time. Awesome turn out.
Was a great night! Probably my last ride for the season... (although I have said this before) was nice seeing everyone one last time. Awesome turn out.

Wait! I don't remember seeing you... where were you? and how come you didn't say hi to me? :) lol hopefully you don't vanish till next season now!
I usually stay away from smokers. :D
yeah me too... those people really smell funny after a cigarette .. I only smoke when you are around cuz you make me nervous! ... I even choke on my own coffee.. is messed up! lol
.. I only smoke when you are around cuz you make me nervous! ... I even choke on my own coffee.. is messed up! lol

I make you nervous?... hahaha I've heard this way to often... but therefore you smoke and choke on your coffee? :lmao: Well don't kill yourself el felo. lol!
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