Every Thursday night - Lakeshore and Leslie???

Lots of bikers tonight. Hopefully that cruiser that dropped on his way out is ok.
My first time out tonight to the L&L, great time lots of bikes, lots of friendly peeps. Glad to meet everyone that I met tonight- see you next week
Thanks for a great L&L tonight which was my first time out.
Met a tonne of nice people and way way too many ideas for mods ...
Thanks for a great L&L tonight which was my first time out.
Met a tonne of nice people and way way too many ideas for mods ...
Nice bike man, it's off to a great start :)

An INSANE amount of people there today, was nice to see so many old faces!!

Still not too happy with the audio from my Drift, still so loud it clips, and still gets wind noise even with their wind cut external microphone I bought (but not nearly as bad as the built in mic) :( I'll ask the Drift peeps if in the next firmware update they can add a few lower volume options (I already have it on 1 out of 3) and I can pick up a more furry cover for the external mic (they also make a glue on fuzzy cover for the built in mic but I assume the external would work better).


(video is still uploading/processing and I haven't had a chance to do some highlight reel buttons yet, lol). 4:14 is an onramp to the highway, 18:00 is another ramp, 26:40 I exit the highway, 29:20 me budding in the left turn line and arriving at L&L just after.

-Jamie M.
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Had a great time at L&L last night. I met some new peeps and I'm looking forward to next week :). See you all there!!
I was surprised by the huge turnout last night, is it always like this? Damn!

I'm just getting to know some new people and saw a few familiar faces.
I was surprised by the huge turnout last night, is it always like this? Damn!

I'm just getting to know some new people and saw a few familiar faces.

Yes, and usually bigger, but I ended leaving around 8:30 so I don't know if it got bigger or not.
Yes, and usually bigger, but I ended leaving around 8:30 so I don't know if it got bigger or not.

Yeah it got very crowded around 9:30ish...
I was surprised by the huge turnout last night, is it always like this? Damn!
It'd always be like that if No Frills doesn't get mad and make their security guards not let us park there :( When they do that we're only allowed to park in the lane against the timmies drivethru, against the far end of the parking lot (along lakeshore side), as well as can park in timmies, etc. At the end of last year a bunch of people were doing some burnouts and one guy blew his engine and dumped coolant and oil all over the parking lot and ever since that they were very strict :(

I didn't see ANY popo or security guards out last night though.

-Jamie M.
Your GPS makes a big footprint in the picture, I put the suction cup mount for my drift on the front and it works not too bad. Doesn't bounce too much and you get a nice field of vision of the road without having half the picture taken up by your dash.

(video is still uploading/processing and I haven't had a chance to do some highlight reel buttons yet, lol). 4:14 is an onramp to the highway, 18:00 is another ramp, 26:40 I exit the highway, 29:20 me budding in the left turn line and arriving at L&L just after.

-Jamie M.
Your GPS makes a big footprint in the picture, I put the suction cup mount for my drift on the front and it works not too bad. Doesn't bounce too much and you get a nice field of vision of the road without having half the picture taken up by your dash.
For evidence purposes I need my dash visible in the video ;) I have my GPS in portrait mode which is why it sticks up so far, but it doesn't cover up anything really important on the dash. I may try it in landscape mode so you can see more of the RPM gauge.

-Jamie M.
Is anybody from Oakville or Mississauga heading down to Lakeshore and Leslie tonight? If anybody wants to meet up to ride there reply here or PM me.
not sure if you guys saw this last night, but this was pretty bad ***. he's running nitrous and has a radar detector. if i remember correctly, he's heading to montreal to try to set a record or something along those lines.

over $60k invested in the bike.


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not sure if you guys saw this last night, but this was pretty bad ***. he's running nitrous and has a radar detector. if i remember correctly, he's heading to montreal to try to set a record or something along those lines.

over $60k invested in the bike.


He ain't stoppin :)

EDIT: Post number two million on GTAM!!! WOOT!

-Jamie M.
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he will have to stop for fuel a few times unless those bags hold fuel for the 542 km trip.

don't know how many km you get at wide open throttle.

don't think nitrus would last long for a 2 hour trip going 270+ in the middle of the night. but then again its a zx-14. it wouldn't need nitrus much anyway.
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He ain't stoppin :)

EDIT: Post number two million on GTAM!!! WOOT!

-Jamie M.
Saw this guy at the bike show in jan, ya he has a lot of coin into this toy. And @ warp tiger... Lmao...not!
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