Enough of COVID...what are you doing to the house?

Stay tuned as the man from Mimico prepares to go hand to paw combat with an angry racoon cornered in the attic.

.... 1 km relocate for a squirrel :LOL: he will probably pass you on the way home.
Live trap it and donate it to the zoo they love it when people do that :LOL: ...no don't do that I'm just kidding.

Years ago my daughter, who is an animal lover, ran home to tell me there was an injured squirrel on the boulevard. To keep it from being eaten alive by a neighbourhood cat I brought it home and put it in a makeshift cage to die in peace. I also called the humane society and got promptly told off for doing what I did. I presume they would have sent squirrel ambulance to take it to a rodent trauma centre. It was frigging squirrel, not some endangered species.

If I called Trials he would have sent me a bullet and recipe.

It actually recovered, was released and now its offspring eat my green tomatoes. Thanks a bunch.

I prefer to relocate them closer. A foot below grade saves a lot of gas.
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Saw this on facebook, not sure of the veracity:

You've been on vacation for two weeks, you come home, and your basement is infested with raccoons.. Hundreds of rabid, messy, mean raccoons have overtaken your basement.. You want them gone immediately!.. You call the city and 4 different exterminators, but nobody can handle the job.. But there is this one guy, and he guarantees to get rid of them, so you hire him.. You don't care if the guy swears, you don't care how many times he's been married, you don't care if he has a plumber's crack, you simply want those raccoons gone!..

You want your problem fixed!.. He's the guy.. He's the best!
Here's why we want Trump: Yes, he's a bit of a jerk; Yes, he's an egomaniac; but we don't care!..
The country is a mess because politicians suck, the Republicans and Democrats can be two-faced and gutless, and illegals are everywhere.. We want it all fixed!.. We don't care that Trump is crude, we don't care that he insults people, we don't care that he's been married 3 times, we don't care that he fights with Megyn Kelly and Rosie O'Donnell, we don't care that he doesn't know the name of some Muslim terrorist.. This country became weak and bankrupt, our enemies were making fun of us, we are being invaded by illegals, we are becoming a nation of victims where every Tom, Ricardo, and Hasid is a special group with special rights to a point where we don't even recognize the country we were born and raised in; "AND WE JUST WANT IT FIXED”.. And Trump is the only guy who seems to understand what the people want..
We're sick of politicians, sick of the Democratic Party, sick of the Republican Party, and sick of illegals!.. We just want this thing fixed.. Trump may not be a Saint, but we didn’t vote for a Pope.. We voted for a man who doesn't have lobbyist money holding him back, a man who doesn't have political correctness restraining him.. We all know that he has been very successful, he’s a good negotiator, he has built a lot of things, and he's also NOT a politician, NOT a cowardly politician.!..
And he says he'll fix it.. And we believe him because he is too much of an egotist to be proven wrong, or looked at and called a liar.. Also, we don't care if the guy has bad hair.. We just want those raccoons gone, out of our house, NOW!!!
You are welcome to copy/paste/share this.. Thousands of people who haven't voted in 25 years seem to be getting involved.. And the more people get this message, the more that will understand why Trump was elected..The raccoons have got to go!!!

So to get rid of some raccoons you burn down the house. Got it.

Some island had a snake problem and a genius heard that the mongoose eats snakes and brought in a bunch. It worked so well that soon the snakes were all gone. Now the mongooses /geese started getting hungry and you know that thing about snake tasting like chicken....well the mongooses turned it around, chicken tastes like snake and the feathers flew.
I had a pet flying squirrel and a pet red squirrel in the 1960's.
The red squirrel was killed by a hunter that was trespassing. ****** did't want to share his lunch with Flash :( so he killed him.

The flying squirrel was pretty cool, his name was Rocky. National Geograpic sent a photographer to get pictures of him in flight, that was pretty cool too, they had to rethink the way flying squirrels hold their head in flight :geek:

I had a one eyed baby Beaver too, he was pretty entertaining, I called him B-B
we had 5 lion cubs and a Lemur at the same time :| very strange household. We let them all go free when we were up here at the lake and nobody ever ran away.
I've relocated two and given lead injections to two others. Also caught a skunk and innumerable chipmunks. A few squirrels have been dispatched as well. Things were fairly good for the last month, but I woke up this morning to one of the bird feeders on the ground. May need to break out the sardines and set the traps again.

A friend had a skunk problem and tried trapping them using eggs, sardines, salmon, etc for bait with no luck. His neighbour worked for hydro and told him they when had a skunk problem around the transformers they used KFC. He switched to KFC and caught the whole family.

Now when someone mentions KFC I think "Skunk bait" and I pass.
Faak. The little bastards are getting ready for winter.

This morning I got the one lurking around yesterday, I also found soffits on my garage ripped open in 2 places. They also ate part of my pool vacuum last night. This afternoon my dog is going crazy trying to get a skunk that's hiding under the deck. Squirrels - forget about it, I have 10-30 running around my yard any given moment.

They are so common now, they no longer excite my Cat (he used to be a serial killer).


Having a mid day snooze on my deck.

Midnight Snack

Busted. I get them winter and summer.
harder to throw the cage in the pool in the winter......
An old farmer I used to know would normally throw the extra barn cats in a garbage bag and put it over the exhaust pipe of his car. Unless the cats annoyed him, then they would have a much less humane path to the afterlife. It's interesting to see how human behaviour changes when you place no value on life (most people with bugs, the farmer with cats/racoons/seagulls, or extremists with humans)
I knew guys that would lure the raccoons with antifreeze so they'd eat it and then die off the property as apparently it took some time to eat through their insides. Sad but I can see their reasoning when the vermin would kill their entire garden and damage the property.
harder to throw the cage in the pool in the winter......
There are so many around here I'd like to dispatch a few... my wife has a different opinion. When I catch them, she always makes sure they get a good meal (usually a tin of cat food) and water before I relocate them to a safe peaceful valley, far away from dangerous roads.
There are so many around here I'd like to dispatch a few... my wife has a different opinion. When I catch them, she always makes sure they get a good meal (usually a tin of cat food) and water before I relocate them to a safe peaceful valley, far away from dangerous roads.
That's why you have so many. Those little bastards are communicating and know where the good feeding is.
I bought some frog logs, but can't tell if they're working or if it's just a low season this year.
No chipmunks or squirrels have drowned in the pool yet. Usually, we've had two by this time.

I didn't buy any new pool noodles, as the last two years, we've had a mother raccoon, get into our pool house sometime in the winter and have babies for the last two years. First year, she pried off the roof vent, and last year, she went through the window screen. I'm hoping to keep it buttoned up tight this year, as she has no compunction against ******** in her own nest.
Stupid question....does anyone have a drywall lift to rent in the west end of the GTA?
Stupid question....does anyone have a drywall lift to rent in the west end of the GTA?
You probably know Home Depot has them for $40 for the day. When I was hanging my basement drywall I just made something out of 2x4s. Because the area wasn't completely cleared out and small enough that the lift wouldn't work. Plus I am tall enough to reach the ceiling without a ladder etc.

You probably know Home Depot has them for $40 for the day. When I was hanging my basement drywall I just made something out of 2x4s. Because the area wasn't completely cleared out and small enough that the lift wouldn't work. Plus I am tall enough to reach the ceiling without a ladder etc.

Yes I called them and they have them. Renting it elsewhere is my backup plan as they don't reserve. Already tried and they said no. First come first served.
In case anyone hasn't read it, this is a great book.

Yes I called them and they have them. Renting it elsewhere is my backup plan as they don't reserve. Already tried and they said no. First come first served.
Yeah I know, but usually they have more then one and if you go early it's not typically a problem, plus you must have more then one HD around or Lowes etc.
I caught my 80 year old father slinging drywall onto a ceiling over his stairwell a couple of years ago, because he didn't have a lunkhead. Get yourself a lunkhead. They're much easier to move around than a lift on the fly, and if properly trained, can even put some screws in for you. If you injure yourself, they can begin first aid, and call 9-1-1. It's better to work in pairs.
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