Well-known member
Got a furnace? Adding a humidifier to it for the whole house isn’t too expensive.
Here's the thing...I would get one hooked up with the furnace, gets the whole house and for me it was about $250-300 at the time of furnace install.
I do have a furnace with a humidifier. It's a high efficiently and dries the house out sooo much. So I set the temp lower not to dry everything out. Also to add I have one of those forced air humidifiers with a metal pad, it's sucks basically (Air king etc). I've been meaning to replace it with something more active and without a metal pad do-dad. On top of this I also have a HRV, which allows you to mechanically mix outside air into your house, I think it was a bit of a waste of money as opening a window can do the same thing, anyhow I think the way the ducting is mixed for the HRV kind impacts how effective the humidifier works on the furnace, since I don't run the HRV all the time the moist air might not move as much.
There you have it. Most likely will replace the on furnace humidifier, and the stupid old school inaccurate dial thing with something better.