Elephant in the Covid room

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I get it. It is hard for Douggie to identify who is critical to life-safety in the supply chain. That is why he shouldn't have tried. Set a criteria to stay open (eg. produce either a product or precursor to a product that is critical for life-safety in the next 60 days) and then have a mechanism after the fact with a huge bloody hammer (2020 revenue?). If someone complains or an inspector finds that you are making makeup because you wanted to, kablamo, that may be it for you. Decimation on a corporate scale to ensure the rest aren't such selfish asshats.

At my day job..

  • My job still has employees coming into the office from the GTA region every day
  • We have a new layer of bureaucracy. Every morning there is a paper with a bunch of covid-19 questions but if you are already at work why would you NOT LIE?
  • Also shared cafe, shared coffee makers and shared company vehicles
Ministry of Labour sees ESSENTIAL business and tells you their hands are tied

NACI and Tam crapped the bed again. They were supposed to have a press-conference on AZ but got some new information on variants and cancelled it to review. Useless tits. Have the press conference. State that again, your findings show that the clot risk is both immaterial and substantially lower than the risk of waiting. Then go on to say that new information regarding variants was just received and under review and further updates would follow. By cancelling with no information other than "we received important new information", the hesitant will think the sky is falling.

What is it with everybody thinking they're "Special" now. Truck drivers have been waaaaaay more exposed in the last 12 months and you haven't heard any of their governing bodies crying or threatening over their lack of priority despite how much it would have made sense given the high spread vector.

Airline pilots. Etc etc etc etc etc. The list goes on and on.

At this point I'd say focusing on the hotspots is a far higher priority than special interest groups. Heard on 680 today that Brampton (sigh) is totally off the deep end with positivity - slam everything we have vaccine wise into that area as THAT's a bigger risk and will keep us in this longer.

I get it. It is hard for Douggie to identify who is critical to life-safety in the supply chain. That is why he shouldn't have tried. Set a criteria to stay open (eg. produce either a product or precursor to a product that is critical for life-safety in the next 60 days)

The minutiae on that is so incredibly hard to nail down, that's the issue, as like we've discussed here what seems totally and completely non essential to one person has a critical effect on something very important potentialy 3 levels down.

But yeah, cookies and makeup? F those places.

By cancelling with no information other than "we received important new information", the hesitant will think the sky is falling

It started happening less than 60 seconds after that announcement - I was on a FB group and the comments from the usual suspects started coming fast and furious.
The minutiae on that is so incredibly hard to nail down, that's the issue, as like we've discussed here what seems totally and completely non essential to one person has a critical effect on something very important potentialy 3 levels down.

But yeah, cookies and makeup? F those places.
I get it but if you want to stay open, you would have a product tree showing what you are making, where it is going, what it ultimately becomes and how much of your production goes that way. Just because 1% of your production goes to masks doesn't mean you should have the other 99% running at full steam (unless you had a really good explanation like the 1% is a byproduct that requires the 99% to obtain). I am thinking about it from a court perspective instead of legislative. Present your argument and a (theoretically) smart, unbiased and reasonable person decides if you attempted to comply with or dodge the regulations.
I don't disagree, but I suspect there's not remotely enough staff in whatever governmental agency overseeing this to actually process all those sorts of things in the time window involved. Do we default to "Everyone closes unless you get approved as actually essential" or do we default to "You can stay open until we decide you can't because your application doesn't justify it"?

Honor system? Ripe for abuse.

Everyone can justify their own business in some fashion or another if they try hard enough...that's the problem. The cookie maker will say they sell cookies to a hospice and "the dying people need them". The make up factory will say that the funeral homes won't be able to perform funerals if they don't have makeup for the bodies.

Some of the utter stupidity I've seen in the last 12 months, being front and centre to much of it would make some peoples heads explode if I ever sat down and told all the tales...
I don't disagree, but I suspect there's not remotely enough staff in whatever governmental agency overseeing this to actually process all those sorts of things in the time window involved. Do we default to "Everyone closes unless you get approved as actually essential" or do we default to "You can stay open until we decide you can't because your application doesn't justify it"?

Honor system? Ripe for abuse.

Everyone can justify their own business in some fashion or another if they try hard enough...that's the problem. The cookie maker will say they sell cookies to a hospice and "the dying people need them". The make up factory will say that the funeral homes won't be able to perform funerals if they don't have makeup for the bodies.

Some of the utter stupidity I've seen in the last 12 months, being front and centre to much of it would make some peoples heads explode if I ever sat down and told all the tales...
I was definitely thinking more along the lines of honor system with an audit window afterwards (24 months)? Sure, they wouldn't get them all and maybe don't even use the audit, just put a couple miserable pricks down right now and watch the rest alter their behaviour. Hell, you don't even need to fine them, just issue a health order and chain the doors for non-compliance. After being caught out of compliance, they are free to reopen once they submit a plan and get it approved. The approval department is very busy, we'll get to it.
This is Trudeau's fault.
Don't worry. He is thinking about maybe possibly at some point in the future maybe considering doing something about streams of covid patients coming in. He wouldn't want to do anything "culturally insensitive" like telling people in hotspots or places with new variants that they needed to properly quarantine so they didn't literally cause the deaths of thousands of canadians. Being open and equitable is a far more noble pursuit.
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What is it with everybody thinking they're "Special" now. Truck drivers have been waaaaaay more exposed in the last 12 months and you haven't heard any of their governing bodies crying or threatening over their lack of priority despite how much it would have made sense given the high spread vector.

Airline pilots. Etc etc etc etc etc. The list goes on and on.

At this point I'd say focusing on the hotspots is a far higher priority than special interest groups. Heard on 680 today that Brampton (sigh) is totally off the deep end with positivity - slam everything we have vaccine wise into that area as THAT's a bigger risk and will keep us in this longer.

The minutiae on that is so incredibly hard to nail down, that's the issue, as like we've discussed here what seems totally and completely non essential to one person has a critical effect on something very important potentialy 3 levels down.

But yeah, cookies and makeup? F those places.

It started happening less than 60 seconds after that announcement - I was on a FB group and the comments from the usual suspects started coming fast and furious.

Degrees of separation: My technicians walk to work and if it rains they need umbrellas. Therefore umbrellas are essential. Open Walmart.

My receptionist is so ugly if she came in without makeup everyone else would leave.
This is Trudeau's fault.
And yet he is over 36 percent in the polls. And flights from India land in toronto daily where they have 300,000 cases a day. He does need his voters to be able to come back home I guess
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