Sure you could go with that......except all great inventions, discoveries , medicine , explorations, businesses have been done by people who went against the grain of society and conventional thinking....and they were attacked and criticized for it by people who wanted them to just go along and fit in.I have found over the years that people who are most scared and uncertain of their path in life....are the ones most likely to latch on to theories that support that the world doesn't make sense because of other people.
Those same people usually lack empathy.
As an individual I choose to participate in....mostly anyway....with what society in general has decided that we need to do to keep our society whole. I work. I pay my taxes. I wear a mask. I isolate the best I can. I accept curtailing of minor parts of my civil liberties for the betterment of slowing the spread.
Every day I decide my fate.
Since it has all started I have been amazed at the inability of some people to see what the world is....I assume because they are scared of the world and feel that their life is not theirs to direct.
Not everyone can be Musk , Galileo ,Columbus , Salk or Jobs but they take comfort in fiitting in taking no risks or chances and have no unique opinions while criticizing others for being bolder and better and taking the world forward.
Ultimately that’s ok because the ant farm needs far more followers than leaders

The Psychology of Conformity or Why Do We Have the Need to Fit in? - Learning Mind
What are the answers to the psychology of conformity? We want to be unique, but we want to fit in. And, what exactly is it we are all trying to fit in to?
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