One of the last few gov't killed it. Can't remember which one.
It is really hard to maintain a constant state of readiness for something that has historically only been a major problem every 100 years.
Even things like the mask supply are a hot potato. They spend millions buying them, millions storing them and then millions throwing them out because they expired. Repeat that cycle over and over and people complain about government waste. One cycle out of every 20, you need them. A smarter approach is probably a government (or subbed) DC for common items so things like masks and gloves have a stock of xx million but they are constantly rotating as hospitals replenish the stock they use. The opposite of JIT but you are sitting on the warchest of current stock if it is required. The system they had sounded like a buy/store/dump and repeat every five years (which means 20% of the time you are sitting on stock that is about to expire and questionably useful anyway).