Doggy 2ups???


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Ok, just to clear things up, the title could be taken to be misleading but it is littereally the subject of this thread. My dog is a Lab/Shepherd/Border Collie. Shes slightly smaller than a pure lab and very skinny and streamline. She basically looks like a black, lab in a german shepherd's frame.

Anyway, she rides on the back of my Katana 600 with me. We've only just done a slow 40kms around the block as i am worried if anything happens because she is still quite big for the rear seat. All i have to do is tap the rear seat and she jumps up and sits. She absolutly loves it (how can you not love a motorcycle despite your species???) but i am just wondering about a few things:

1) Doggy helmet?
2) A better way of security for her as the 2upper?

I'd never take her on hwys or do any crazy things with her on the back. It is just nice easy cruises.

I have some pics, i will post them as soon as i can get them.

Any advice on security for her on the back of my Katana 600 would be great.
Not what you're looking for, but my advice would be "don't do it". There would be no way to get a dog to fully understand what is going on, and the risks of jumping off. I shudder to think, even at 40km/h what may happen in "around the neighborhood" traffic.
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can some1 post that 1098 chick w/ dog again? cant find it. and... is she on this forum? lol
I totally get the whole don't do it thing. This is up north though in almost no traffic. Your entitled to your opinion and i normally would NEVER do this with a dog. But this dog jumps on and won't get off unless u take her around for a even the shortest ride. Just looking for something a bit more safe to help us both out.
I originally had an idea of a sort of dog harness where you could thread a belt through and tie to yourself...then everyone posted that i was retarded :rolleyes:
I originally had an idea of a sort of dog harness where you could thread a belt through and tie to yourself...then everyone posted that i was retarded :rolleyes:

I thought of that too, guess we'll have to be retarded together...

But honestly people what about when u take your 5 year old for a 2up or what about side cars??? same idea.
That dog looks like it could take quite an impact.

Thats not a dog, its a rat. My dog would eat it for...nope wouldn't even satify her as a snack. And its stuck in the bag. It wouldn't be able to jump off if anything happened - that is stupid. I'm looking for a way that she can ge toff if anything happens. Please also remember that this is up north in no traffic not going over speeds of approx. 60-70kms.
I use to have a Golden Retriever that *loved* to go for canoe rides. She'd just sit up front, you couldn't get her out of the canoe. Never had a problem until one time -- well, it was a long swim to shore!

On a side note, many years back I saw a family bicycling across Canada (maybe just Ontario) with a poodle-type dog sitting on the deck of the bicycle's pannier. The dog just sat there! It was the cutest thing I ever saw.

I can understand that you want to share your ride with your dog. I've thought about it many times myself. Except my Retriever is 100lbs and dumb as a stump and I keep thinking "... what if..??"

My only "solution" would be a sidecar.

And P.S. I think I'm more "up North" than you. ;)
RottenRonnie (on the forums) takes his dog with him all the time. Haven't seen him on the boards in a little while.

I'd ask him how he did. His avatar picture is awesome.
I use to have a Golden Retriever that *loved* to go for canoe rides. She'd just sit up front, you couldn't get her out of the canoe. Never had a problem until one time -- well, it was a long swim to shore!

On a side note, many years back I saw a family bicycling across Canada (maybe just Ontario) with a poodle-type dog sitting on the deck of the bicycle's pannier. The dog just sat there! It was the cutest thing I ever saw.

I can understand that you want to share your ride with your dog. I've thought about it many times myself. Except my Retriever is 100lbs and dumb as a stump and I keep thinking "... what if..??"

My only "solution" would be a sidecar.

And P.S. I think I'm more "up North" than you. ;)

Exactly! And up north i mean Cochrane for Vaca trips to the cottage.
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