Doggy 2ups???

Just saying, why keep the M2 longer than required? If you or anyone is already an 'experienced' rider then get it as soon as you can, besides you didn't waste anytime getting your M1 ;)

Yeah i guess your right. I guess i've just spent too much time at the drivetest place because they take forever to get to someone.
Yeah i guess your right. I guess i've just spent too much time at the drivetest place because they take forever to get to someone.

I know too many people who ran into issues due to completely forgetting about it. Really if alcohol is the only restriction and drinking and riding is for dummies anyways, its not much of a push to get the final license cept an expiry date that is just long enough to seem reasonable but def long enough to forget the specific date etc. Talk to Adri and Lunatic about their fiasco....
This is completely false. There are MANY riders out there who do not have a full M liscense yet they have been riding street for over 10 years.
There probably are. However, you do not have a full M license and have been riding on the street for less than 1 year. I don't give a **** about how long you rode on dirt for, that doesnt make you a skilled street rider. The reason people are calling you inexperienced is because you are. Maybe not inexperience as far as riding but inexperienced at riding, or driving for that matter, on public roads. You almost killed yourself in your first season because of your awesome dirt riding abilities. Yet, you seem to go around acting like it was no big deal. If things had happened differently you could have died.

I realize you are 16 and you think you know more than all of us combined. However, when people with much more street riding experience than you, advise you that something is not a good idea, I suggest you listen.

Okay many of you are still on about the danger of a dog on a bike in traffic, etc. READ MY POSTS! Did i ever say i was taking her on the hwy? Did i ever say i was taking her into traffic? NO. I'm sure that i said it was up north (far up north) on trafficless roads doing low speeds. Honestly people, this was not meant to be an argument, this was meant to ask for help. If you can't offer help on ideas about securing her more safely, don't post. I have my answers regardless so there is no use in posting anymore.
There is not a very big difference between the dangers of a dog on a bike in traffic, and the dangers of a dog on a bike. It doesn't matted if you're taking her on the highway or into traffic or down the drag strip, it just is not safe. If your dog falls off at any reasonable speed (most unpopulated back roads are 80km/h) it is going to get hurt. The reason this turned from a helpful thread into an argument is because it is a stupid idea. Why do you insist on asking for help and not listening to those who are trying to legitimately help you avoid a disaster?
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There are MANY riders out there who do not have a full M liscense yet they have been riding street for over 10 years.

Not legally, they haven't. You have 22 months to get your M2 from the date you've obtained your M1. Once you have an M2, you can delay getting the full M for a maximum of 5 years, after which your licence automatically reverts back to M1 status.
Not legally, they haven't. You have 22 months to get your M2 from the date you've obtained your M1. Once you have an M2, you can delay getting the full M for a maximum of 5 years, after which your licence automatically reverts back to M1 status.

Pretty sure you only have 90 days to go from and M1-M2. It's 22 months to go from M2-M unless you took a course, then it's 18 months. Either way you can only hold the M2 for 5 years, and I don't get why someone would want to for longer, you'd have to pay to re-do the test, and you're insurance will be higher
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Pretty sure you only have 90 days to go from and M1-M2. It's 22months to go form M2-M unless you took a course, then it's 18 months.

Whoops, my bad. You are correct.
You aren't going on the highway... so what speed do you think you'll be doing with the dog, 30-50? Ask a friend to do that speed in their car while you sit on the trunk then roll off, naked. You want to take a chance on that happening to your dog?
Ask a friend to do that speed in their car while you sit on the trunk then roll off, naked.


There's no sense people, she's clearly wiser than all of us, due the mad skills she's acquired from her extensive dirt riding. We'd have better luck reasoning with a bag of hammers. I just feel sorry for the dog.
The OP is nuts and shouldn't even be permitted to own a dog. I can't believe this would even be considered. Completely insane and wholly irresponsible. It's not funny, nor is it cute. You have a choice to ride a bike, the dog does not.

Do the right thing, please, for the sake of the animal and fellow motorists.

Dog has a choice... It chooses to jump on. Lol

As for doogles, don't see dogs wearing any protection when they are holding their heads out of car windows, doing 100 kph.
Dog has a choice... It chooses to jump on. Lol

As for doogles, don't see dogs wearing any protection when they are holding their heads out of car windows, doing 100 kph.

That's because their owners are either clueless or careless about the probability of their dog going blind from foreign objects becoming imbedded in their eyeballs. It happens a fair bit.
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