Doggy 2ups???

Where there's a will there's a way I guess.
I thought of that too, guess we'll have to be retarded together...

But honestly people what about when u take your 5 year old for a 2up or what about side cars??? same idea.

A sidecar would definitely be a better idea. Your dog is way too big to be balancing on a Katana passenger seat. Whether on a bike, or in a sidecar, you need to acclimatize the pooch to wearing 'doggles'. Eye injury for the pooch is just not a good thing.

If i were you, i'd take your XR650L, and get either a cheap(er) Velorex, or an off-road sidecar platform fabricated for it, and go nuts with the dog. Keep the Katana for solo, road-use sans dog. Great way to justify having the two bikes.

A dog on a bike, cute? Sure is.

A dog in a sidecar, off the beaten path seems fine. A dog in a back pack doesn't seem like a good idea but a large dog on the back seat of a Katana? This has to be a troll post. You can't be serious. :tard:
Dog in the sidecar is too funny!
I can't even fathom the logistics of a large dog somehow sitting and balancing on a tiny motorcycle seat. Frankly I won't believe its even possible unless I see pics to prove it. I call BS as well.

I have medium sized dogs, and I would never, ever, in a MILLION years even attempt to put them on my bike. My life, and theirs, mean too much to me.
really really really upset about this thread.

100% not what i wanted it to be about.
I've taken my 17 pound Jack Russell / Pug for a ride around the neighbourhood in my bar bag with head and front paws out and holding herself up. She was ok but happy to be back on solid ground. My ***** has balls.

I'd like to try it again with a better setup. Maybe some kind of harness to tank bag setup and some doggy goggles to avoid eye irritations. I work 2 km away and could bring my pet monster in... But I won't until I have a safe way of doing it.
At 16 years old, without a full M, and already having been down once, somewhat seriously, not long ago, I can't even believe you'd fathom this.
I fully intend to get a hard luggage case for my rear rack, and chop a hole in the top of it for my jack russell terrier's head. She loves to travel, and is always hanging out the window of my truck....and can easily do day after day 15 hr car rides with no trouble at all.
I fully intend to get a hard luggage case for my rear rack, and chop a hole in the top of it for my jack russell terrier's head. She loves to travel, and is always hanging out the window of my truck....and can easily do day after day 15 hr car rides with no trouble at all.

Love my jack Russell terrorist!
She puts her paws up on her own seat when i'm on it with her. I have a video of us going around, i just have to get it from someone elses camera:)
I'm suprised to see her sitting there... but I still think it's absolutely crazy to even consider having a dog of that size, or any dog really, riding pilion. Even if you somehow tether her to you... one misstep while you go in to lean, the dog starts to fall, and the weight of the dog will pull you off the bike faster than you know what hit you. How can you teach a dog to lean, or will you just *never* lean when riding? You're endangering both your life and hers riding like that. I wouldn't be suprised if you get pulled over and get a ticket for... something... just like people do when they drive their cars with dogs on their laps (idiots!)
The OP is nuts and shouldn't even be permitted to own a dog. I can't believe this would even be considered. Completely insane and wholly irresponsible. It's not funny, nor is it cute. You have a choice to ride a bike, the dog does not.

Do the right thing, please, for the sake of the animal and fellow motorists.
If it was 1000% safe I'd do it......but it's not, even when I'm in the cage if i have 2 stop quickly or make a sharp turn the dogs are all over the place(maybe I'm a bad driver:dontknow:) but if they can't keep their balance in a cage what's going 2 happen on the bike?

Only way I'd take a dog on my bike is if it had already been 2 the taxidermist......but that'd be really creepy, so forget I just said that:confused1:
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