If the retiree can't get around then he/she sits around and obesity and therefore blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes etc causes a greater drain on services.
because the same does not apply to working individuals.
If the retiree can't get around then he/she sits around and obesity and therefore blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes etc causes a greater drain on services.
Then the currently employed person can't work with the bad knee.
Not good for the GDP, and now more taxpayer money has to support him on disability. A retired person I know just had a knee replacement scheduled 5 months away........doesn't bother her cause she's not working, would be different if they were middle aged and working.
A long wait might be fine for a couch potato, but what of the retired person who would otherwise be active but for that bum knee? GDP gains come not only from working people, but also from retired people buying goods and services that have to be produced by working people. If you're shut in waiting for that knee, odds are that your elective spending is going to go way down.
Increasingly so as the population ages, and more and more money is locked up in their retirement funds.
We'll save a mint with murf's plan. The elderly will just keep getting bumped down the list every time one of society's valuable members gets a boo boo. No more need to worry about an aging population. Vote for murf!
We'll save a mint with murf's plan. The elderly will just keep getting bumped down the list every time one of society's valuable members gets a boo boo. No more need to worry about an aging population. Vote for murf!
another problem with funding is more of the populations is making less for the same job than 10-20 years ago particularly when you factor in inflation.
Longer life expectations but with extra health costs.
Companies invent expensive new meds and med equipment and we expect the hospitals to have them when we need them.
Most diseases are treated not cured = repeat customers.
Another thing that has to change in our medical system is a shift to prevention, not cure or treatment.
Another thing that has to change in our medical system is a shift to prevention, not cure or treatment.
Another thing that has to change in our medical system is a shift to prevention, not cure or treatment.
I preferred the USA system. I'd walk in to a medical office and show my insurance card and get taken care off quickly. That way I could get back to my job. The system here is over burdened by people that don't need urgent care and have nothing better to do than wait in Urgent care. There should really be a penalty for misuse.....say $50. Or a two tiered system so the people with jobs get taken care of quick with all things being equal.
When I was in Montreal the average wait time was 16 hours. The worst hospital was 32 hours. People dying waiting happened every few months. Thankfully in Ontario it's better.
On one episode of Top Chef one of them cut himself and went to the hospital, I believe it was in Dallas. When he came back he told them all he had to wait about 6 hours. I was really surprised because I guess I just assumed that it was in and out down there like they all make you believe.