Some comparisons.
First my doctor in Toronto had 1 assistant for 4 doctors. My doctor in California had 3.5 assistants for just himself. Incredibly inefficient.
Second in Canada coverage is part of universal healthcare. In California not the case (clearly). I am a healthy male, no pre-existing conditions and the insurance I have in California is as follows:
$297 month premium
$5,000 deductible per year
40% co-pay after the deductible
$35 office visits (doctor bills the insurance company $278 for 15 minutes)
$10 prescriptions (only 30 day prescriptions are allowed, no 60 or 90).
4 office visits per year at the $35, after that out of my pocket
ER visit covered if admitted to the hospital, if not, then deductible and co-pay apply.
Non-network hospitals not covered unless approved.
$145 for routine blood tests
This is through blue shield.
When I was in South Carolina I needed to go to an ER for a medical issue. The total bill was $12,000 for the visit. As I had different insurance at the time, I didn't get dinged with the bill (not admitted), nor did I have a huge co-pay. Sadly I couldn't get that coverage in California as insurance plans vary by state.
The U.S. system is totally broken.