Do we need a different classification system for members?

and *then*

It's an addiction

haha, actually, we're both wrong. ""better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"...

No "and then":

I was around back in the good ol' days now this place bores me to tears. I already know how to change my f-ing oil and to look both ways before pulling out of my driveway. I came here for the controversy, the prom threads, the naked chicks riding on the back of toysare4boys bike, blaming sh-- riders for crashing or not riding correctly, the click group rider wars, the Deals Gap drama, the new female riders intro/not a dating website thread. This place is exciting as Mr. Rogers Neighborhood.
I was around back in the good ol' days now this place bores me to tears. I already know how to change my f-ing oil and to look both ways before pulling out of my driveway. I came here for the controversy, the prom threads, the naked chicks riding on the back of toysare4boys bike, blaming sh-- riders for crashing or not riding correctly, the click group rider wars, the Deals Gap drama, the new female riders intro/not a dating website thread. This place is exciting as Mr. Rogers Neighborhood.
Not sure when back in the good ol days was, but with the rise of Social Media people hardly seek out Internet Fourms anymore, they are more tuned into Facebook, instagram etc.. I hate to say it but most users of Forums are probably greybeards. It's great this one is active and diverse, as Social Media tends to be very limited on what people post and discuss. ?‍♂️
Not sure when back in the good ol days was, but with the rise of Social Media people hardly seek out Internet Fourms anymore, they are more tuned into Facebook, instagram etc.. I hate to say it but most users of Forums are probably greybeards. It's great this one is active and diverse, as Social Media tends to be very limited on what people post and discuss. ?‍♂️

It's true, but facebook and instagram are hopeless as "stores of information". I'm on a few bike-specific internet forums, and most of them have pretty low activity.
Facebook, Instagram, and other social media tend to be about the "Look at me, look at me" factor more than the actual conversation aspect.

When was the last time you ever saw someone post a "Stylish" edited and filtered-all-to-hell photo of their bike on Instagram and seen any sort of meaningful lengthy discussion follow it in the comments beyond "cool bike bro" and such?

If you were looking for nuts and bolts help on something like an engine rebuild or whatnot, a forum like this facilitates the discussion far better than something like Facebook where it becomes a jumbled mess of comments in short order.

A forum on the other hand is actually about discussing things instead of just presenting them to the masses hoping for likes and mentions.
Facebook, Instagram, and other social media tend to be about the "Look at me, look at me" factor more than the actual conversation aspect.

It depends on the pages you're a member of. Fluff pages vs. focused groups. There's a huge difference. There's a couple of XR650R pages. It's mostly discussions only on those specific bikes. A dozen of so guys on them who race or formerly raced Baja/SCORE. Ask a question and you get something to the effect of "when I was working for Bruce Ogilvie, we use to....." followed by an informative answer.
I was around back in the good ol' days now this place bores me to tears. I already know how to change my f-ing oil and to look both ways before pulling out of my driveway. I came here for the controversy, the prom threads, the naked chicks riding on the back of toysare4boys bike, blaming sh-- riders for crashing or not riding correctly, the click group rider wars, the Deals Gap drama, the new female riders intro/not a dating website thread. This place is exciting as Mr. Rogers Neighborhood.

The problem is, on forums everything has been done. The "pix of my ex" threads. The "watch me blow away this car/bike/cop" threads. The "how to make a bomb" threads (where it all goes wrong). The totally out-of-control flame-war threads. Nothing is exciting anymore. Prove me wrong.
The problem is, on forums everything has been done. The "pix of my ex" threads. The "watch me blow away this car/bike/cop" threads. The "how to make a bomb" threads (where it all goes wrong). The totally out-of-control flame-war threads. Nothing is exciting anymore. Prove me wrong.
A flame war about the lack of flame wars?!? You're on!
We need more "watch me blow away this car/bike/cop" threads !!!
That stuff is ******* awesome to watch and the **** talk in those threads is the stuff of late night show writers.
The internet is here for my amusement, my motorcycle is for my amusement. This place was adding to my amusement with fun content. Oh how i long for those days.
A flame war about the lack of flame wars?!? You're on!
We need more "watch me blow away this car/bike/cop" threads !!!
That stuff is ******* awesome to watch and the **** talk in those threads is the stuff of late night show writers.
The internet is here for my amusement, my motorcycle is for my amusement. This place was adding to my amusement with fun content. Oh how i long for those days.

You're talking entertainment value, which I used to live for on forums and spend post after post lobbing troll-grenades to make the argument blow up again. Unfortunately, advertisers start to complain, then it becomes a headache for mods to keep up with. In came the rules, then all the entertaining mentally unstable characters got kicked off. They were replaced with the boring people. Most of those old forums are ghost towns now, and a lot of them closed up shop. Anyone remember where all the street racing was posted (before YouTube came along)?
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