Now, we basically have supporters who get to post everywhere including the trash section and non supporters who get into just about everything else.
We have several threads locked down because people got their shorts in knots about other opinions or interpretations of facts. The for sale forums do not allow questions or comments because of communication abuses. The fallen rider threads seem to be watched very carefully for hints of criticism.
We have lost valuable members, I assume because they were goaded into making posts that resulted in them being banned.
Many of the threads that have been locked still had value.
If you follow enough topics you get to know who has expertise in the subjects and we have a lot of potential good advice here. It's a shame it can get locked away.
Do we need to ban more posters?
Do we need to increase the workload on the mods by making them babysit?
Do we put people on partial bans? A member gets restricted posting access to contentious topics
How about a online version of the cuss jar? One freebee with a warning and after that any obnoxious post costs $X with the income going to the mods for the extra work.
How about we just ignore the ignorant?
I wonder if this thread will get banned.
We have several threads locked down because people got their shorts in knots about other opinions or interpretations of facts. The for sale forums do not allow questions or comments because of communication abuses. The fallen rider threads seem to be watched very carefully for hints of criticism.
We have lost valuable members, I assume because they were goaded into making posts that resulted in them being banned.
Many of the threads that have been locked still had value.
If you follow enough topics you get to know who has expertise in the subjects and we have a lot of potential good advice here. It's a shame it can get locked away.
Do we need to ban more posters?
Do we need to increase the workload on the mods by making them babysit?
Do we put people on partial bans? A member gets restricted posting access to contentious topics
How about a online version of the cuss jar? One freebee with a warning and after that any obnoxious post costs $X with the income going to the mods for the extra work.
How about we just ignore the ignorant?
I wonder if this thread will get banned.