do people who ride litre bikes have a lot of self control?

The industry decided to self-regulate so the government wouldn't do it for them.
Agree, that was 2001 and coming fast is 2012 and were still producing 600+ Hp automobiles today etc, whats the difference?, The goverment would have to intervene and mandate all related & relevant industries. cant go regulate motorcycles and keep producing insane 200mph+ production supercars etc.
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Agree, that was 2001 and coming fast is 2012 and were still producing 600+ Hp automobiles today etc, whats the difference?, The goverment would have to intervene and mandate all related & relevant industries. cant go regulate motorcycles and keep producing insane 200mph+ production supercars etc.

You don't actually believe that, do you?
Everyone knows motorcycles are dangerous, they have to protect us from ourselves. :rolleyes:

There are some serious differences though, which is why the manufacturers got together and agreed to a limit. It's a hell of a lot easier for a 16 year old to get their hands on a litre bike than a Ferrari. Don't forget accident rates...
Everyone knows motorcycles are dangerous, they have to protect us from ourselves. :rolleyes:

There are some serious differences though, which is why the manufacturers got together and agreed to a limit. It's a hell of a lot easier for a 16 year old to get their hands on a litre bike than a Ferrari. Don't forget accident rates...
Sure but guyz like BMW, Aprilla for example, still producing non restricted bikes, Gov hasn't stepped in, not even on the table, in the end it's all about $$$$$$$$, to approve or impose this kind of legislation ,would not come without great opposition and large corporations who contribute billions $$$$$ funds to the Goverments in other ways.-Ty
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To my knowledge, the BMW sold in the European market does not exceed 300 km/h. They may have different calibration for the Euro and NA models. Also, in the absence of actual regulation, there is nothing *forcing* them to keep the speed within that. If they produce only a limited number of models with top speed higher than that, there's nothing stopping them and there is little chance of political pressure from that. By the way, it's exactly the same with cars. Mass production cars are limited to 250 km/h in Europe but there is no regulation requiring it - only a gentleman's agreement that this would be the limit with the exception of small numbers of exotic supercars, and as long as it is kept that way then the EC will not intervene.

Having said that ... it is indeed all about money. The 300 km/h top speed gentleman's agreement came about with the threat of regulation, and at the time, no European manufacturer built anything (in any noticeable numbers) that would approach that. Now, with the European manufacturers quite strong and with several models competitive in that market, it's a different situation.
I think I have self control.. There are times I wind it out a little but the fear of hitting someone/something, getting caught by the cops and losing my license (which in turn I lose my job.. which I enjoy).. Therefore I lose my house and my livelyhood.. So yeah I guess I have the fear of responsibility under my belt. Then again, being 30 helps. ;)
Whenever I see a Ferrari trolling along at traffic speeds it brakes my heart. Same thing with many sport bikes, you can hear the sadness in the engine, all tension and no release. I appreciate human engineering feats but I don't see the point of a fast vehicle that will never see more than a fraction of it's potential in real world use.
Whenever I see a Ferrari trolling along at traffic speeds it brakes my heart. Same thing with many sport bikes, you can hear the sadness in the engine, all tension and no release. I appreciate human engineering feats but I don't see the point of a fast vehicle that will never see more than a fraction of it's potential in real world use.

my 636 was just as dangerous as my 1000... not the bike, it's the rider that makes the decisions
Yarrrr..... :(

Was at a dinner and we were seated next to this guy, new rider, who had just got a Road Star. Went on and on about how it was 1700ccs. He asked which bikes I had and when I answered, he shrugged his shoulders:

"Never heard of it. How many ccs?".
I reply 1000ccs.
He replies, "hmph. Mine's 1700ccs!".

I should have told him that his bike weighed twice as much and only had half the horsepower. But I really didn't care. That, and he would have just replied, "Ok, but mine's 1700ccs!".

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