Disagreeing with feminist might land you in jail!!!

I googled her and came across this article http://www.thestar.com/news/crime/2..._had_ulterior_motive_for_going_to_police.html

Stephanie Guthrie alleges Gregory Alan Elliott stalked her on Twitter, creepily and obsessively following her tweets and frequently commenting on her work and personal life after she asked him to leave her alone.

People post on twitter and expect it to stay in a private circle? It's twitter!
Can I sue google? It's creepily and obsessively following me.
I googled her and came across this article http://www.thestar.com/news/crime/2..._had_ulterior_motive_for_going_to_police.html

People post on twitter and expect it to stay in a private circle? It's twitter!
Can I sue google? It's creepily and obsessively following me.

Not to also mention the Toronto Star is hugely pro feminism and very much biased against men.

They did an article regarding this centre for men and boys and their comments were all about how the guy who runs it looks pale and ugly! That was their comments regarding a centre that helps men with mental health!

They're a joke
Whats on trial here is what actually constitutes harassment.
You have an interesting take on this issue. I don’t see it like that, but maybe you are right.

Does rebroadcasting someone elses public broadcast count as harassment?
The answer is 'yes'. :p The case below is a little bit related.

Jennifer Pawluck from Montreal was convicted of criminally harassing a police officer by posting an image of a painting on social media (Instagram), along with a threatening hashtag.

Pawluck did not create the painting- she simply took a digital photo, and "re-broadcasted" it using social media. The actual person who created the painting was never identified.

March 2013 - Jennifer Pawluck posted (on Instagram) a photo
she took on the streets of Montreal: a graffiti painting depicting what appears to be a Montreal police officer, Commander Ian Lafrenière, with what appears to be a bullet hole in his forehead.

Pawluck later added the hashtags “Un flic, une balle” (one cop, one bullet) and “All Cops Are Bastards” and made sure to get the spelling of Lafrenière’s name right (she had to correct it once). She also added a hashtag linking it to Montreal police social media pages.

April 2013 - Pawluck is charged and arrested

Later in court, police Commander Lafrenière testified that knowledge that the graffiti was being shared shook him, scared his children and forced his wife to take a leave from work.

According to the Montreal Gazette: The case boiled down to .....

** Whether Pawluck should have known a person would feel threatened by what she posted, AND
** Whether Lafrenière has reasonable grounds to feel threatened.

The Criminal Code makes clear that a threat doesn’t have to be repeated, and can involve one single action, in order to be considered criminal harassment.
Pawluck testified that the posting was intended as a general criticism of the Montreal police and that she didn’t intend to threaten Lafrenière. She testified that she didn’t know who he was when she posted the image.
So, how is Canada making law for internet cases? Is the Jennifer Pawluck / Commander Lafrenière case in Montreal related to Stephanie Guthrie / Gregory Alan Elliott?

Is Gregory Alan Elliott only a troll? Or is he about to become a criminal?

** Should Gregory Alan Elliott have known that a person would feel threatened by what he did and posted?
** Does Stephanie Guthrie have reasonable grounds to feel threatened?

Answers coming up in October...
VICE should stick to reporting about crack... this showed up as a "suggested post" in FB


Yup, Vice is another one of those super biased pro feminist/anti male propaganda pieces. Ive never seen them write a balanced article.

We were at rally for equal parenting rights for fathers and a Vice "reporter" showed up. They talked to us including me. I started by telling her 'i know who you are writing for and i know you will never write a balanced piece'. She smiled and said of course not (as if it was a funny joke)

Of course she edited what i said down to 5% and put the two sentences that out of context would sound controversial.

Knowing she was from Vice, i didnt give her my name and im glad i didnt! Such BS.
Oh man, I skipped through most of her article and read the last paragraph. It ****** me off. She was trying to get attention and make people in to martyrs american style by saying they are standing up for everyone who gets raped. Just because they say they are doesn't mean what they are doing is right and moral. These actions can lead to people's lives being ruined. Not as worst but still important, they'll end up hurt women's issues.

Vice - I have lost all respect for you. Unsubscribed and will no longer click on your links.

Yup, Vice is another one of those super biased pro feminist/anti male propaganda pieces. Ive never seen them write a balanced article.

We were at rally for equal parenting rights for fathers and a Vice "reporter" showed up. They talked to us including me. I started by telling her 'i know who you are writing for and i know you will never write a balanced piece'. She smiled and said of course not (as if it was a funny joke)

Of course she edited what i said down to 5% and put the two sentences that out of context would sound controversial.

Knowing she was from Vice, i didnt give her my name and im glad i didnt! Such BS.
Oh man, I skipped through most of her article and read the last paragraph. It ****** me off. She was trying to get attention and make people in to martyrs american style by saying they are standing up for everyone who gets raped. Just because they say they are doesn't mean what they are doing is right and moral. These actions can lead to people's lives being ruined. Not as worst but still important, they'll end up hurt women's issues.

Vice - I have lost all respect for you. Unsubscribed and will no longer click on your links.

The problem with outlets like Vice is that they take a valid issue and spin it on its head to fit their agenda perfectly while leaving the other side of the issue untouched.

For example, domestic violence is an issue that affects women and men both. 1 in 4 womand and 1 in 6 men experience domestic violence in their lifetime. Same goes for rape and sexual abuse. But you NEVER see feminist propaganda tools like Vice mention the men's side and their issue.

Other issues are child custody and how fathers almost never get equal sustody of their children after a divorce since 87.6% of exclusive custodies in Canada are granted to mothers. Also division of assssets and how women take everything after a divorce. Also alimony. Women work as men do and get paid the same or higher (even if you take if the wage gap as feminist brand it 75 cend to a dollar) it still doenst make sense for men to pay alimony after a divorce since unlike a 100 years ago, women have jobs like man and have their own income.

Men also commit suicide 4 times more than women in Canada (not surprisingly) and the number of male students in post secondary schools is smaller than female students and has been on a decline since 1980s.
All these issue SHOULD get a huge media coverage since men committing suicide 4 times more is a tad more urgent that wage gap. But you hear about wage gap and how women are sexually harassed on a DAILY basis from CBC and Vice and ... yet all of the above issues which are much more urgent get no coverage.

Oh and to that, add the false rape accusations that cause men their entire careers, social life, family and many times drive them to suicide. In many cases even after the court clears the man of any wrong doing and calls it a false accusation, he still looses his job and people look at him a rapist who got away. and all of this JUST with a single woman's words and false accusation.

None of these get ANY media attention and anyone bringing it up is branded as woman hater and a misogynist yet womens issues never leave the headlines.

So sick of this sexist society which thinks its progressive but in reality, all it did was to swing the pendulum from one extreme (of women being the victims) to the present time where men are now the victims and have no rights.

Talk to any man who went through family courts in Canada and youll know what i mean.
Yeah, I know someone who got divorced recently. She got his house 1mill+, full custody of kids, all of his RRSPs and gets support payments. She refused to work even when the kids are 18+. It's easier to get support payments.

I know a lot of guys sticking around in their marriage and taking abuse because they know they won't get to see their kids.
Yeah, I know someone who got divorced recently. She got his house 1mill+, full custody of kids, all of his RRSPs and gets support payments. She refused to work even when the kids are 18+. It's easier to get support payments.

I know a lot of guys sticking around in their marriage and taking abuse because they know they won't get to see their kids.

And no one, i mean no one talks about it in the mainstream media. its all pro women conversations. Every single day CBC talks about how men are criminals and pool women are like fluffy bunnies who have to be protected agains men who are ALL wolves.

And until men (and women who really want equality) dont stand up, the situation will get worse for us men. This is why the whole MGTOW has become such a popular movement because men are opting out of marriage, having children or even having a meaningful relationship with a woman. Because in a split second, she can open the gates of hell on his by a single phone call and ruin his life forever.

look up CAFE (Canadian Association For Equality). They are the first of its kind organization in Canada which is trying to fight bacl and spready knowledge about men's real situation.

Men are NOT the privillaged class anymore. Far from it, we have become second class citizens in Canada.
the world is run by feminist and homos... Not trying to sound off taste here but there is no better way to say it. There is zero tolerance for testosterone,

Just look at all parts guys play in shows and commercials. They all sound and act more feminine then the woman counterpart who always plays the smarter , light bearing leader role..

"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"
the world is run by feminist and homos... Not trying to sound off taste here but there is no better way to say it. There is zero tolerance for testosterone,

Just look at all parts guys play in shows and commercials. They all sound and act more feminine then the woman counterpart who always plays the smarter , light bearing leader role..

"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"

Not to also mention the Toronto Star is hugely pro feminism and very much biased against men.

Toronto Star is, was, and always will be pro media.
Feminism is in the news, they will push the agenda for more viewer-ship.

One of the "feminists":
My guess... wasn't the most popular chick in High School, trust/hate issues with first love and spiralled from there.

What's the over/under spread on her being part of #raiseminimumwage and #iamthe99% movements?
Toronto Star is, was, and always will be pro media.
Feminism is in the news, they will push the agenda for more viewer-ship.

One of the "feminists":
My guess... wasn't the most popular chick in High School, trust/hate issues with first love and spiralled from there.

What's the over/under spread on her being part of #raiseminimumwage and #iamthe99% movements?

True, they do go for whatever brings them viewrship. But im sure if one media outlet took the other side of the argument and exposed many issues men face, they would get a huge spike in their ratings/sales since they would be the only one reporting on such issues.

National Post actually is doing something like that.
This makes absolutely no sense. How can he even get charged? I hope the judge arrests these ******* and throws them in jail for creating so much damage for this guy...
Haven't the police been quoted before saying it's not their job to know the laws or even enforce the laws but just to lay charges and let the courts figure out if any laws were actually broken?

I think that was in response to something traffic related but it applies elsewhere.
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