Oh no! I spoke to soon!
jks, i know youre kidding... rrriightt?!
Well.I wouldn't have done it but at least she can take that conversation in the spirit fun it was intended.
Oh no! I spoke to soon!
jks, i know youre kidding... rrriightt?!
Well.I wouldn't have done it but at least she can take that conversation in the spirit fun it was intended.
Well Toronto police testified that he did not harras these women in any kind of physical or sexual way and he did not even use foul language.
So basically he disagreed with them politically and they took that as harassment.
Apparently they were the ones harrasing him by calling his potential employers (as a freelance desginer) and telling them he is sexist and a woman hater. And one of their supporters supposadly pretended to be a 13 yrs old girl to get him to act like a paedophile which didnt work out.
Again, based on police testimony, he did not harass them.
IMHO Stephanie Guthrie and Heather Reilly should be charged with hate crimes
as well as criminal harassment. I hope Elliot takes this to the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal. He might be the first white guy to get a judgement in his favour.