Disagreeing with feminist might land you in jail!!!

I don't blame you for thinking that. Sometimes I'm hard on people to test their mettle. Don't fold like a cheap lawnchair please. Ok, here's my take. This feminist thread took me to a lot of videos and articles. I never used to pay attention to this stuff. Of all the mostly pathetic men bitching (some is valid don't get me wrong) the thing I never see is the acknowledgement that we, as men and to a lesser extent society, get the women we deserve. There's lots more to say about that.

Well im glad this thread got you to do some research. What conclusion you come to is yours but i prefer people doing research and coming to an opposing conclusoin to mine than never doing nay research and just gobbling up whatever mainstream media shoves down their throat.

That said, its not about men getting women they deserve or not. Its about the laws of the land that govern all of us. Whether you have a good woman or a bad one, once there is a conflict, the laws as massively against men.

Not only there is no acknowledgment for men and their worth anymore in the mainstream media. Not only men are almost exclusively portrayed as perverted violant crominals who are all one drink away from being a rapist. Not only men have no government funded place to go to for their psycological issue as women have hundereds of shelters all around Canada which are all government funded. But also men have a 4 times higher suicide rate than women in Canada. Men are the ones who are always removed from any domestic violence dispute, regardless of who did what to whom and even whos property it is. Also, the rate of male students in secondary schools have been dropping since the 70s and there is no action from the government to fix it but talk about women's issues every day in the mainstream media.

I can go on and on about how men have become the second class citizens in Canada and you can keep denying it. 87% of EXCLUSIVE custodies are granted to mothers while fathers are stripped from their right to be a father. And thats orderd by the judge who follows Canadian legal system. Try getting a divorce as a man vs a woman. A man looses everything when a woman takes it all.

So its not about some skewed point of view. Those numbers are real. I took the exclusive custody numbers from statcan itself and not some mens right blog.

So we can disagree all we want but facts are facts and men are being left behind and in fact demonized in our mainstream Canadian media while being kicked by the government.

The latest one was banning single men who were running from the same bombs as women were from becoming refugess in Canada. Very shamelessly applauded by the Liberals too.

men have become disposable and are treated like the lesser of the two now. So agree to disagree but these are very real issues and if you havnt been through them yourself, ask your friends and families who have,
That said, its not about men getting women they deserve or not. Its about the laws of the land that govern all of us.

Thank you for taking the effort, I didn't read your long post with the scrutiny a legally binding document might deserve but I'm pretty sure I agree with you on all points. But let me address the above.

I'm not talking about todays man, as noted, todays man is probably pooched. I'm talking about the role men have played over the last century (give or take) in shaping the society we have now. Remember, men are dominant and provider and protector by nature so if we let that slip out of our hands who can we blame but ourselves? Why was it necessary for the government to step in on behalf of women? Like I said, by our collective actions we now have the women we deserve and the laws that go with them. This is not good for you or I. Thank a brother.
Thank you for taking the effort, I didn't read your long post with the scrutiny a legally binding document might deserve but I'm pretty sure I agree with you on all points. But let me address the above.

I'm not talking about todays man, as noted, todays man is probably pooched. I'm talking about the role men have played over the last century (give or take) in shaping the society we have now. Remember, men are dominant and provider and protector by nature so if we let that slip out of our hands who can we blame but ourselves? Why was it necessary for the government to step in on behalf of women? Like I said, by our collective actions we now have the women we deserve and the laws that go with them. This is not good for you or I. Thank a brother.

I completely agree. I used to wonder the same thing. The reason is ( i think) while feminism started its first wave, men felt very comfortable in their shoes and didnt take it seriously and secondly, women were right. What the earlier feminist demanded were logical and im sure most sensible men relized that yes, women shoul dbe eucated and bale to vote and ...

The problem is the third wave feminism kept pushing the envelope and went from equality to female domination and men are too lazy and passive to care. Until they reach the boiling point as many have in the MGTOW movement.

But the main problem is ignorance. Most ordinary every day men have no clue how badly the legal system is stacked against them right upto the point that they are accused of domestic violence, sexual offense and specially when they have to go through a divorce/custody battle. Thats when they realize how badly we are fuc***. Even then most of them are too lazy to start/join a movement as women did back in the day. However some of those men will and thats why we see mens rights groups popping up everywhere. Largely thanks to the spread of information through internet and social media as we are doing this very moment.
One more thing. This burns my shorts a bit. Maybe you can explain. In some videos the guys lament that men are the ones who go to war to risk life and limb to protect women and children. Why don't women go? It always seems lost on these guys that it is men who start these conflicts, rich men sending poor young men often to fight for some economic gain. If it were women in high government and military positions pulling these strings then they would have a case. Yet women suffer from their dead sons and husbands, which gets mocked. I don't understand this.
One more thing. This burns my shorts a bit. Maybe you can explain. In some videos the guys lament that men are the ones who go to war to risk life and limb to protect women and children. Why don't women go? It always seems lost on these guys that it is men who start these conflicts, rich men sending poor young men often to fight for some economic gain. If it were women in high government and military positions pulling these strings then they would have a case. Yet women suffer from their dead sons and husbands, which gets mocked. I don't understand this.

Ok so this one i would disagree with you. There are many countries like Argentina and South Korea that their president is a woman yet almost entirely their military is men. It no because men are in charge, its because men are better fighters and traditionally, men, as you mentioned were the protectors. The problem with todays feminism is that wherever women can benefit from equal rights, they nag and cry and get what they want but when equality is against them, they hide and are all too gracefully quite.
If we believe in true equality and women want the same pay, same divorce rights (which they have more of anyway now), career options and in general everything, they should also chip in equally where it hurts and its hard. Women want equal pay but dont wanna drive trucks in winter, hang from high rise buildings, build roads in mountains, mine, go to war... So yes, men are the ones being sent to war by rich powerful men/women but women are not being sent by the same token.

Worst part is, men have always gone to war to protects their country (from a soldiers point of view not kings and politicianns). To protect their women and children and... they die and instead of gettin gthe honor they deserve, now feminist say they are vicious violent animals that actually like going to war and dying. I swear ive heard more than 10 feminists say this to my face. They say men who go and die in wars deserve it because the enjoy violance. How much does that make your blood boil when you have a veteran or have lost a family memebr to a war to protect your country?
This video touches on that too.
I completely agree. I used to wonder the same thing. The reason is ( i think) while feminism started its first wave, men felt very comfortable in their shoes and didnt take it seriously and secondly, women were right. What the earlier feminist demanded were logical and im sure most sensible men relized that yes, women shoul dbe eucated and bale to vote and ...

The problem is the third wave feminism kept pushing the envelope and went from equality to female domination and men are too lazy and passive to care. Until they reach the boiling point as many have in the MGTOW movement.

But the main problem is ignorance. Most ordinary every day men have no clue how badly the legal system is stacked against them right upto the point that they are accused of domestic violence, sexual offense and specially when they have to go through a divorce/custody battle. Thats when they realize how badly we are fuc***. Even then most of them are too lazy to start/join a movement as women did back in the day. However some of those men will and thats why we see mens rights groups popping up everywhere. Largely thanks to the spread of information through internet and social media as we are doing this very moment.

Again, the horses are out of the barn, it's too late.
Explore a little more how we got here. Many things to look at. Don't like loose women? They wouldn't exist if men would/could control their sexuality. Don't underestimate the value of personal integrity. The men set the standard and women follow.
Almost everybody alive today grew up in front of some kind of electronic fantasy device. Don't under estimate how people are easily manipulated into a code of conduct.
It's a tough slog now but if you mgtow and have integrity there is probably a .0001% chance you won't get creamed. Go team.
Again, the horses are out of the barn, it's too late.
Explore a little more how we got here. Many things to look at. Don't like loose women? They wouldn't exist if men would/could control their sexuality. Don't underestimate the value of personal integrity. The men set the standard and women follow.
Almost everybody alive today grew up in front of some kind of electronic fantasy device. Don't under estimate how people are easily manipulated into a code of conduct.
It's a tough slog now but if you mgtow and have integrity there is probably a .0001% chance you won't get creamed. Go team.

Actually i think if you free yourself from your slavery to the vagina, you will always end up getting more of it. We all know those men who give up their self respect/dignity to please a woman so they can get laid, are usually the one who get it the least. Women dont respect men who are weak minded and are weak in character.
Actually i think if you free yourself from your slavery to the vagina, you will always end up getting more of it. We all know those men who give up their self respect/dignity to please a woman so they can get laid, are usually the one who get it the least. Women dont respect men who are weak minded and are weak in character.

What does this mean? Do you recommend freeing yourself from the slavery of the vagina to get more?
What does this mean? Do you recommend freeing yourself from the slavery of the vagina to get more?
MGTOW doesnt mean never getting laid lol It means not giving up your manhood and dignity to the power of vagina! It means not becoming a doormat servant for a woman just to get laid.
MGTOW doesnt mean never getting laid lol It means not giving up your manhood and dignity to the power of vagina! It means not becoming a doormat servant for a woman just to get laid.

Please, with all due respect, you are blind. This is precisely the attitude that led to the situation we have today. You want your cake and eat it to. You can't complain about the laws in place now and make light of "just to get laid". If you devalue intimate relations with women "just to get laid" this is what you get. Thanks a lot:rolleyes:

I've been mgtow all my life I just thought that was natural. All my relations have been of the slow love variety. Does it make me feel good that I could've scored way more? Sure, whatever. No pump 'n dump, no one night stands. I'm ok with that.
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Please, with all due respect, you are blind. This is precisely the attitude that led to the situation we have today. You want your cake and eat it to. You can't complain about the laws in place now and make light of "just to get laid". If you devalue intimate relations with women "just to get laid" this is what you get. Thanks a lot:rolleyes:
Ok now i know youre trolling because the legal system has nothing to do with my intimate relationship with a f*&^ buddy or a real gf/wife.
I personally am very active in organizations that are
trying to change policy through petitions and protests whether on the street or through MPs and ...
That said, i know personally and through seeing many guy friends that when you become a servant to girls who dont appreciate romance and chivalry, which is most of theyounger generation females now, you dont change anything. All you do is devalue yourself and become a doormat.
Fight the fight where it matters (legally and through legeslation change) and in the same time, keep your self respect and dont give it up for a lay.

And sure, if, and i mean IF you find a level headed girls with values who wants to be with you outside of all this gender wars and someone who will return your care with care, then absolutely, treat her like gold. What i say about not being a door mat is not about that kind of a girl thats going extint. Im talking about ajority of girls (at least in biig cities) who want nothing to do with an intimate honest relationship. They will use whatever guy that will give into them for their sex and will milk him (no pun intended) for all he has and then will leave him like a piece of trash. If you dont respect yourself, no one will
Ok now i know youre trolling because the legal system has nothing to do with my intimate relationship with a f*&^ buddy or a real gf/wife.
I personally am very active in organizations that are
trying to change policy through petitions and protests whether on the street or through MPs and ...
That said, i know personally and through seeing many guy friends that when you become a servant to girls who dont appreciate romance and chivalry, which is most of theyounger generation females now, you dont change anything. All you do is devalue yourself and become a doormat.
Fight the fight where it matters (legally and through legeslation change) and in the same time, keep your self respect and dont give it up for a lay.

And sure, if, and i mean IF you find a level headed girls with values who wants to be with you outside of all this gender wars and someone who will return your care with care, then absolutely, treat her like gold. What i say about not being a door mat is not about that kind of a girl thats going extint. Im talking about ajority of girls (at least in biig cities) who want nothing to do with an intimate honest relationship. They will use whatever guy that will give into them for their sex and will milk him (no pun intended) for all he has and then will leave him like a piece of trash. If you dont respect yourself, no one will

Yes, I understand. I have acknowledged the situation we are in TODAY. I understand what women are like TODAY. Absolutely, fight the good fight but try to understand how we got here TODAY. Do we want to go down the same path to ensure tomorrow will be like TODAY?
Don't you see you wouldn't have a f*&^ if both of you took the long view and put value on the other person? And in the long run you'd both be so much further ahead? Most likely one of you will feel used after the other moves on. Don't under estimate the cumulative power that has over a person. Movements are built on those feelings. Witness the laws of TODAY.
I'm not offended you calling me a troll it tells me you don't understand what I'm saying.

Now, if you're active in organizations then obviously you need to tow the company line, I get that. So I think we're done here.
I've read through this thread and I should probably get on my knees every and thank god every day that I married the woman I did. Could you imagine being married ro that crazy Steph Guthrie chick. I would have already been jailed for murder.

I live in Whitby. During the election that assclown Celina Caesar Chavannes who was running for the liberal party came by the house. My wife answered the door and the first question out of her mouth was "Are you interested in the question of woman's rights?" My wife's response was "I don't know, let me ask my husband." She said her jaw hit the floor.

Priceless. Love you babe :)
Yes, I understand. I have acknowledged the situation we are in TODAY. I understand what women are like TODAY. Absolutely, fight the good fight but try to understand how we got here TODAY. Do we want to go down the same path to ensure tomorrow will be like TODAY?
Don't you see you wouldn't have a f*&^ if both of you took the long view and put value on the other person? And in the long run you'd both be so much further ahead? Most likely one of you will feel used after the other moves on. Don't under estimate the cumulative power that has over a person. Movements are built on those feelings. Witness the laws of TODAY.
I'm not offended you calling me a troll it tells me you don't understand what I'm saying.

Now, if you're active in organizations then obviously you need to tow the company line, I get that. So I think we're done here.

Haha im not towing the company line. There is no company and its not my job. I do it as a volunteer because i care about men's issues. Also,and i didnt mean youre a troll in a demeaning way. I meant it more like youre arguing for the sake of arguing or entertainment.
At the end of the day, this needs to be settled and the laws need to change and become more fare. Grant it, in many countries in the owlrd, women dont have equal rights and feminism is needed in those countries but in a place like Canada, men are the ones who no longer have equal rights.
What im saying is that the pendelum went too far and needs to settle down in the middle. But it wont happen on its onw. We need a movement and the first part of any movement is to educate the masses on whats happening. Thats the only way they will mobilize.
I've read through this thread and I should probably get on my knees every and thank god every day that I married the woman I did. Could you imagine being married ro that crazy Steph Guthrie chick. I would have already been jailed for murder.

I live in Whitby. During the election that assclown Celina Caesar Chavannes who was running for the liberal party came by the house. My wife answered the door and the first question out of her mouth was "Are you interested in the question of woman's rights?" My wife's response was "I don't know, let me ask my husband." She said her jaw hit the floor.

Priceless. Love you babe :)

Bahahaha thats awesome! Women like that give the rest of us hope that there are always the exceptions to the rule!
Happy for you mate!
Bahahaha thats awesome! Women like that give the rest of us hope that there are always the exceptions to the rule!
Happy for you mate!

The only thing I have to talk her into now is a Ménage à Trois. She did say it was ok as long as she got to pick the other guy herself:) It really wasn't what I had in mind
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