I don't blame you for thinking that. Sometimes I'm hard on people to test their mettle. Don't fold like a cheap lawnchair please. Ok, here's my take. This feminist thread took me to a lot of videos and articles. I never used to pay attention to this stuff. Of all the mostly pathetic men bitching (some is valid don't get me wrong) the thing I never see is the acknowledgement that we, as men and to a lesser extent society, get the women we deserve. There's lots more to say about that.
Well im glad this thread got you to do some research. What conclusion you come to is yours but i prefer people doing research and coming to an opposing conclusoin to mine than never doing nay research and just gobbling up whatever mainstream media shoves down their throat.
That said, its not about men getting women they deserve or not. Its about the laws of the land that govern all of us. Whether you have a good woman or a bad one, once there is a conflict, the laws as massively against men.
Not only there is no acknowledgment for men and their worth anymore in the mainstream media. Not only men are almost exclusively portrayed as perverted violant crominals who are all one drink away from being a rapist. Not only men have no government funded place to go to for their psycological issue as women have hundereds of shelters all around Canada which are all government funded. But also men have a 4 times higher suicide rate than women in Canada. Men are the ones who are always removed from any domestic violence dispute, regardless of who did what to whom and even whos property it is. Also, the rate of male students in secondary schools have been dropping since the 70s and there is no action from the government to fix it but talk about women's issues every day in the mainstream media.
I can go on and on about how men have become the second class citizens in Canada and you can keep denying it. 87% of EXCLUSIVE custodies are granted to mothers while fathers are stripped from their right to be a father. And thats orderd by the judge who follows Canadian legal system. Try getting a divorce as a man vs a woman. A man looses everything when a woman takes it all.
So its not about some skewed point of view. Those numbers are real. I took the exclusive custody numbers from statcan itself and not some mens right blog.
So we can disagree all we want but facts are facts and men are being left behind and in fact demonized in our mainstream Canadian media while being kicked by the government.
The latest one was banning single men who were running from the same bombs as women were from becoming refugess in Canada. Very shamelessly applauded by the Liberals too.
men have become disposable and are treated like the lesser of the two now. So agree to disagree but these are very real issues and if you havnt been through them yourself, ask your friends and families who have,