Did you exercise today? | Page 23 | GTAMotorcycle.com

Did you exercise today?

You're one of the most chill people I know...surprised blood pressure is a concern.

Few of my friends (mid-early 40s) have major blood pressure issues...primarily because they have been drinking for the last 10-15 years on the regular.

Some will actually turn beet red at the first sip of alcohol.
Unfortunately I must have bad genetics I have had high blood pressure forever I don't drink.

Sent from the future
Beauty long weekend we had :)

Saturday - 15KM Mountain Bike (Durham Forest)
Sunday - 60KM Gravel Ride (Clarington Area)
Monday - Various activities with the youngest

Couldn't have asked for a better weather weekend!
Didn’t have much time today, so did a short core workout and some weights
Did a bunch of cycling and weights yesterday, today is core day :)
Bike ride with the neighbour yesterday...made me a nice latte afterwards, so i felt accomplished by 8AM lol
then a nice little walk with kiddo to fly her lil drone (and mine)
Did some core work yesterday, today did a bunch of cycling and weights
Anyone use those walking pads before? I see tons of them for sale and the majority are weird names from Asia...
I have one that I keep to the side in my kitchen and pull it out on my lunch breaks. It gets more use in the winter than summer as I'm just too busy this time of year.

Saturday did about 20k steps teaching, then rode home stopping in Bala for ice cream. Did a good chest workout when I got home and I'm definitely feeling my chesticles today.
I have one that I keep to the side in my kitchen and pull it out on my lunch breaks. It gets more use in the winter than summer as I'm just too busy this time of year.

Saturday did about 20k steps teaching, then rode home stopping in Bala for ice cream. Did a good chest workout when I got home and I'm definitely feeling my chesticles today.
What type? I saw a manual Nordic track for a good price but think I’ll go with the electric ones instead. Seems like the better call but I assume most won’t last too long.

As for exercising…half my workout done and was just about to go for my walk but 1pm meeting and i won’t be back in time.

Hence why I want that walking pad, eliminate the excuses.
What type? I saw a manual Nordic track for a good price but think I’ll go with the electric ones instead. Seems like the better call but I assume most won’t last too long.

As for exercising…half my workout done and was just about to go for my walk but 1pm meeting and i won’t be back in time.

Hence why I want that walking pad, eliminate the excuses.
I'm tight on space, so went with this one since I can fold it in half. I got mine through an online auction site.

Good walk today. But I think if I look at some chips I’ll gain 250cal…


Best part of scout nights is I get 1.5hrs to myself with no guilt! Kids have scouts, I go for a walk, wife stays home and chills with the youngest one.

Everyone wins. Too bad tonight is last scout night until September.
Back was being a bit weird today, so I went and did a solid core workout, feel better now.

Changed it up a bit though, my core training always included resistance bands, but I found certain weight machines have little straps you can tie around your legs and add actual weights to the core routine, this is much better for building ever increasing strength, instead of just plateauing

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