Dear America: GET A GRIP !!!!

No right turn on a Red in York? Crap I’m up there once a week and had no idea.

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Not all of York Region, but many of the arterial roads intersections in the southern quadrant are now there are no rights on reds 7 AM to 7PM. New ones added monthly. Zero enforcement, so it won't be long before they become invisible to most drivers.

Another thing they seem to have done to slow traffic is unsync traffic lights. Until last year, I could catch a green heading east from Markham Rd to the 404 and sail through if I kept to the speed limit on 16th or Maj Mac (17th). No more, all stoplight synchronization seems to be gone.

Worse on bikes -- there are some intersections that won't go green unless a car is over a sensor. Crossing McCowan on Bullock in the wee hours makes one hop off the bike to smash the pedestrian x-walk button.
Not all of York Region, but many of the arterial roads intersections in the southern quadrant are now there are no rights on reds 7 AM to 7PM. New ones added monthly. Zero enforcement, so it won't be long before they become invisible to most drivers.

Another thing they seem to have done to slow traffic is unsync traffic lights. Until last year, I could catch a green heading east from Markham Rd to the 404 and sail through if I kept to the speed limit on 16th or Maj Mac (17th). No more, all stoplight synchronization seems to be gone.

Worse on bikes -- there are some intersections that won't go green unless a car is over a sensor. Crossing McCowan on Bullock in the wee hours makes one hop off the bike to smash the pedestrian x-walk button.
Weird way of saying stop then go when clear

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Worse on bikes -- there are some intersections that won't go green unless a car is over a sensor. Crossing McCowan on Bullock in the wee hours makes one hop off the bike to smash the pedestrian x-walk button.
Technically that's illegal (unless you turn your bike off and put it at the curb) because you're leaving an unattended running vehicle.
I prefer to make a right turn, then a u-turn, then another right. All perfectly legit.
Technically that's illegal (unless you turn your bike off and put it at the curb) because you're leaving an unattended running vehicle.
I prefer to make a right turn, then a u-turn, then another right. All perfectly legit.
Probably the only illegal thing I ever do on a motorcycle.

Makes me feel like a badass.
Or just lay on the horn/rev the crap out of it until a local resident comes out a pushes the button for you /s :)
I wait a while and then run the red.
EDIT: After checking for a cop 3X
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No right turn on a Red in York? Crap I’m up there once a week and had no idea.

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One problem with right on red is the red turner plugs the intersection for the cross traffic when their light goes green. Done courteously it isn't a problem but courtesy is rare today.

Try to write a law that defines what conditions have to exist for the right on red guy to turn.
In Toronto the pattern I have noted is when bike lanes are added so is the no right on a red for major intersections (via signs). I don't know if it is policy (for bike lanes) or just that they have made changes to the intersection so they also included this change.
In Toronto the pattern I have noted is when bike lanes are added so is the no right on a red for major intersections (via signs). I don't know if it is policy (for bike lanes) or just that they have made changes to the intersection so they also included this change.
The redline got removed from offsides in hockey because it was too hard for referees to make that split-second decision dependably.

I think that's why they do it with bike lanes, eliminates the split-second decision-making for both drivers and cyclists
The redline got removed from offsides in hockey because it was too hard for referees to make that split-second decision dependably.

I think that's why they do it with bike lanes, eliminates the split-second decision-making for both drivers and cyclists
The mind boggles when there is a dedicated right turn lane and they run the bike lane up the right side of it. wtf. You couldn't create a worse opportunity for conflict. Bike lane should cross to the left at the initiation of the right turn lane to allow visibility time and space for bikes and vehicles to make the crossover. That automatically deconflicts them at the intersection (assuming the vehicle in the right turn lane goes right and doesn't try to go straight through which is a big assumption lately). Obviously this strategy doesn't work well without a dedicated turn lane.
In Toronto the pattern I have noted is when bike lanes are added so is the no right on a red for major intersections (via signs). I don't know if it is policy (for bike lanes) or just that they have made changes to the intersection so they also included this change.
Since this discussion was in this thread, Toronto just bumped the ticket price for blocking the box to $500. The only way that works is if they also ban right on red everywhere (which they haven't done). You can't enter the box until you know you can get out but the right turners will steal the spot before the vehicles going straight. Nobody gets to move straight. Amazing. Good job Chow. Another stellar improvement.
That must be one of the most ignored regulations in the HTA judging by the brain dead entitled red light turners I see most mornings.
If cops focus on right turners for their blocking the box violations, maybe that will improve.
Since this discussion was in this thread, Toronto just bumped the ticket price for blocking the box to $500. The only way that works is if they also ban right on red everywhere (which they haven't done). You can't enter the box until you know you can get out but the right turners will steal the spot before the vehicles going straight. Nobody gets to move straight. Amazing. Good job Chow. Another stellar improvement.
Not sure I understand. If you can't get through the box, you don't enter the box. It should be that simple.

A right-on-red turners will occasionally jam the curb lane, but only when the grid is already locked on their turn side - then the car passing thru does not enter the box. If the lane is open, ROW goes to the cars passing through the box, R-onRed turner waits.

I'm frequently driving around one of the nastiest block-up areas of the city, the most common block I see is left turners stuck in the block, often 2 wide. I've seen up to 8 cars blocking the intersection at Spadina and Front, completely blocking east-west traffic on Front Street for a whole traffic light cycle.

If I can't see my way out of he box, I'm hanging back at the line. Some drivers do, many do not.
Not sure I understand. If you can't get through the box, you don't enter the box. It should be that simple.

A right-on-red turners will occasionally jam the curb lane, but only when the grid is already locked on their turn side - then the car passing thru does not enter the box. If the lane is open, ROW goes to the cars passing through the box, R-onRed turner waits.

I'm frequently driving around one of the nastiest block-up areas of the city, the most common block I see is left turners stuck in the block, often 2 wide. I've seen up to 8 cars blocking the intersection at Spadina and Front, completely blocking east-west traffic on Front Street for a whole traffic light cycle.

If I can't see my way out of he box, I'm hanging back at the line. Some drivers do, many do not.
You are saying the rules as they are written. In my experience right on red goes as soon as they can get their nose in any lane. Most drivers in Ontario function on where they can wedge their vehicle and either don't know or don't care about right of way rules.

I, like you, try to hang back and not block the box. If I can see a Ror ahole that's going to screw me, I will take that opportunity away from them.
Do you mean like HTA 141 and HTA 145
It is illegal to enter an intersection if you have no way of exiting the intersection while the light is green
And 144 (19).

Exception — turn​

(19) Despite subsection (18) and subject to subsection (14), a driver, after stopping his or her vehicle and yielding the right of way to traffic lawfully approaching so closely that to proceed would constitute an immediate hazard, may,

(a) turn to the right; or
(b) turn to the left from a one-way street into a one-way street, without a green indication being shown. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 144 (19).

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