Dad relocates to Philippines to avoid paying support

Why did the paper even run this story? So retarded. Surely the author knew that there would be no outcry of support for the wife... the numbers don't add up in the man's favour at all. He was ruined completely.
While I recognize a he-said-she-said scenario for the alimony payments, I still think he should provide child support. I inferred from the article that he stopped paying it (after the amended ruling). I think that is wrong.
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While I recognize a he-said-she-said scenario for the alimony payments, I still think he should provide child support. I inferred from the article that he's not paying it. I think that is wrong.

He was paying up until he split 7 months ago (as per the article). Only when the wife came after spousal support, did he bail on everything.
While I recognize a he-said-she-said scenario for the alimony payments, I still think he should provide child support. I inferred from the article that he's not paying it. I think that is wrong.

if you read the article he was already paying 2500 / month in child support payments ... then the stupid ex wife went for another 1500 to bring it up to 4000 / month ... if he paid that he'd have only 1300 / month to live ...
The Star is famous for these 'woe-is-me' articles, trying to paint people as a victim with very one-sided headlines and sappy pictures. I'm not even sure what this is doing in a newspaper - I guess the woman is trying to shame her ex by publicly airing their dirty laundry, but I think it's classless and despicable.
The Star is famous for these 'woe-is-me' articles, trying to paint people as a victim with very one-sided headlines and sappy pictures. I'm not even sure what this is doing in a newspaper - I guess the woman is trying to shame her ex by publicly airing their dirty laundry, but I think it's classless and despicable.

I bet she may even be shocked at the response she thought she'd get with an article like this as opposed to what reaction she is getting.....
Reading all the comments it certainly nice to see the Star's "Woe is mom..." attempt backfired. While I don't condone what the dad did it's understandable. They system put him in an unrealistic and untenable position. Lots of men commit suicide when it happens to them...this guy chose to run.

The people I really feel for are the kids, they are being deeply hurt by their parents idiocy & greed.

The courts, especially the FRO, are just as culpable; there is an enormous anti-male bias in the system. We were friends with a family that are also going through a nasty divorce; it wouldn't surprise me if the father eventually does the same thing as the fellow in the article. His ex-wife is all about revenge and is using the system to destroy her ex-husband...and the system is more than happy to let her. Disgusting...
I feel that you owe me $10,000 a month for all the oppression white people have put on my kind.

Deal.. Right after I collect the $50,000 from the first Turk I come across, to compensate for the Ottoman occupation of my old country :cool:
if you read the article he was already paying 2500 / month in child support payments ... then the stupid ex wife went for another 1500 to bring it up to 4000 / month ... if he paid that he'd have only 1300 / month to live ...

I saw that (sorry, my last post was ambiguous). What was not clear was if he continued to pay any child support (e.g. the original 2500 amount) after the amended ruling.
****** thing to do to your kids but I don't see what other choice the man had. Our system is ****ed. From what I've read the husband was making a go at it until the wife got greedy. I have to sympathy for her.
He was paying up until he split 7 months ago (as per the article). Only when the wife came after spousal support, did he bail on everything.

That's my understanding. I still think he should pay child support of some kind (If not for legal reasons than for moral/ethical reasons).
That's my understanding. I still think he should pay child support of some kind (If not for legal reasons than for moral/ethical reasons).

yeah, I get what you're saying. Only issue there is, if he was still here, he'd be paying for ALL of it and that would be his financial ruin while his wife makes off with a sizable income. ruin and paying alimony, possibly leading to your early grave...or try and get some of your life in order and remaining 20ish years left on the planet in tact. Raw deal if there was one.
If he was here, he would be in jail for not paying. He should still try and communicate with his kids but I agree with not paying. They already settled that he wouldn't pay spousal support yet she still went back and got it plus her legal fees. I don't know where in Ontario he would be able to live while paying over $4k monthly. The courts do some stupid things sometimes. And if the ex-wife is a teacher, there is nothing stopping her from tutoring or taking short term contracts. Sell the mansion, buy a $400k house and live of the the rest.
That's my understanding. I still think he should pay child support of some kind (If not for legal reasons than for moral/ethical reasons).

why does he have to pay child support (other than our system) when they have joint custody of the children and supposedly 50/50 visitation rights. Why doesn't the mom pay child support? Is it because she's not working? What if the dude decides to quit his job and not work too. Would the lady pay spousal support as well? She got the mansion what more does she want.
Normally my knee-jerk reaction would be to side with the mother, seeing as my own father literally did the exact same thing to our family (f'ed off to the Philippines in order to avoid paying child support). In this particular situation tho, this guy looks like he would've been in financial ruin were he to comply with the new court order. The payments just look to be absolutely crippling....I don't know how anyone could expect this guy to come up with that kind of $$ and still be able to support himself.

That's the thing, the system doesn't care. The courts told my dad to start taking the bus when he said there was no way to afford his vehicle paying what they wanted him to.

Yeah, mother gets free handouts and is allowed to continue her lifestyle unchanged, meanwhile dad has his world flipped upside down and is told to give up everything he has ever known and built up...

I love both of my parents but I am a tad spiteful towards my mother for the **** she pulled, but in the end everything managed to work out.

Spousal support is honestly a huge ******* joke if you ask me. It's roots have great reasoning and basis, but this isn't the 50s anymore

I have no idea how my dad managed to get through everything, I would have blown my own brains out. For a few years he was stuck living in a ******** basement apartment within walking distance of work, eating one meal a day and spending most of his time twoddlong his thumbs. He didn't even have the ability to flee to the phillipines, his assets were frozen and auto garnished, back support was factored in, all this ****. Finally after years of **** it was all sorted out and iirc my mom actually owes my dad money now because it turns out she lied about a whole load of circumstantial stuff to sway the courts and judge her way.. hmm I bet that never happens.

Stories like this hit home. Divoirces are nasty
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When I first met my partner he was under a temporary support agreement. The total payments to his ex-wife were $100 more than he made each month. Of course this left nothing to live on. It took over 2 years, thousands in legal fees and the help of family/friends to help him through it and get the agreement modified.

When he lost his job, she went to court and asked for 100% of his severance. B!tch didn't get all of it, but did get about 50%. Everytime he had $1, she went to court and asked for $1.50. Court even decided to give him the bill for her lawyer as well. Oh yeah, she also rang up tens of thousands of credit card debt in his name (he didn't know she opened the accounts). He had to file bankruptcy to get it wiped out.

It was on the second or third hearing of an amended support agreement before the judge finally ran the numbers and went WTF - how did this happen? Support for her was virtually eliminated and support for the children reduced to what he could afford. As soon as the judge read the ruling, she threw herself on the floor and screamed but not I can't afford to pay my bills.

One of the classic lines in the whole final hearing was when her lawyer suggested to my partner he get a second job to continue to pay the outrageous amounts as it isn't right for her to have to work - too stressful with all the court action. The judge laughed along with us.

Don't like the fact the guy can't see his kids, but kudos to him for having the balls to say FU to her and the corrupt system.
why does he have to pay child support (other than our system) when they have joint custody of the children and supposedly 50/50 visitation rights. Why doesn't the mom pay child support? Is it because she's not working? What if the dude decides to quit his job and not work too. Would the lady pay spousal support as well? She got the mansion what more does she want.

I think they agreed to the mother having sole custody so, she automatically gets child support. If it's joint custody, one will automatically get child support. (It's basically the one that get the kids the majority of the time and agreed to in court.

If they have shared custody, there is no child support payments.

I guess the lesson is, don't try to be nice up front. Sell all the assets, split the debts/assets equally and then move on.

I don't know the situation but, I know plenty of folks that stayed together for the children or financial reasons and it was worse for the kids. Sounds like the fella met a woman while working over seas. He tried to make a clean break and ended up getting into a deeper hole after trying to get things finalized earlier to move on with the new missus.
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