Crappy Parker's Thread

I can't believe no one spotted this, that licence plate is owned and issued by the Province to one of the government's own - This person has clearly been identified as an *** hat - why pick on them?

It's a truck or commercial plate... Am I missing something?
Black lettered/numbered plates don't belong on SUVs.
My jeep came with black numbered plates for some reason, I thought it was a "jeep thing" but it turned it is not :)
Nope, someone else is missing a few marbles.

Its a truck plate .. same as every other truck or larger SUV out on the road.

My bad, sorry about that folks - Gov't issue would be blue lettered, not black and have the 'bumble bee' sticker. - Commercial plate should have sticker up front, not rear. Wierd how it's 6 digit but the 'new' font. I will have the Mrs. apply 1000 lashings in your absence - she won't mind as she's all worked up over the release of 50 shades.
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They belong on any commercially owned vehicle (which could be, but rarely is, an SUV)

why does EVERY pick-up have these? Many that I see are parked on people's driveway and seem to be their personal vehicles.
why does EVERY pick-up have these? Many that I see are parked on people's driveway and seem to be their personal vehicles.

When a vehicle is registered for the first time with the NVIS it can be classified as either a commercial or personal vehicle.

Pick up trucks are registered as commercial by default, you can register them as personal if you want but only if you're the first owner. Once it has been registered you can't change the commercial/personal classification.

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why does EVERY pick-up have these? Many that I see are parked on people's driveway and seem to be their personal vehicles.

Not sure about all the rules but when I got my pickup I would have had to get a set of truck plates hadn't it been that I have personalized plates.
same as above bought brand new from dealer and if I didn't have personal plates wold have gotten commercial ones
If you are the type that likes to take stuff to the local dump, get personal plates. Around here, anytime you go to the public dump (free), no matter what vehicle you have, if it has black plates, they send you to the commercial side where you have to PAY.

Sent from my Z30
heres a good one..


explanation. its an empty parking lot. no-one ever parks there. ever. lol
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