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I can't believe no one spotted this, that licence plate is owned and issued by the Province to one of the government's own - This person has clearly been identified as an *** hat - why pick on them?
It's a truck or commercial plate... Am I missing something?
At National Sports on Keele St. the other day:
View attachment 35442
Black lettered/numbered plates don't belong on SUVs.
My jeep came with black numbered plates for some reason, I thought it was a "jeep thing" but it turned it is notBlack lettered/numbered plates don't belong on SUVs.
Nope, someone else is missing a few marbles.
Its a truck plate .. same as every other truck or larger SUV out on the road.
Black lettered/numbered plates don't belong on SUVs.
They belong on any commercially owned vehicle (which could be, but rarely is, an SUV)
why does EVERY pick-up have these? Many that I see are parked on people's driveway and seem to be their personal vehicles.
why does EVERY pick-up have these? Many that I see are parked on people's driveway and seem to be their personal vehicles.