I'm not sure how you can make $ on this, but expect a mini-baby boom in 9 months! ???
I'm not sure how you can make $ on this, but expect a mini-baby boom in 9 months! ???
Be a divorce attorney? New babies plus people that can't stand to be around each other anymore has to be worth a fortune.I'm not sure how you can make $ on this, but expect a mini-baby boom in 9 months! ???
Start hording diapers.I'm not sure how you can make $ on this, but expect a mini-baby boom in 9 months! ???
I'm not sure how you can make $ on this, but expect a mini-baby boom in 9 months! ???
my wife is currently working a paediatric / labour/del ward, anybody remember that blackout in the gta about a decade ago?? the newborns were stacked up like cordwood. About 9-10 months from now will be another jam up in delivery. They actually track this stuff and prepare. That big ice storm 20 some years ago was a bonanza for gyno's in eastern ont.